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[[求助与讨论]] 体育英语

发表于 2007-3-22 09:01:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

俯卧撑:push-up= press-up 仰卧起坐:sit-up= sit up 引体向上:pull-up=chin-up


竞技性运动competitive sport 用粉笔记下(分数等);达到,得到 chalk up 出名 make one's mark

体育项目(尤指重要比赛) event 体育 PE (Physical Education) 体格,体质 physique 培训 groom

余的,带零头的 odd 年少者 junior 残疾人 the handicapped/disabled 学龄前儿童 preschool

全体;普通;一般 at large 平均寿命 life expectancy 复兴 revitalize 使有系统;整理 systemize

历史悠久的 time-honored 跳板 spring-board 秋千 swing 石弓,弩 crossbow

(比赛等的)观众 spectator 取得进展 make headway 体育大国/强国 sporting/sports power

与...有关系,加入 be affiliated to/with 落后 lag behind 武术 martial arts 五禽戏 five-animal exercises

体育运动 physical culture and sports 增强体质 to strengthen one's physique

可喜的,令人满意的 gratifying 称号,绰号 label 涌现出来 to come to the fore

源源不断 a steady flow of 队伍 contingent 又红又专/思想好,业务精 to be both socialist-minded and vocationally proficient 体育界 sports circle(s) 承担义务 to undertake obligation 黑马 dark horse

冷门 an unexpected winner; dark horse 爆冷门 to produce an unexpected winner

发展体育运动,增强人民体质 Promote physical culture and build up the people's health

锻炼身体,保卫祖国 Build up a good physique to defend the country

为祖国争光 to win honors for the motherland

胜不骄,败不馁 Do not become cocky/be dizzy with success, nor downcast over/discouraged by defeat.

体育道德 sportsmanship 打出水平,打出风格 up to one's best level in skill and style of play

竞技状态好 in good form 失常 to lose one's usual form 比分领先 to outscore

打成平局 to draw/to tie/to play even/to level the score 失利 to lose 中华人民共和国运动委员会(国家体委) Physical Culture and Sports Commission of the PRC (State Physical Culture and Sports Commission)

中华全国体育总会 All-China Sports Federation 国际奥林匹克委员会 International Olympic Committee

少年业余体育学校 youth spare-time sports school, youth amateur athletic school

辅导站 coaching center 体育中心 sports center/complex 竞赛信息中心 competition information center

运动会 sports meet; athletic meeting; games 全国运动会 National Games 世界大学生运动会 World University Games; Universiade 比赛地点 competition/sports venue(s) 国际比赛 international tournament

邀请赛 invitational/invitational tournament 锦标赛 championship 东道国 host country/nation

体育场 stadium; sports field/ground 体育馆 gymnasium, gym; indoor stadium 比赛场馆 competition gymnasiums and stadiums 练习场馆 training gymnasiums 操场 playground; sports ground; drill ground

体育活动 sports/sporting activities 体育锻炼 physical training 体育锻炼标准 standard for physical training 体育疗法 physical exercise therapy; sports therapy 广播操 setting-up exercises to music

课/工间操 physical exercises during breaks 体育工作者 physical culture workers, sports organizer

运动爱好者 sports fan/enthusiast 观众 spectator 啦啦队 cheering-section 啦啦队长 cheer-leader

国家队 national team 种子队 seeded team 主队 home team 客队 visiting team 教练员 coach

裁判员 referee, umpire 裁判长 chief referee 团体项目 team event 单项 individual event

男子项目 men's event 女子项目 women's event 冠军 champion; gold medalist 全能冠军 all-round champion 亚军 running-up; second; silver medalist 第三名 third; bronze medalist 世界纪录保持者 world-record holder 运动员 athlete; sportsman 种子选手 seeded player; seed 优秀选手 top-ranking/topnotch athlete 田径运动 track and field; athletics 田赛 field events 竞赛 track events

跳高 high jump 撑杆跳高 pole jump; polevault 跳远 long/broad jump 三级跳远 hop, step and jump; triple jump 标枪 javelin throw 铅球 shot put 铁饼 discus throw 链球 hammer throw 马拉松赛跑 Marathon (race) 接力 relay race; relay 跨栏比赛 hurdles; hurdle race 竞走 walking; walking race

体操 gymnastics 自由体操 floor/free exercises 技巧运动 acrobatic gymnastics 垫上运动 mat exercises 单杠 horizontal bar 双杠 parallel bars 高低杠 uneven bars; high-low bars 吊环 rings

跳马 vaulting horse 鞍马 pommel horse 平衡木 balance beam 球类运动 ball games 足球 football; soccer 足球场 field; pitch 篮球 basketball 篮球场 basketball court 排球 volleyball 乒乓球 table tennis; ping pong 乒乓球拍 racket; bat 羽毛球运动 badminton 羽毛球 shuttlecock; shuttle

球拍 racket 网球 tennis 棒球 baseball 垒球 softball 棒/垒球场 baseball(soft ball)field/ground

手球 handball 手球场 handball field 曲棍球 hockey; field hockey 冰上运动 ice sports 冰球运动 ice hockey 冰球场 rink 冰球 puck; rubber 速度滑冰 speed skating 花样滑冰 figure skating

冰场 skating rink; ice rink 人工冰场 artificial ice stadium 滑雪 skiing 速度滑雪 cross country ski racing 高山滑雪 alpine skiing 水上运动 water/acquatic sports 水上运动中心 aquatic sports center

水球(运动)water polo 水球场 playing pool 滑水 water-skiing 冲浪 surfing 游泳 swimming

游泳池 swimming pool 游泳馆 natatorium 自由泳 freestyle; crawl (stroke) 蛙泳 breaststroke

侧泳 sidestroke 蝶泳 butterfly (stroke) 海豚式 dolphin stroke/kick 蹼泳 fin swimming 跳水 diving 跳台跳水 platform diving 跳板跳水 springboard diving 赛艇运动 rowing 滑艇/皮艇 canoeing 帆船运动 yachting; sailing 赛龙船 dragon-boat racing 室内运动 indoor sports

举重 weightlifting 重量级 heavyweight 中量级 middleweight 轻量级 lightweight 拳击 boxing

摔交 wresting 击剑 fencing 射击 shooting 靶场 shooting range 射箭 archery 拳术 quanshu; barehanded exercise; Chinese boxing 气功 qigong; breathing exercises 自行车运动 cycling; cycle racing

赛车场(自行车等的)倾斜赛车场 cycling track 室内自行车赛场 indoor velodrome 摩托运动 motorcycling 登山运动 mountaineering; mountain-climbing 骑术 horsemanship 赛马场 equestrian park 国际象棋 (international) chess 特级大师 grandmaster 象棋 xiangqi; Chinese chess 围棋 weiqi; go 航空模型 aeromodel; model aeroplane 航海模型 marine modelling; model ship 跳伞 parachuting 定点跳伞 accuracy jump; precision landing 无线电定向 radio direction finding 造型跳伞 relative work 滑翔运动 gliding; sailplaning 技巧 sports acrobatics 拔河 tug-of-war 毽子 shuttlecock 踢毽子 shuttlecock kicking 毽秋 jianqiu; shuttlecock playing


FIFA-这个单词大家是非常熟悉了,就是\"国际足联\"的意思,全称是\"Federation International Football Association\".


