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楼主: doctorliubo


发表于 2007-1-2 09:35:27 | 显示全部楼层
学习英语要循序渐进,不能急于求成。要切实的提高英语水平,就要扎扎实实地从基础抓起。 听、说、读、写四个方面是学好英语的基础,都很重要。但我的体会是: 以阅读为基础,带动各方面全面提高。 对阅读来说,我觉得材料的选取非常重要。我开始选用的是《英语快速阅读》,后来也用过《高级英语阅读教程》上下两册。因为这两套书体裁多样,篇幅长短适宜,而且介绍了一些快速阅读的方法,并配有相应的测试题。
   我的方法是:第一遍采用快速阅读,即记下起止时间,在读的过程中注意力高度集中,利用眼睛的扫视来提高阅读速度;对于个别生词先跳过去,而着重于对全篇中心意思的理解。 第二遍,再仔细通读全文,在这个过程中学习新的单词及一些固定搭配和习惯用法,并仔细体会精彩的语句。这样,可以充分的利用阅读材料,扩充词汇,增强语感,扩大知识,做到一举多得。 阅读,是扩大和巩固词汇量的好方法。刚进入大学时,我觉得自己的词汇量太小,急于要扩大词汇量。 我曾尝试过背词汇手册,但很快就觉得这样做既费时费力,又枯燥乏味,而且由于只机械的记住了单词的含义,缺乏语言环境,又不能及时巩固,所以遗忘相当高。 后来我采用了这种“字不离句”的在阅读中积累词汇的方法。因为通过上下文来理解,词义记的清楚,而且理解准确。 我把这些单词积累到单词本上,放在身边,利用一些零散时间反复记忆,加深印象。如果长期坚持阅读,又会在阅读过程中巩固记忆单词,同时再学习新的单词。这样滚雪球似的向前发展,不知不觉中词汇量就扩大了,而且也能记得牢靠。 我使用这样的阅读方法,通过第一遍的快速阅读,锻炼了阅读速度,逐渐养成了良好的阅读习惯。 当我拿到一篇英文材料,首先很快的阅读一遍,脑子中马上反映出文章的大意。这样的阅读习惯对我的帮助很大。 比如,我们专业课中用的英文原版材料不可能有足够的时间一字一句的通读,但又必须快速而准确的抓住每个章节的主旨,我学到的快速阅读的方法就帮了我的大忙。 再比如,在英语测试中遇到的阅读理解部分,在规定的有限时间内读完数篇文章及做完数道题,有时就会感到时间不够用,或把文章读完一遍,脑子中缺乏文章的轮廓,对有关中文章主旨的一些问题回答不上来。 由于我坚持阅读练习,锻炼了阅读速度和理解能力,所以,答这类的问题就得心应手了。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-1-2 10:14:56 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2007-1-2 12:07:56 | 显示全部楼层
I was permitted to take college English test band-4 (CET-4) in the second semester of my freshman year. Before taking it, I had known pretty much about it. I knew it is very important for college students. Studying English hard and getting through the test is an inalienable part of college life. But little had I appreciated it at that time. I really know what it means till I have worked for more than two years after I graduated from university. My English teacher told us who would take CET-4 that there would be training classes for us, and the expense for the training is 200 yuan. Foreign Language College of our university organized the training. The staff is definitely that of the college. Classes would be given during weekends till the eve of the test.
I had that faintest idea of how to pass the test, so I paid the tuition. In my opinion, the training is useful. I got some skills about writing the test that were totally new for me. The ones impressed me the most was how to deal with reading. For the first time did I know the importance of the topic passage for one article, and that of the topic sentence for one passage. But the more I went to the training classes; the more I felt boring. Then, the more I cut the classes. I bought a book of test cet-e test papers of the latest ten times and prepared the test myself. Fortunately I passed it successfully. That summer vocation, when I told my mama the big success, she was so surprised, "so poor grades". She said so for she had no idea of what cet-4 is.
Returned to university, I was proud and of course admired by my classmates. I began to think about CET-6. Some of fellow townsmen told me CET-6 is terrible. It is difficult to get through. One of them who was senior give me an example. There are only one guy in his class passed it. They told me that I should try, never mind if I would fail. After all, I had already had CET-4 certificate. So I think it nearly impossible for me. I did not prepare it seriously.
I like the library. I always went there. Seldom did I read any book patiently, I just liked the feeling of touching the new books with fresh smell and colorful cover. I also like to open those books that are fat or expensive. The most favorable books for me are those about English, computer and my major: biotechnology. One day, I find a book on preparing for graduate admission examination (GAE). At that time, GAE is great. I opened the book only to find that the reading is really difficult for me, but is it possible for me to get the main idea. I always went there and read that book. It was helpful to improve my reading. The first semester of my sophomore year, I failed to pass CET-6, my number of mark is 54, 6 from passing it. I know it was because of my insufficient of words I had memorized. The next half of a year, I started the painstaking new words memorizing process. Half of a year later, the second semester, I passed the test successfully, with the highest mark in my major.


