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发表于 2007-3-28 23:28:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




课程安排: 1. 命题化作文 2. 图表作文 3. 信件作文

一、三个避免错误: 1. 语法不能出现重大错误 2. 不能有太多拼写错误 3. 内容要切题 评分标准:语言第一位;结构第二位;内容第三位

高分作文要有三个C 1. contact  紧凑 2. concise  简洁的 3. concrete 具体 好作文一定是结构紧凑、用词简洁、内容具体的文章。 好作文有“三多”: 1. 关联词多 2. 动词短语多、 形容词多
3. 熟练运用复杂语法较多,多出现第三人称写法. 二、选题 1、两个无关: 1) 与现有的专业学习无关 2) 与居住地域和文化品味无关 2. 怎样选题和表述 1)永恒话题 例如:friendship and love ,environmental protection, cultural exchange,health,education. 2)热点话题 例如:indulgence of computer network,honesty and mutual trust,teamwork,traffic,housing..
(1)要对观点进行阐述; (2)观点对比; (3)原因解释; (4)举例说明; (5)建议措施; (6)趋势; (7)对图画图表进行描述。

三、写作流程: 1. 三分钟判断写作段落种类; 2. 套写各段首句; 3. 25分钟写作,长短结合,难易结合。 写作策略:长句靠语法串接,短句靠关联词串接。 4. 检查,三一致,两不能。 人称一致、时态一致、主谓一致。

四、观点陈述文章写作方法 1. 时间、 地点、人称具体化;
2. 正反对比法 It is generally believed that_______.  1) 关联词短语化 to begin with  at the first place in addition    what is more third 2)动词短语化 3)名词修饰化 It is commonly accepted that
五、英语句型: 1. there be 2. 名词 is/ are 形容词/ 名词  be to do  be+表语从句  be+形容词+ for sb + to do sth  use to be   love   marry   murder  fall in love with   get along with  背单词: 第一步背动词; 第二步背形容词; 第三步背介词短语; 最后背名词。
3. 主谓宾表达 名词+谓语动词+名词 谓语动词:动词+介词 名词:前加形容词;    名词+doing/ done  名词+that+从句

4. 引用 When it comes to the topic of smoking (When _____ is discussed,) it is presumably proper (reasonable, appropriate, suitable, justified) to cite an old saying (a proverb): ____________.

读一些演讲词 1)借文章的话发挥; 2)借结构换名词; 3)加强查找。

六、第二段写作 1. 举例 2. 原因 他们怎么想、怎么做、政府
他们开始意识到 They come to realize that ______ is important / harmful They seldom come to realize that ______ is important / harmful
1. 举例 2. 原因
两方面表述观点: 1)正反对比 2)引用  1)人们思想意识 pay attention to    due attention to  be awear of consequence They seldom pay due attention to smoking. They are not fully awear of consequence of smoking. attach important to do one's best to do sth   try one's best to do sth  take actions active   concrete  swift action 2)政府行为  
make plans   tailor to  expensive  time consuming 读文章要满足KMTS: key words, 关键词 main idea topic sentence structure 3)科学技术 effective medicine has not been invented yet. Effective drugs and dozes have not been found yet.
To begin with, some smorkers don't (pay due attention to seldom come to realize that) not fully aware of the consequence of smoking, as a result, they seldom do their best to get rid of smoking. Second, government make plans that tailor to smoker's need.  Third, effective drugs and dozes have not been found yet.
1)美国人口增加 2)动物数量减少 3)分析动物减少原因

critical reading  评判式阅读 1)掌握名词具体问题 2)动词逻辑问题 广泛的阅读可以模仿字、结构、创意、框架。 七、第三段写作 建议段 In order to protect non-smokers from becoming smokers, measures should be taken to reduce the appeal of smoking. 1)是否有立法的必要 make laws  initiate laws  prise for  legislation 2)投资 invest  set aside  sufficient  found   allocate annual budget
3)增强意识 cultivate awareness  enhance awareness 4)采取行动

P182 经典例文3
What Is Success?     [提纲]   1.不同的人对成功有不同的看法。(观点对应)   2.然而,我的观点是……   3.为了获得成功,我们应该……(建议措施)   