China PR中国 Japan日本 Korea Republic韩国 Saudi Arabia沙特阿拉伯

Cameroon喀麦隆 Nigeria尼日利亚 Senegal塞内加尔 South Africa南非

Tunisia突尼斯 Costa Rica哥斯达黎加 Mexico墨西哥 USA美国 Argentina阿根廷

Brazil巴西 Ecuador厄瓜多尔 Paraguay巴拉圭 Uruguay乌拉圭 Belgium比利时

Croatia克罗地亚 Denmark丹麦 England英格兰 France法国 Germany德国

Republic of Ireland爱尔兰 Italy意大利 Poland波兰 Portugal葡萄牙 Russia俄罗斯

Slovenia斯洛文尼亚 Spain西班牙 Sweden瑞典 Turkey土耳其 red card红牌

yellow card黄牌 The goal is disallowed进球无效 foul play严重犯规

kick-off开球 bicycle kick,overhead kick倒钩球 corner ball,corner角球

goal kick球门球 hand ball手球 header头球 penalty kick点球

free kick任意球 fair charge合理冲撞 close-marking defence盯人防守

deceptive movement假动作 slide tackle铲球 toshoot射门 mishit未射中

offside越位 to pass the ball传球 to break through带球过人 toseta wall筑人墙

a hat trick帽子戏法 time wasting tactics拖延战术 cheering squad拉拉队

locker room (运动员)休息室,更衣室 nation team国家队 coach教练

Stop holding不许拉人 Stop pushing不许推人

Don't hold up the game不要延误时间


TEAMS Each soccer team has eleven players and three substitute, or reserve players. The team consists of a goalkeeper, defenders, midfield players, and forwards (or strikers). The object of the game is to get the ball into your opponent's goal.

球队 每支球队有11名场上队员和3名替补队员.球队包括守门员,防守队员,中场队员和前锋.比赛的目的就是要将足球踢人对方的球门.

THE MATCH A game of soccer is called a match and is split into two halves of 45 minutes each, with a 15-minute break at halftime. A referee and two assistants make sure that nobody cheats or breaks the rules.

比赛 足球比赛分为两个半场,每半场各45分钟,上下半场中间有15分钟的休息时间.比赛有一位主裁判和两名助理裁判,他们的职责是监督是否有球员作弊或者是犯规.

GOALKEEPNG Goalkeeping is a special skill. While the rest of the team can afford to make mistakes, if the goalkeeper makes one, it usually results in a goal for the opposition. Above Your Head The best way to catch a ball above your head is by joining the thumbs and forefingers of your hands together so there is a small arch between your hands. Chest or Head Jump off one leg and cradle the ball comfortably to your chest. The ball should rest on your forearms, with your hands holding it from above. Left or Right Always try to get both hands behind the ball and hold on tight. As soon as you've caught it, bring the ball quickly into the safety of your body.

守门 守门是一项特殊的技能.队里的其他球员有失误问题还不太要紧,但守门员的失误就常常导致对方进球. 过顶球 处理过顶球的最佳方法是用大拇指和其他手指一起来接球,因为那样双手之间可形成一个拱形.胸前或眼前球 单脚跳起,把球自然地抱在怀里.用前臂夹住球,两手从前臂上方抱住球.左侧球或右侧球 要尽量从球后方来牢牢地接住球,一旦接住了球,就要赶快把球抱住.


When you are watching the wonderful F1,have you noticed the flags of different colors And do you know the exact meaning of it If not, look further for some information.

RED FLAG : Usually the red flag appears only at the beginning and the end of the match. When there is an accident that may be a threat to other players' safety, it will also appear signing the end of the match.

WHITE FLAG : A waving flag means you may be delayed by a slow-speed one or one that has received a heavy accident. And a still one means that there is a slow-speed motor-cycle is in the way.

BLACK FLAG : The black flag appears with a white code board .It means the motor-cycle with the code on the board should have to return to the repair station before he finishes the next circle. Usually the driver receives the black flag as a punishment. He will have to stay in the repair station for ten more seconds, which is rather long for a F1 player.

BLACK FLAG AND WHITE FLAG : Warning to the player who has fouled but not very too seriously.

BLACK FLAG WITH A RED CIRCLE : It is used to warn a driver that there is something wrong with his motor. With the flag there is also a code-board, which is to identify the player.

BLUE FLAG : In the practice, a waving flag means \"the motor behind is going to pass, give way.\" and a still one means \"the motor behind you is faster than you, give way.\"

In formal match, a waving flag means \"give way, or you will be awarded a black flag.\" and a still one means \"give way for the behind one is lapping.\"

YELLOW FLAG WITH RED STRIPES : The surface of the road is very wet, be careful.

YELLOW FLAG : Still: slow down and be careful for there is an accident forward .

Waving: slow down and be ready to change your racing line.

Double waving: it has the same meaning as mentioned above, besides it also means \"get ready to stop for there may be a Safe Car or a red flag in you forward line.

BLACK AND WHITE FLAG : It is also called Check flag. It means the end of the match after the driver passes it, no matter you have raced enough circles.


The National Basketball Association (NBA) is the major professional basketball league in the world, with teams from the United States and Canada. With the addition of the Toronto Raptors and the ancouver Grizzlies prior to the 1995~ 1996 season, the NBA expanded to 29 teams competing in two conferences, the Eastern and Western, in four separate divisions. Each team conducts a training camp in October to determine its 12- player roster. Training camp allows each team to evaluate players, especially rookies (first-year players), to assess the team's strengths and weaknesses, and to prepare players for the upcoming season through a series of on-court drills and practice of offensive and defensive strategy. After a series of exhibition games, the NBA begins its 82-game regular season in the first week of November.

In the second week of February, the NBA interrupts its season to celebrate the annual NBA All-Star game, featuring the game's best players as selected by the general balloting of fans throughout the United States and Canada. After the NBA season concludes in the third week in April, a total of 16 teams qualify for the playoffs11(8 teams from each conference). In each conference the two division winners are guaranteed a playoff spot. The remaining playoff spots in each conference are awarded on the basis of win-loss records to the six next-best teams, regardless of division. The playoffs start with the teams with better records playing the teams with worse records in a best-of-five series, in which the winner is the first team to win three games. In subsequent rounds best-of-seven series are played, with the first team to earn four victories win ning the round. The playoffs continue in this elimination scheme until a conference champion is crowned. The champions from the Eastern and Western conferences then meet in a best-of-seven series to determine the NBA champion.

Every June the league conducts its amateur draft, in which each team obtains the rights to the professional services of the best collegiate and international players. Any player who has graduated from high school and is at least 17 years old qualifies for the NBA draft if that player renounces intercollegiate eligibility. To determine the draft order the NBA uses a draft lottery, introduced in 1985. Those teams that failed to qualify for the playoffs the previous season are eligible for the lottery. The lottery determines the first three teams to select in the draft. The remaining teams draft according to their win-loss record of the previous season, so that teams with poorer records draft higher than those with better records. The NBA draft consists of only two rounds, with a total of 58 players chosen. Those players not selected in the draft can be invited to try out for a team and are sometimes signed to playing contracts.

The NBA's official development league is the Continental Basketball Association (CBA). The league was founded in 1946 and now features 12 teams playing in two conferences. Many players, coaches, executives, and referees have honed their skills in the CBA before going on to NBA careers.




NBA的官方开发联盟是大陆篮球协会(CBA).该联盟于1946建立,现有12支球队,分为两个分会.很多运动员,教练,执行官和裁判在转入NBA职业比赛之前,已在CBA经过了磨练. |


boxer 拳击运动员 boxing glove 拳击手套 boxing shoe 拳击鞋 infighting 近战 straight punch 直拳

uppercut 上钩拳 right hook 右钩拳 foul 犯规 punch bag 沙袋 punch ball 沙球 boxing match 拳击比赛 referee 裁判员 boxing ring 拳击台 rope 围绳 winner 胜利者 loser by a knockout 被击败出局者

timekeeper 计时员 boxing weights 拳击体重级别 light flyweight 48公斤级, 次特轻量级 flyweight 51公斤级, 特轻量级 bantamweight 54公斤级, 最轻量级 featherweight 57公斤级, 次轻量级 lightweight 60公斤级, 轻量级 light welterweight 63.5公斤级, 轻中量级 welterweight 67公斤级, 次中量级 light middleweight 71公斤级, 中量级 middleweight 75公斤级, 次重量级 light heavyweight 81公斤级, 重量级

heavyweight 81以上公斤级, 最重量级


In November 1897: A bench in Re Umberto Avenue finds a group of young students from Liceo D'Azeglio in Turin in need of something to do. They decide to start a sports club with the aim of playing football, a sport started in Great Britain, but developing fast in Europe. So the story goes - Juventus F.C. was born in this way - just for fun.

This club, ran by the first president Enrico Canfari, played against more experienced and organized teams in the city. However in 1905 Juventus won its first Italian title after a fascinating competition with two other teams - Genoa and Milan. Juventus F.C. chose their first home at D'Armi Square, which is still used today. For some years Juventus founders wore pink shirts - the same ones they wore when they started in 1900. The change to the black and white colors was made in 1903 after a wrong shipment was sent from England where the new strip was to be made. Despite growing achievements, Juventus were in the shadow of stronger teams like Provercelli and Casale until the outbreak of the First World War. After the war they continued to rise, with goalkeeper Giacone and the full backs Novo and Bruno the first to play in the national team. The President was the poet and man of letters Corrado Corradini, who wrote the club anthem that remained until the sixties.

In 1923 Giampiero Combi, one of the greatest goalkeepers in the world, made his debut. Edoardo Agnelli, son of the FIAT founder, was elected the new president of the club and due to the growing number of fans, Juventus took possession of a bigger stadium in Marsiglia Road. Jeno Karoly, the first real trainer, arrived at Juventus with the inside left Hirzer, both from Hungary, to supplement the talents of Combi, Rosetta, Munerati, Bigatto and Grabbi. In 1925-26, after a fascinating run-in, Juventus won their second championship.

In this glorious period Juventus won five consecutive championships. Trainer Carlo Carcano was able to call upon great stars such as Orsi, Caligaris, Monti, Cesarini, Varglien, Bertolini, Ferrari and Borel. Not only did Juve triumph in five championships from 1930 to 1935, the Italian national side also won the World Cup in 1934. During this period Juventus had their first experience in world football, participating in the Europe Cup (today's Champions League) where they reached the semi-final stage four times. In 1933 Juventus also changed its home: the town stadium was built for the World University Games and the team played there until 1990.

In 1947 Giovanni Agnelli became the president of the Juventus F.C. The most notable players from this period were Carlo Parolo, plus the two Danes John Hansen and Praest. The hero of the team however, and the holder of the record for both appearances (444) and goals (177), was Giampiero Boniperti. Juventus won 2 championships in 1950 and 1952. By 1955 Umberto Agnelli had taken over the Presidency from his older brother Giovanni. Having added the services of Omar Sivori and John Charles, Juventus won championships in 1958,1960 and 1961. For the first time an Italian Club became entitled to wear the star after winning 10 national championships.no5( 1959/60: Umberto Agnelli and Giampiero Boniperti are celebrating the conquest of the fourth Italian Cup)

1967 was another successful championship year for Juve under the presidency of Vittore Catella. A long successful period started with Giampiero Boniperti as president in 1971. During the fifteen years from 1972 to 1986, Juventus won nine championships and tasted victory in all the European and Intercontinental tournaments.

Vycpalek, Parola and Giampiero Boniperti were the trainers, while on the pitch Juventus featured such greats as Zoff, Scirea, Tardelli, Cabrini, Causio, Rosa, Gentile, Furino, Anastasi and Roberto Bettega today's vice-president. The Italians were complemented by superb foreigners like Michel Platini who won two championships, two European Cups, one Intercontinental Cup, three awards as the top goal-scorer and three Golden Balls in five years.

In 1990 Juventus won the UEFA Cup and the Italian Cup (with today's president Vittorio Chiusano and Dino Zoff as trainer) and the UEFA Cup again in 1993.