1. show your understanding
(1)It is generally believed that_______. When people have _______, they offer _______ to others. On the contrary, when people are deprived of ________, they feel _________. Therefore, it is not difficult to imagine what life will be if in a world devoid of ______.  (2)When it comes to the topic of _______(When _____ is discussed,) it is presumably proper (reasonable, appropriate, suitable, justified) to cite an old saying (a proverb): ____________. This remark (statement, comment, observation) is naturally linked with (be associated with, ) a golden rule (a universal truth, a fundamental principle, a glittering rule) in an ever-changing society, that is, ________

2. 不同人有不同观点(观点对比)
(1)When asked about an ideal place to live, the vast (overwhelming majority of/quite a few) people believe that a city may be a wise choice but other people don’t think so, insisting that countryside be a comfortable and peaceful place to live in. (2)When it comes to private cars, people‘s views/notions vary from one to another. Some people maintain that ____. Although it does contain an element of truth, the opposite is probably true. (3)Whenever the debate of _____ is raised among the general public, some people tend to exaggerate any benefit that may arise. However, through years of practice, it turns out that this statement has many restrictions.

3. reason(原因)
(1)因果兼顾 What has brought about this debate? Personally, I believe that three primary reasons may account for this. To begin with, as a result of ___, _____. So ___. In addition, ___ in order to ___, Then ___. Finally, coupled with ___ is ___ that contributes to ___ (3)因果取舍 When it comes to the issue of _________, some people are more likely to ascribe its emergence to _______. However, it is not the primary reason at all. Rather, _______.

4. 应该怎么做(advise suggest)
(1) 建议列举 It is imperative for us to take severe measures to put it on hold. For one thing, we must appeal to authorities to make (initiate, launch) strict (severe) laws to control _____. For another thing, we should enhance people’s awareness that ____ is vital for us. Still, we are obliged to take broad actions to start an anti-____ campaign. Only in this way can we have a bright future.
(2) 设问
What measures should be taken to arrest and reverse this grave situation? All nations round the world are expected to launch comprehensive projects that tailor to local situation. Although these plans are geographically and culturally specific, they must contain two key elements: protection and education. By protection I mean up-to-date measures to keep track of any destructive activities that may arise. By education I mean common understanding among people at all ages that _____ is an indispensable part in ______. Many options still exist, and human beings can still have a bright future.

第一步,描述(describe) 第二步,原因(reason) 第三步,预测(predict) 1. 图表种类 (1)table      (2)graph    (3)pie chart    (4)bar chart
1. 描述 第一句话,Indicated above is a graph 第二句话抓住图表总趋势 第三句话写最低点 第四句话写最高点 最后一句写图表的变化是什么样的
  [例子]The graph below shows the changes of consumer price index in a certain country from the year 1929 to 1975. Write a short composition of about 120 words to describe the changes and offer your own reasons for the changes.

  [范文]This graph gives information about the changes in consumer price index from the year 1929 to 1975. After studying the information in the graph we may conclude that prices increased greatly over the time span despite fluctuations. Although the consumer price index reached its bottom in 1933, the index almost tripled from 1929 to 1975, growing from 50 to 150.
  The most possible reason for the rise of prices was economic development. As is known by everyone, when one economy becomes prosperous, it usually needs a larger amount of circulating money. And since the overall economic development of most countries between 1929 and 1977, including the country in question, was for the better, it was understandable that more and more bank notes had been added to circulation, and this almost inevitably caused inflation, which brought about the rise in prices.

  [例子]The bar chart below shows the tendencies of infant mortality and people's life expectancy in a developing country. Look at the graph and write a composition of about 120 words making reference to the following points.
The bar chart below shows the tendencies of infant mortality and people’s life expectancy in a developing country. Look at the graph and write a composition of about 120 words making reference to the following points.
  1. The changing tendencies in infant mortality and life expectancy.
  2. Possible reasons for the changes.

  [范文]These two graphs describe respectively the development tendency of infant mortality and life expectancy in a developing country. As is show in the graphs, there has been a marked decrease in the infant mortality rate between the year 1960 and 1990, whereas the life expectancy zoomed from 40 in the year 1960 to 90 years in 1990. In the year 1960, the infant mortality rate was about 225 in 1000, as compared to about 100 in the year 1990.
  There are multiple reasons for the decrease in infant mortality rate, the most important of which, I would propose, is the development of medical care for children and expecting mothers. The increase in life expectancy is due to several reasons. Better chances for personal development, better education and better economic environment which the development of the country has provided are all contributing factors, in addition to the development of medicine, which greatly reduced the chances of dying from diseases.