In 1994 a new managerial group of A.Giraudo, Luciano Moggi and Roberto Bettega (nicknamed \"the triad\") took over at the head of Juventus FC. They employed trainer Marcello Lippi, who immediately guided the team to their first Championship in nine years. In 1994-95 the team won the Italian Cup but lost in the final of the Uefa cup.

Juventus had won the Champions Cup only once before - on the tragic night at Heysel against Liverpool. The final match of the season in Rome saw Juventus take on Ajax for the title of European Champions. An exciting match ended in a 1-1 draw after extra time. The successful penalty kicks from Peruzzi, Ferrara, Pessotto, Padovano and Jugovic sent all Juventus supporters into ecstasy. In the following year Juventus won the Intercontinental Cup in Tokyo (Del Piero), the European Supercup against Paris Saint Germain and their 24th Scudetto. Sadly the Final of the Champions League was lost to Borussia Dortmund, but Lippi bounced back as the club won the Supercup and their 25th Championship.



The court shall be a rectangle and laid out with lines 40mm wide. The lines shall be easily distinguishable and preferably be colored white or yellow. All lines form part of the area which they define. The posts shall be 1.55 meters in height from the surface of the court and shall remain vertical when the net is strained as provided in Law 1.10. The posts shall be placed on the doubles side lines, irrespective of whether singles or doubles is being played. The net shall be made of fine cord of dark color and even thickness with a mesh of not less than l5mm and not more than 20mm.The net shall be 760mm in depth and at least 6.1 meters wide.

The top of the net shall be edged with a 75mm white cloth tape doubled over a cord or cable running through the tape. This tape must rest upon the cord or cable. The cord or cable shall be stretched firmly, flush with the top of the posts. The top of the net from the surface of the court shall be 1.524 meters at the center of the court and 1.55 meters over the side lines for doubles. There shall be no gaps between the ends of the net and the posts. If necessary, the full depth of the net should be tied at the ends.


The shuttle may be made from natural and/or synthetic materials. From whatever material the shuttle is made, the flight characteristics generally should be similar to those produced by a natural feathered shuttle with a cork base covered by a thin layer of leather. The shuttle shall have 16 feathers fixed in the base.

The feathers shall be measured from the tip to the top of the base and each shuttle shall be of the same length. This length can be between 62mm and 70mm.The tips of the feathers shall lie on a circle with a diameter from 58mm to 68mm.The feathers shall be fastened firmly with thread or other suitable material. The base shall be 25mm to 28mm in diameter and rounded on the bottom. The shuttle shall weigh from 4.74 to 5.50 grams.

The skirt, or simulation of feathers in synthetic materials, replaces natural feathers. The base is described in Law 2.6.Measurements and weight shall be as in Laws 2.3, 2.4 and 2.7. However, because of the difference in the specific gravity and other properties of synthetic materials in comparison with feathers, a variation of up to 10 per cent is acceptable.

Subject to there being no variation in the design, speed and flight of the shuttle, modifications in the above specifications may be made with the approval of the Member Association concerned: OR In places where atmospheric conditions due to either altitude or climate make the standard shuttle unsuitable. If special circumstances exist which make it otherwise necessary in the interests of the game.


To test a shuttle, use a full underhand stroke which makes contact with the shuttle over the back boundary line. The shuttle shall be hit at an upward angle and in a direction parallel to the side lines.A shuttle of correct speed will land not less than 530mm and not more than 990mm short of the other back boundary line.


The main racket parts are called the handle, the stringed area, the head, the shaft, the throat and the frame. The handle is the part of the racket intended to be gripped by the player. The stringed area is the part of the racket with which it is intended the player hits the shuttle. The head bounds the stringed area. The throat (if present) connects the shaft to the head. The frame is the name given to the head, throat, shaft and handle taken together.

The frame of the racket shall not exceed 680mm in overall length and 230mm in overall width. The stringed area shall be flat and consist of a pattern of crossed strings either alternately interlaced or bonded where they cross. The stringing pattern shall be generally uniform and, in particular, not less dense in the center than in any other area.

The stringed area shall not exceed 280mm in overall length and 220mm in overall width. However, the strings may extend into an area which otherwise would be the throat, provided that the width of the extended stringed area does not exceed 35mm and provided that the overall length of the stringed area does not then exceed 330mm.The racket shall be free of attached objects and protrusions, other than those used solely and specifically to limit or prevent wear and tear, or vibration, or to distribute weight, or to secure the handle by cord to the player's hand, and which are reasonable in size and placement for such purposes; and shall be free of any device which makes it possible for a player to change materially the shape of the racket.


The International Badminton Federation shall rule on any question of whether any racket, shuttle or equipment or any prototype used in the playing of badminton complies with the specifications. Such ruling may be undertaken on the Federation's initiative or upon application by any party with a bona fide interest therein, including any player, equipment manufacturer or Member Association or member thereof.


Before play commences, a toss shall be conducted and the side winning the toss shall exercise the choice in either Law. To serve or receive first. To start play at one end of the court or the other. The side losing the toss shall then exercise the remaining choice.


Players shall change ends: at the end of the first game; prior to the beginning of the third game (if any); and in the third game, or in a match of one game , when the leading score reaches:- 6 in a game of 11 points; or - 8 in a game of 15 points. If players omit to change ends as indicated in Law 8.1, they shall do so as soon as the mistake is discovered and the shuttle is not in play. The existing score shall stand.


In a correct service, neither side shall cause undue delay to the delivery of the service once server and receiver have taken up theit respective positions. The server and receiver shall stand within diagonally opposite service courts without touching the boundary lines of these service courts. Some part of both feet of the server and receiver must remain in contact with the surface of the court in a stationary position from the start of the service until the service is delivered. The server's reacket shall initially hit the base of the shuttle. And the whole shuttle shall be below the server's waist at the instant of being hit by the server's racket. The shaft of the server's racket at the instant of hitting the shuttle shall be pointing in a downward direction to such an extent that the whole of the head of the racket is discernibly below the whole of the server's hand holding the racket. The movement of the server's racket must continue forwards after the start of the service until the service is delivered; and the flight of the shuttle shall be upwards from the server's racket to pass over the net so that, if not intercepted, it lands in the receiver's service court (ie on or within the boundary lines). If a service is not correct by virtue of any of Laws 9.1.1 to 9.1.8, it shall be a 'fault' by the offending side. It is a 'fault' if the server, in attempting to serve, misses the shuttle.

Once the players have taken their positions, the first forward movement of the server's racket head is the start of the service. The server shall not serve before the receiver is ready but the receiver shall be considered to have been ready if a return of service is attempted. Once the service is started ,it is delivered when the shuttle is hit by the server's racket or, in attempting to serve, the server misses the shuttle. In doubles, the partners may take up any positions which do not unsight the opposing server or receiver.


Soccer is a ball and goal game usually played outdoors, also called football. Played in more than 140 countries, it is by far the most popular international sport. Two opposing team of 11 players each compete on a field preferably measuring 120 yard by 75 yard. A goal 8 yard wide and 8feet high, backed with netting, is centered on each end line. The object of the game is to advance an inflated leather ball into the opponent's goal (worth one point). The ball is kicked (often dribbled with short kicks) or advanced by the head or other parts of the body, but only the goalkeeper may use the hands. Rules infractions result in free kicks for the opposing team. The first recorded soccer game took place in England in 217 A.D. and by the 12th century the annual shrove Tuesday contest was a regular event. In the 19th century, the game was refined to emphasize only the kicking aspects. It gained tremendous popularity after spreading from Britain to the continent. The highlight of international play is the quadrennial world cup competition.



Outdoors 室外的 Popular 流行的 International 国际的 Opponent 对手 Inflated 膨胀的

Record 纪录 Infraction 违反


Golf is a game in which players hit a small, hard ball with specially designed clubs over and outdoor course. The object is to deposit the ball in a cup, or a hole, using as few as strokes as possible. The standard course, usually, more than 6000 yard (about 5500meters)in length, is divided into 18 holes, each consisting of a tee from which the ball is initially driven the fairway, bounded by tall grass and containing natural or artificial obstacles (hazards) such as water and sand traps; and the tree, a smooth surface on which the cup(4.5 in/11.45in diameter) is located. A set of golf clubs includes 3 or 4 woods, 9 or 10 irons, on a putter for use on the green. Although its origin is unknown, golf is identified with Scotland, where it was played as early as 1527. The British open tournament club was established in 1860. The game may have been played in America in the 11th century, with the first permanent club, at Yonker, N.Y. was not organized until 1888. In the 20th century, golf experienced a tremendous increase in popularity .The professional tour, led by such stars as Arnold PA( MER and JACK NICKLAW) emerged a s a major attraction after world war two.


specially 专门地 design 设计 deposit 存(钱),送入 standard 标准divided 分开obstacle 障碍


car 车类运动 velodrome, cycling stadium 自行车赛车场 road race 公路赛 race 计时赛

chase 追逐赛 motorcycle, motorbike 摩托车 racing car 赛车 racing driver 赛车驾驶员

rally 汽车拉力赛


race 跑 middle-distance race 中长跑 long-distance runner 长跑运动员 sprint 短跑 (美作:dash)

the 400 metre hurdles 400米栏 marathon 马拉松 decathlon 十项 cross-country race 越野跑

jump 跳跃 jumping 跳跃运动 high jump 跳高 long jump 跳远 (美作:broad jump)