1. 原因分析段落:
开头方法(1) : 因果兼顾
What has brought about this debate? Personally, I believe that three primary reasons may account for this. To begin with, as a result of ___, _____. So ___. In addition, ___ in order to ___, Then ___. Finally, coupled with ___ is ___ that contributes to ___

开头方法(2) 无果有因
There are many reasons for it, the most important of which, I would propose, is _____. Additionally, ___ is a contributing factor accounting for ______. Finally, ____ can be traced to _____.

When it comes to the issue of _________, some people are more likely to ascribe its emergence to _______. However, it is not the primary reason at all. Rather, _______.

Whenever the debate of _______ is raised, some people are prone to attribute its expansion to _____. Nevertheless, it is nothing more than a tip of the gigantic iceberg. As a matter of fact, __________.

1. 结论段:用to sum up, to wit, in a word, in conclusion进行观点重述
2. 预测趋势段:
好趋势:on the basis of analysis, we can confidently predict that great changes have taken place in the past _____ years. This tendency, I believe, will be going on in an exciting direction.
不好趋势:On the basis of analysis above, it is reasonable to conclude that _____ has posed tremendous threat to our life. Worse still, this tendency will be going on in a disturbing direction. Therefore it is high time that we took drastic actions to put it on hold. As an old saying goes, “Don’t fix your roof on a rainy day.”
3. 建议措施段:
开头方法(1) 建议列举:
It is imperative for us to take severe measures to put it on hold. For one thing, we must appeal to authorities to make (initiate, launch) strict (severe) laws to control _____. For another thing, we should enhance people’s awareness that ____ is vital for us. Still, we are obliged to take broad actions to start an anti-____ campaign. Only in this way can we have a bright future.

  What measures should be taken to arrest and reverse this grave situation? All nations round the world are expected to launch comprehensive projects that tailor to local situation. Although these plans are geographically and culturally specific, they must contain two key elements: protection and education. By protection I mean up-to-date measures to keep track of any destructive activities that may arise. By education I mean common understanding among people at all ages that _____ is an indispensable part in ______. Many options still exist, and human beings can still have a bright future.

第一段: 起始段:
1. 观点对比选择题:
When asked about an ideal place to live, the vast (overwhelming majority of/quite a few) people believe that a city may be a wise choice but other people don’t think so, insisting that countryside be a comfortable and peaceful place to live in.

When it comes to private cars, people‘s views/notions vary from one to another. Some people maintain that ____. Although it does contain an element of truth, the opposite is probably true.

  Whenever the debate of _____ is raised among the general public, some people tend to exaggerate any benefit that may arise. However, through years of practice, it turns out that this statement has many restrictions.

2.  观点论证:
  It is generally believed that_______. When people have _______, they offer _______ to others. On the contrary, when people are deprived of ________, they feel _________. Therefore, it is not difficult to imagine what life will be if in a world devoid of ______.

开头方式(2) 引用推出观点.
  When it comes to the topic of _______(When _____ is discussed,) it is presumably proper (reasonable, appropriate, suitable, justified) to cite an old saying (a proverb): ____________. This remark (statement, comment, observation) is naturally linked with (be associated with, ) a golden rule (a universal truth, a fundamental principle, a glittering rule) in an ever-changing society, that is, ________

第二段: 拓展段

1. 原因分析段落:
开头方法(1) : 因果兼顾
What has brought about this debate? Personally, I believe that three primary reasons may account for this. To begin with, as a result of ___, _____. So ___. In addition, ___ in order to ___, Then ___. Finally, coupled with ___ is ___ that contributes to ___

开头方法(2) 无果有因
There are many reasons for it, the most important of which, I would propose, is _____. Additionally, ___ is a contributing factor accounting for ______. Finally, ____ can be traced to _____.

When it comes to the issue of _________, some people are more likely to ascribe its emergence to _______. However, it is not the primary reason at all. Rather, _______.