triple jump, hop step and jump 三级跳 pole vault 撑竿跳 throw 投掷 throwing 投掷运动

putting the shot, shot put 推铅球 throwing the discus 掷铁饼 throwing the hammer 掷链锤

throwing the javelin 掷标枪 walk 竞走


射箭 archery 箭 arrow 箭筒 arrow carrier 箭袋 arrow case 靶垫 boss 弓 bow

蓝区 blue zone 靶 buttress 护胸 chestplate 弓弦 cord


武术 Martial Arts 叉 fork 刀 broadsword 太极拳 hexagram boxing

飞功 chikung 钩 hook 棍 cudgel 剑 rapier

匕首 dagger 散打 free combat 双剑 double swords 盾 shield

拳法 fist position


远台back court 台的边缘 edge of table

中台 middle court 球台端线 front edge of table

近台 short court (球台)中区 centre zone

中线 center (球台)近网区 net zone

台角 corner of table 接球员的左半区 receiver's left half court

网柱 pole 接球员的右半区 receiver's right half court

全台 full court 底线区 goal zone


排球场地 volleyball court

一方场区 court

对方场区 opponent's court

发球区 service area

进攻线 attack line

裁判台 official's tribune

标志杆 vertical rod

端线 back line

后区 back zone

进攻区 attack zone


球场 playing court 分位线 lane place line

篮球 basketball 罚球线 free throw line

边线 side line 罚球区 free throw lane

中线 center line 三分线 three point line

端线 end line 限制区 restricted area

界线 boundary line 位置区 lane place

前场 front court 中立区 neutral zone

中场 mid court 球队席 team bench

后场 back court 篮架支柱 basket post

中圈 centre circle 用过的球 used ball

篮圈 ring 本方球篮 own basket

篮网 net 对方球篮 opponet's basket

篮板 backboard 犯规次数牌 foul markers

球篮 basket 全队犯规标志team foul marker

篮架 basket support 替补队员席 substitude bench

开表 game clock 技术设备 technical equipment

停表 stop the clock 球队席区域 team bench areas

哨 whistle 球场面积 dimension of the court

三分投篮区 three-point field goal areas


国家体育总局State Sport General Administration

中华全国体育总会 All-China Sports Federation

中国奥林匹克委员会 Chinese Olympic Committee

中国田径协会 Chinese Athletics Association

中国足球协会 Chinese Football Association

中国篮球协会 Chinese Basketball Association

中国排球协会 Chinese Volleyball Association

中国游泳协会 Chinese Swimming Association

中国网球协会 Chinese Tennis Association

中国桥牌协会 Chinese Bridge Association

中国武术协会 Chinese Wushu Association

中国乒乓球协会 Chinese Table-tennis Association

中国羽毛球协会 Chinese Badminton Association

中国滑冰协会 Chinese Skating Association

中国自行车协会 Chinese Cycling Association

中国健美操协会 Chinese Aerobic Association

中国柔道协会 Chinese Judo Association

中国拳击协会 Chinese Boxing Association

体育设施标准管理办公室 Sports Facilities Standard Authority


field, pitch 足球场

midfied 中场

kick-off circle 中圈

half-way line 中线

player 足球运动员

goalkeeper, goaltender, goalie 守门员

back 后卫

half back 前卫

forward 前锋

centre forward, centre 中锋

kick-off 开球

bicycle kick, overhead kick 倒钩球

corner ball, corner 角球

goal kick 球门球

ground ball, grounder 地面球

hand ball 手球

header 头球

penalty kick 点球

spot kick 点球

free kick 任意球

throw-in 掷界外球

ball handling 控制球

block tackle 正面抢截

body check 身体阻挡

fair charge 合理冲撞

chesting 胸部挡球

close-marking defence 盯人防守

close pass, short pass 短传

deceptive movement 假动作

diving header 鱼跃顶球

flying headar 跳起顶球

dribbling 盘球

finger-tip save (守门员)托救球

flank pass 边线传球

high lobbing pass 高吊传球

scissor pass 交叉传球

volley pass 凌空传球

slide tackle 铲球

shoot 射门

grazing shot 贴地射门

close-range shot 近射

long drive 远射

mishit 未射中

offside 越位

pass the ball 传球

take a pass 接球

spot pass 球传到位

trap 脚底停球

intercept 截球

break through, to beat 带球过人

break loose 摆脱

control the midfield 控制中场

disorganize the defence 破坏防守

fall back 退回

set a wall 筑人墙

set the pace 掌握进攻节奏

ball playing skill 控救技术

total football 全攻全守足球战术

open football 拉开的足球战术

off-side trap 越位战术

wing play 边锋战术

shoot-on-sight tactics 积极的抢射战术

time wasting tactics 拖延战术

Brazilian formation 巴西阵式, 4-2-4 阵式

four backs system 四后卫制

four-three-three formation 4-3-3 阵式

four-two-four formation 4-2-4 阵式

red card 红牌(表示判罚出场)

yellow card 黄牌(表示警告)



Athletics (Track & Field)田径






canoe slalom激流划船

chess 象棋

cricket 板球


(Track赛道 Road公路

Mountain Bike山地车)






Graeco-Roman wrestling 古典式摔跤

Golf 高尔夫球





Modern Pentathlon现代五项运动


Rugby 橄榄球





Table Tennis乒乓球




trampoline 蹦床






water polo水球

rowing 划船

boat race 赛艇

yacht 游艇

surfing 冲浪


contestant, competitor, player 运动员

professional 职业运动员

amateur 业余运动员,爱好者

fan,enthusiast 体育迷,爱好者

outsider 无取胜希望者

championship 冠军赛,锦标赛

coach,instructor 教练,技术指导

trainer 助理教练

guide 领队

manager 经纪人

referee 裁判

linesman 边线裁判

champion 冠军

record 纪录

record holder 纪录保持者

Olympic Games, Olympics 奥林匹克运动会

Winter Olympics 冬季奥林匹克运动会

stadium 运动场

track 跑道

ring 圈

ground, field 场地

pitch (足球,橄榄球)场地

court 网球场

team, side 队

singles 单打

in the mixed doubles 混合双打

visiting team 客队

home team 主队

weights 重量级


baseball 棒球

baseball field, baseball ground 棒球场

softball 垒球

softball field, softball ground 垒球场

infield,diamond 内场

outfield 外场

fair territory 界内地区

foul territory 界外地区

foul line 边线

base line 垒间线

base 垒

bag 垒垫, 垒包

home base 本垒

first base 一垒

second base 二垒

third base 三垒

home plate 本垒板

pitcher's plate 投手板

pitcher's mound (棒球)投手土墩

pitcher's circle (垒球)投手圈

batter's box 击球员区

on deck circle 击球员准备区

catcher's box 接手区

coacher's box 跑垒指导员区

bench, dug-out 队员席

bull-pen 候补投手练习区

glove 手套, 分指手套

milt 合指手套

bat 球棒

mask 护面

chest protector 护胸

leg protector 护腿

supporter 护裆

helmet 护帽

baseball player 棒球运动员

softball player 垒球运动员

pitcher 投手

catcher 接手

fielder 守场员

baseman 守垒员

infielder 内场手

first baseman 一垒手

second baseman 二垒手

third baseman 三垒手

shortstop 游击手

outfielder 外场手

batter, hitter 击球员

base-runner 跑垒员

batter-runner 击跑员

relief pitcher 候援投手

designated hitter (DH) 指名击球员

coacher 跑垒指导员

manager 总教练

plate umpire 司球裁判员

base umpire 司垒裁判员

inning 局次

visiting team 先攻队

home team 后攻队

offensive team 攻队

defensive team 守队

pitching 投手投球

windup position (棒球投手)正面投球法

set up position (棒球投手)侧身投球法

sling shot (垒球投手)后摆投球法

wind mill (垒球投手)绕环投球法

8 figure (垒球投手)8字投球法

throwing 传球

catching 接球

fielding 防守

batting, hitting 击球

base running 跑垒

stealing 偷垒

sliding 滑垒

strike zone 好球区

fair ball 界内球

foul ball 界外球

illegal pitch 不合法投球

illegally batted ball 不合法击球

bunt 触击球

foul tip 擦棒球

bunting 触击

swing 挥击

ground ball, grounder 地滚球

liner, line drive 平直球

fly ball 腾空球

hit, safety hit 安全打

one base hit 一垒打

two base hit 二垒打

three base hit 三垒打

home run, homer 本垒打

sacrifice hit 牺牲打

sacrifice bunt 牺牲触击

sacrifice fly 牺牲腾空球

squeeze bunt 抢分触击

run and hit, hit and run 击跑配合战术

safe 安全上垒

base on balls 四球安全上垒

struck-out 三击出局

run,score 得分

batting order 击球次序

wild pitch (投手)暴投

pick-off (投手)牵制跑垒员的传球

balk (棒球)投手犯规

put-out 接杀

out, down, away 出局

touch out 触杀

force out 封杀

assist 助杀

run down 夹杀

double play, double kill 双杀

triple play, triple kill 三杀

wild throw 野传球

passed ball 接手漏接球

ball in play, live ball 继续比赛, 活球

ball not in play, dead ball 死球

cover 补位

back up 策应

cut-off 拦接

play shallow 近迫防守

play deep 后撤防守

appeal play 申诉行为

called game 有效比赛

forfeited game 比赛弃权

batting average 安打率

fielding average 防守率

earned run 投手责任失分

complete game 无安打无得分获胜的比赛


tennis 网球运动

lawn tennis 草地网球运动

grass court 草地网球场

racket 球拍

racket press 球拍夹

gut, string (球拍的)弦

line ball 触线球

baseline ball 底线球

sideline ball 边线球

straight ball 直线球

down-the-line shot 边线直线球

crosscourt 斜线球

high ball, lob 高球

low ball 低球

long shot 长球

short shot 短球

cut 削球

smash 抽球

jump smash 跃起抽球

spin 旋转球

low drive 抽低球

volley 截击空中球

low volley 低截球

deep ball 深球

heavy ball 重球

net 落网球

flat stroke 平击球

flat drive 平抽球

let 重发球

fluke, set-up, easy 机会球

ground stroke 击触地球

wide 打出边线的球

overhead smash, overhand smash 高球扣杀

game 局

set 盘

fifteen all 一平

thirty all 二平

forty all 三平

deuce 局末平分, 盘末平局

love game 一方得零分的一局

double fault 双误, 两次发球失误

'not up', 两跳,还击前球着地两次

service line 发球线

fore court 前场

back court 后场

centre mark 中点

server 发球员

receiver 接球员


出发池端 starting edge of pool 仰泳 back stroke

(池)浅端 shallow end 蛙泳 breaststroker

池缘 deck edge 游泳帽 bathing cap

水线 lane line 游泳衣 bathing costume

池边 pool side 游泳池 swimming pool

池壁 pool wall 游泳馆 indoor pool

泳道 swimming lane 救生带 swimming belt

分道线 lane rope 救生棒 saving bar

标志线 markings 救生员 lifeguard

出发台 starting platform 救生圈 cork hoop

换气 alternated breathing 全力冲刺 all-out sprint

划臂 arm pull 充分交换 adequate exchange

吸气 breath in 滚翻转身 flip turn

呼气 breath out 打水动作 footwork

入水 entry 蹬水 kick

跳水 spring 踩水 treading water


踝扎ankle strap

腰带 rubber belt

举重 weightlifting

杠铃 barbell

举重服 weightlifting suit

举重鞋 weightlifting shoe

举重手套 weightlifting glove

拉力器 wall pulley

组合哑铃 dumb-bell sets

镀铬哑铃 chrome dumbbell


体操 gymnastics 高低杠 asymmetrical bars

山羊 buck 平衡木 balance beam

高杠 high bar 平衡梯 balancing stairs

吊杠 hanging bar 体操凳 gym bench

吊环 hand ring 横杠 bar

蹦床 bounding table 双杠 parallel bars

鞍马 pommeled horse 侧空翻 side airspring

屈体跳 piked jump 规定动作 required routine

足尖跑 running on toes 肩倒立 shoulder stand


接力棒 baton 田径运动员 athlete

投掷圈 circle 田径场地 athletic field

限制圈 circle band 田径比赛 athletic meeting

起跳线 balkline 田径运动 athletics

跳高 high jump 三级跳远 hop step and jump

跳远 long jump 投掷项目 distance throw

标枪 javelin 标志旗 checkmark field

撑杆 pole (链球)链 hammer wire

铁饼 discus 踏板 beat the board

链球 hammer 非终点直道 back stretch

沙坑 pit 弯道 curve

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-22 09:03:03 | 显示全部楼层



One of the mascots for the 2000 Olympics, in Australia, is the echidna. This mammal is also known as a spiny anteater and represents Australia's land.

One of the mascots for the 2000 Olympics, in Australia, was the kookaburra. This bird sounds like a laughing human and represents the air over Australia.

One of the mascots for the 2000 Olympics, in Australia, was the platypus. This animal is only one of two mammals that lay eggs; it represents the waters of Australia.






In high school, Oscar-winning actress Hilary Swank was an excellent athlete. She competed in Junior Olympics in swimming, and placed fifth in the Washington state all-around gymnastics.

MGM film bathing beauty and box-office darling Esther Williams arrived on the Hawaiian island Kauai to film the musical, Pagan Love Song,(1950) co-starring Howard Keel, Rita Moreno, and Philip Costa. Overall, this film was fairly routine, but in it, Williams performed her first salt water swimming ballet. Williams was a great swimming athlete who had qualified for three events in the 1940 Olympics, only to have them cancelled by World War II.



米高梅电影公司 quot;出水芙蓉"和票房冠军以斯帖-威廉姆斯来到夏威夷小岛考艾岛录制电影音乐-"异教徒情歌"(1950).影片由霍华德-科儿,丽塔-莫瑞诺,菲利普-科斯塔参演.总体上,这坑捌?嗟背绦蚧?5???匪乖谄?械谝淮卧谘嗡?斜硌莅爬佟K??且幻?淮淼挠斡驹硕?保? 940年奥运会中取得了三项游泳项目的参赛资格.但二战的爆发使那届奥运会被取消.


In a first-of-its-kind business arrangement, Visa International signed a $3 million deal in 1993 to become the official credit card of Atlanta, the host city of the 1996 Summer Olympics.



Law and customs

Married women were forbidden by law to watch, let alone compete, in the ancient Olympics. The penalty was death. The Greeks believed that the presence of wives in olympia would defile Greece's oldest religious shrine there, although young girls were allowed in. Ironically, the shrine that was off-limits to married women was dedicated to a woman, the fertility goddess Rhea, who was the mother of the supreme god Zeus. Women who broke the rule were thrown from a nearby cliff.




To date, athlete Debi Thomas was the first and only black athlete to win a medal at the Winter Olympics, and is the holder of two national championships and one world title in figure skating. She is now an aspiring orthopedic surgeon at Chicago's Northwestern University Medical School.




At the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Tom Malchow was the youngest member of the U.S. men's swim team at age 19. Malchow was humorously nicknamed Puppy Chow by his older teammates. Four years later, at the Olympics in Sydney, he was the 200-meter butterfly gold medallist. Malchow's time of 1:55.35 was the third-fastest performance ever. His nickname changed to "Big Dog."



The first female athlete to appear in a Wheaties "Breakfast of Champions" television commercial was Mary Lou Retton, shortly after her gold medal win at the 1984 summer Olympics.


Australian swimmer Murray Rose won six Olympic medals and was the first man to swim the 1,500-metre freestyle in less than 18 minutes. He won national titles in three countries: the United States, Canada, and Australia. At age 17 in 1956, Rose became the youngest Olympian to win three gold medals during one Olympics.


The first Olympic games were held in Ancient Greece in 776 B.C. The Olympics were held every 4 years at Olympia, in honor of the god Zeus.

公元前776年,第一届奥运会在古希腊举行.奥运会每四年在奥林匹亚山举行一次,用来纪念宙斯. Because of the outbreak of major world wars, the modern Olympics did not hold competitions in 1916, 1940, and 1944.


The first Winter Olympics Games were open in Chamonix, France, on January 25, 1924.