Whenever the debate of _______ is raised, some people are prone to attribute its expansion to _____. Nevertheless, it is nothing more than a tip of the gigantic iceberg. As a matter of fact, __________.

2. 举例说明
Numerous cases exist to illustrate how important _____ is. When _____, ______. Or when ______, ___________. By doing so, ________________.

Numerous cases exist to illustrate my point, but one will suffice. When________, __________. By doing so, _______.

As an example of the power of love, we should trace back to ______ when _______.
Numerous evidences exist, but this one will suffice.

I can find no better illustration than this one
_____ is a case in point.

Naturally enough, the statement above always reminds people of a similar circumstance that is prevalent in the general republic (an ever-changing society, the contemporary society, in our ear, in our epoch), that is, when _______, ___________. Similarly, people never lack evidence when they attempt to demonstrate the power of ______. When ______, _________.As an old saying goes, _________.

1. 结论段:用to sum up, to wit, in a word, in conclusion进行观点重述
2. 预测趋势段:
好趋势:on the basis of analysis, we can confidently predict that great changes have taken place in the past _____ years. This tendency, I believe, will be going on in an exciting direction.
不好趋势:On the basis of analysis above, it is reasonable to conclude that _____ has posed tremendous threat to our life. Worse still, this tendency will be going on in a disturbing direction. Therefore it is high time that we took drastic actions to put it on hold. As an old saying goes, “Don’t fix your roof on a rainy day.”
3. 建议措施段:
开头方法(1) 建议列举:
It is imperative for us to take severe measures to put it on hold. For one thing, we must appeal to authorities to make (initiate, launch) strict (severe) laws to control _____. For another thing, we should enhance people’s awareness that ____ is vital for us. Still, we are obliged to take broad actions to start an anti-____ campaign. Only in this way can we have a bright future.

  What measures should be taken to arrest and reverse this grave situation? All nations round the world are expected to launch comprehensive projects that tailor to local situation. Although these plans are geographically and culturally specific, they must contain two key elements: protection and education. By protection I mean up-to-date measures to keep track of any destructive activities that may arise. By education I mean common understanding among people at all ages that _____ is an indispensable part in ______. Many options still exist, and human beings can still have a bright future.

1)  问候收信人:Dear sir/madam
2)  解释写信的原因:
申请:I am writing for a precious opportunity to work in your company that enjoys years of reputation

邀请:I am writing to invite you to attend (take part in/participate) a dinner party (a reception/a seminar/a conference) that is to be held on August 18, 2006.

I am writing to extend my heartfelt thanks (sincere gratitude) toward ___.

I am writing to complain about the poor service (quality) of a product that I purchased from your store two weeks ago.

I am writing to extend my sincere greetings, wishing you a happy New Year, your career greater success and your family happiness.

用first, second, third阐述写信的原因,提出具体的要求,具体的建议或者忠告(具体看题目来定)

Write a letter of application according to the following situation. You saw an advertisement in this morning’s newspaper. A company needs a typist and you are interested. Write an application letter to that company. In your letter, provide the necessary information about yourself, tell them that you are qualified for that job.

2)写作顺序:背景介绍 + 情况咨询 + 原因分析 (名词具体化, 动词寻找近义词替换)

I read today’s Beijing Youth this morning, pleased to discover that your company is looking for a typist. I wonder if you could be free to have a pleasant talk with me, for all the requirements specified in your advertisement tend to fit my present situation. First, my typing speed is as high as 200 words per minute, which is the definite weight for a qualified typist. Second, I can speak and write English fluently, so I will be capable of typing both Chinese and English. Third and last, a warm-hearted woman who is always ready to help other people, I don’t think I have any problem while work with other colleagues. Under these circumstances, I firmly believe that I can contribute to prosperity of your company. On the other hand, a foreign company with an international background will certainly enrich my working experience and broaden my mind, thus paving a way for my prospective career.
I would appreciate your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Look forward to your reply.
Sincerely Yours