Boston-native figure skater Tenley Albright was the first American woman to win an Olympic figure-skating gold medal. In 1952, Albright placed second in women's figure skating at the Olympic Games. She was the U.S. national championship from 1952 to 1956. In 1953, Albright became the first American woman to win the world championship title. She won the title again in 1955. At the 1956 Olympics, Albright won the gold medal in women's figure skating. She was inducted into the U.S. Olympic Hall of Fame in 1988. After retiring, Albright became a surgeon.


The oldest individual to win a medal in the Olympics was Oscar Swahn. He won a silver medal in shooting for Sweden in 1920. He was 72 years old.


Canada's first Olympic gold medal was won by a man competing for the United States. George Orton of Strathroy, Ontario, took first place in the steeplechase at the 1900 Olympics in Paris, but because Canada didn抰 have an official team, he entered as part of the American team instead.


Until recent years, the Olympics were a hotbed of political protest and boycotts. The most poorly attended modern Olympic Games since 1964 were the 1980 Games in Moscow. Only 81 countries participated in those games because of a boycott against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.


In 1912 in Stockholm, the first electric timing devices and public address system was used at the Olympics.


In the opening procession of the Olympics, the team representing the host nation always marches last.


Iranian women competed in the Olympics for the first time at the 1996 Atlanta Games. The women were limited in the events in which they were allowed to participate, so they would not violate their country's restrictive laws regarding women's clothing.


Mark Spitz holds the all-time Olympic record for men's swimming events. At two Olympics (1968 and 1972), Spitz won a total of 11 medals and is tied as of 2000 with Matt Biondi (1984, 1988, 1992); has the most gold medals at 9 (tied again with Biondi); has the most gold medals at one Olympiad at 7 (Biondi trails at 5), and has the most total medals in one Olympiad (tied with Biondi).


The field hockey event is the only event in which India has ever won any gold medals at the Olympics.



To produce handles for the 10,000-plus Olympic torches carried in the 15,000-mile United States of America relay for the 1996 Summer Olympics, 60 pecan trees were used.



US Presidents

Jimmy Carter was sworn in as president under his nickname Jimmy." The U.S. boycotted the Olympics in Moscow while he was president.



Words and Numbers

"itius, altius, fortius" is the Olympics' motto, and means faster, higher, stronger.


"itius, altius, fortius"是奥林匹克格言,意思是"更快,更高,更强".


The ancient Olympics were rather different from the modern Games. There were fewer events, and only free men who spoke Greek could compete, instead of athletes from any country. Also, the games were always held at Olympia instead of moving around to different sites every time.


Like our Olympics, though, winning athletes were heroes who put their home towns on the map. One young Athenian nobleman defended his political reputation by mentioning how he entered seven chariots in the Olympic chariot-race. This high number of entries made both the aristocrat and Athens look very wealthy and powerful.



Ancient boxing had fewer rules than the modern sport. Boxers fought without rounds until one man was knocked out, or admitted he had been beaten. Unlike the modern sport, there was no rule against hitting an opponent when he was down.

There were no weight classes within the mens' and boys' divisions; opponents for a match were chosen randomly.

Instead of gloves, ancient boxers wrapped leather thongs (himantes) around their hands and wrists which left their fingers free.

Plato makes fun of boxers' faces, calling them the "folk with the battered ears."






Chariot racing




The course was 6 laps around the track (4.5 miles), and there were separate races for full-grown horses and foals. Jockeys rode without stirrups.

Only wealthy people could afford to pay for the training, equipment, and feed of both the driver (or jockey) and the horses. As a result, the owner received the olive wreath of victory instead of the driver or jockey.






Rules outlawed only biting and gouging an opponent's eyes, nose, or mouth with fingernails. Attacks such as kicking an opponent in the belly, which are against the rules in modern sports, were perfectly legal.

Like boxing and wrestling, among others, this event had separate divisions for both men and boys.

The poet Xenophanes describes the pankration as "that new and terrible contest...of all holds" (Xenophanes 2)







This was a 5-event combination of discus, javelin, jumping, running and wrestling.

Aristotle describes a young man's ultimate physical beauty: "a body capable of enduring all efforts, either of the racecourse or of bodily strength...This is why the athletes in the pentathlon are most beautiful." (Aristotle, Rhetoric 1361b)



亚里士多德把经过比赛后的男子体态的优美描写成:"一个能忍受各种考验的身躯,无论是比距离的比赛还是比体力的比赛……这就是为什么会加五项竞技的运动员是最优秀的原 (亚里士多德,Rhetoric 1361b)


The ancient Greeks considered the rhythm and precision of an athlete throwing the discus as important as his strength.

The discus was made of stone, iron, bronze, or lead, and was shaped like a flying saucer. Sizes varied, since the boys' division was not expected to throw the same weight as the mens'.





The javelin was a man-high length of wood, with either a sharpened end or an attached metal point. It had a thong for a hurler's fingers attached to its center of gravity, which increased the precision and distance of a javelin's flight.




Athletes used lead or stone jump weights (halteres) shaped like telephone receivers to increase the length of their jump. The halteres were held in front of the athlete during his ascent, and forcibly thrust behind his back and dropped during his descent to help propel his body further.Jump weights also doubled as weight lifting equipment during training.



There were 4 types of races at Olympia. The stadion was the oldest event of the Games. Runners sprinted for 1 stade (192 m.), or the length of the stadium. The other races were a 2-stade race (384 m.), and a long-distance run which ranged from 7 to 24 stades (1,344 m. to 4,608 m.).

And if these races weren't enough, the Greeks had one particularly grueling event which we lack. There was also a 2 to 4-stade (384 m. to 768 m.) race by athletes in armor. This race was especially useful in building the speed and stamina that Greek men needed during their military service. If we remember that the standard hoplite armor (helmet, shield, and greaves)weighed about 50-60 lbs, it is easy to imagine what such an event must have been like.

The Phaiacian nobles entertain the hero Odysseus by competing in athletic games: "A course was marked out for them from the turning point, and they all sped swiftly, raising the dust of the plain, but among them noble Clytoneus was far the best at running...he shot to the front and the others were left behind." (Homer, Odyssey 8.121ff.)




Like the modern sport, an athlete needed to throw his opponent on the ground, landing on a hip, shoulder, or back for a fair fall. 3 throws were necessary to win a match. Biting was not allowed, and genital holds were also illegal. Attacks such as breaking your opponent's fingers were permitted.

In one of Aristophanes's comedies, one character recommends that another rub his neck with lard in preparation for a heated argument with an adversary. The debater replies, "Spoken like a finished wrestling coach." (Aristophanes, Knights l.490ff.)




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