NOTE在考试中可能涉及:Note of thanks, Messages, Invitations, Appointments, Apologies

1)  称呼对方名字:Dear Larry
2)  阐明留言目的:注意写清时间,地点,原因和目的
1) Thank you very much for _____
2) I’ve got to meet a new client in Holiday Inn this evening
3) We would be happy if you could come to dinner with us at the canteen at 6:00 PM on 26, August.
3) 向对方表示祝福或者提醒注意事项
Merry Christmas
We’ll be glad if you could be with us
I hope you will be there
I hope you will enjoy it.
Please feel free to bring an escort if you choose
1)  落款写清留言人的名字(如果题目中有名字的话,就用题目中的名字
Xiao Wang
Li Ming


You are Zhang Li. You are about to graduate from a university in the coming month. Right now you are doing some job hunting. Write a letter of job application to a Japanese bank in your city.
Your letter should cover the following points:
1)  a brief introduction about yourself, your study, ie. Your major, the number of years of study and self-evaluation
2)  your motivation of working in a foreign band
3)  your expectations.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I’m writing for a precious opportunity to work in a bank that enjoys years of reputation.

I read today’s Beijing Youth this morning, pleased to discover that your bank is looking for a cashier (an accountant). I wonder if you could be free to have a pleasant talk with me, for all the requirements specified in your advertisement tend to fit my present situation. For one thing, as September closes in, I am going to graduate from college with a Bachelor Degree. For another thing, after four-year study at college, I received extensive training in Accounting, Analytical thinking and Business planning. All of them are considered definite weight for a qualified bank clerk. Still, Speaking Japanese fluently, I don’t think I have any problem while working with other colleagues. Under these circumstances, I firmly believe that I can contribute to prosperity of your company because I am a self-motivated person. On the other hand, a foreign bank with an international background will enrich my working experience and broaden my mind, thus paving a way for my prospective career.

I would appreciate your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Look forward to your reply.

Sincerely Yours
Zhang Li
(208 words)

I would appreciate your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Look forward to your reply.
Sincerely Yours

Write a letter of complaints according to the following situation: You (Liu Dan) bought an air conditioner in Sun Appliance and had it installed the other day, but you found that the fan made too much noise when the machine operated. You demand the store to send a representative to check it up. In your letter, provide the specific defects of the air conditioner, the date of purchase, the serial number of it and the way to contact you.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m writing to complain about the poor quality of an air conditioner that I purchased from Sun Appliance Company.

To be honest, Sun Appliance has always been my favorite. On April 4, 2004, I bought the air conditioner (serial number 12345) from one of your chain store located in Lang Fang. The machine operated well at first, but ten days later, there was a fault that bothered me, that is, the fan made so much noise that I could not sleep well at night. Worse still, the cooling system didn’t work well and the machine began to leak recently. Its poor quality ruined almost all my previous impression toward your product. I strongly suggest that that a repairman or a service engineer should be sent to my home without delay. I wonder if you could pinpoint the exact cause of the malfunction as soon as possible. If you can’t, I am afraid that I will request for full amount of refund or a new air condition.

I would appreciate all your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. My cell phone number is 1301111313. Look forward to your reply.

Sincerely Yours
Liu Dan

(205 words)

Write a letter of thanks according to the following situation. Once you were ill and were hospitalized for a few weeks in the Chaoyang, Medical Center, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. During your stay the entire staff were kind to you. When you came back home, you wrote them a letter of thanks. In your letter, tell them how you feel now, and thank them for they did for you. You also give them your best wishes and hope to keep in touch with them.

Dear Sir/Madam,
I’m writing to extend my heartfelt thanks to all the nurses and doctors in your hospital.

Last month, while I was on a business trip in Taiyuan, Shanxi province, I suffered from a bad cold and a fever, so I was sent to Ward Rom 201, Chaoyang Medical Center. During my stay at hospital, nurses on duty patiently took my temperature, regularly examined my body, and often fed meals to me. In addition, doctors prescribed me the most effective drugs and gave the best medical advice. Thanks to the constant care from the hospital staff, I recovered quickly. Now that I have returned home, the excellent service of your hospital still impresses me. I believe that as patient, I have received the most professional treatment and the most considerate care.

Please allow me to convey my sincere greetings toward the doctors and nurses that contribute all their efforts, patience and energy to their patients. No thing can express my gratitude except my best wishes to them. If you have anything that needs my help, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Sincerely Yours
                                (184 words)

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