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发表于 2007-1-2 18:40:27 | 显示全部楼层
I have read what agldacheng wrote carefully and I found the similarity between us. I also passed the CET-4 in my freshman year, with a grade of 81. And, I passed CET-6, with a surpsieing grade of 87 during the first semester of my sophomore year. At the end of my sophomore year, I took the CET-4 a second time together with all my classmates, and got 86. I felt lucky, especially for my CET-6, but I do know that there's my effort behind the grade, which leads to the "success".

When I was preparing for the first CET-4 and CET-6, I did the same thing. One thing is the real CET-4(6) exam papers of the previous years, and the other is a so-called "training exam papers", by "Wang Changxi" if I remember correctly. In my opinion, the "sinlge choice" is the most valuable part of all the papers, on which I spent lots of time. I memorized all the words and phrases that appeared in the previous years, and I found that there's a great chance that the words will reappear in a few years. So if you can collect the papers from the last ten years, I would say that you won't have a big problem with the words and phrases. Actually this is a common opinion of lots of students who have passed the CET-4(6), and it was proved to be ture. When I took the second CET-4, I didn't even buy the exam papers. I just borrowed the papers from my roommates and had a look at the "single choice section". At that time, almost all of the single choices were about words and phrases, which I of course felt very easy. But my classmates didn't tend to feel the same way.

Ok, enough for the CET. I am not telling you to do the same thing as I did. What I want to say is that there's no shortcut for english learning. You have to work hard on it. If you have made enough effort, even if you don't prepare at all, you will not get a too bad result, in any kind of english exams(except for GRE maybe). To prepare for the CET and to learn englsih are actually the same thing, which is non-separable accordding to my experience. Now I will start to share my experience of english learning.

I really started learning english when I was in high school, actually the third year of high school, by memorizing words that appears on newspapers. At that time, I bought the newpaper called "21st Century", and I only read the parts that were suitable for me and keep notes of the words that I saw frequently on the newspaper( before that, I was keeping notes of the words that appeared on the training exam papers. but then I gave up because I found that the words were rarely used in everyday life). To help me memorize, I use a "Wen Qu Xing", which is a really great thing if you know how to set up your know "words group" and how to make the plan to review them. Also, after I went to the colleage, I kept doing that. I can still remember the many times when I was too concentrated on the newspaper that I forgot the time for the lectures. I didn't realize the benifit of this until I suddenly found that I rarely have difficulties in reading and listening any more. It was at that time that I started watching classic english movies with english subtitles.

So if people want to learn english well, enough words is a necessity. Do not grab a dictionary and starting memorizing. Learn words form the everyday life, from news papers, songs, movies and so on. Keep notes and review frequently (only one or two times means nothing).

One thing I forgot to mention is the grammar, which is enssential for reading. Grammar is important, but it is not difficult(I am not speaking of english as a major). If You could follow your teacher during middle and high school and understand all the grammar that appears on the text books, then your grammar is good enough. That's why I did't touch any grammar thing during colleage. Believe me, if you have really matered all the grammars from middle and high school, you won't have problems at all, even with TOEFL (I got 640 by the way). But if you have some problem with the grammar, finding out your old text books and starting learning is the first thing you should do.

If you are ok with the grammar, then start learning words as I said before. AND, most important, persistance, persistance and persistance. Don't give up if you find no improvment after one or two month, just hang in there. When you suddenly realize that you are better than before, you are actually much better than before, on a higher level if you will.

I remember "Yu Min Hong" once said the following: If you want to keep your english level, at least spent one hour reading or listening or whatever. but if you want to improve your english, spent at least three hours on english everyday. I can't agree more with what he said. Once you start learning words, you will realize how time flies and three hours is too short.

Now I am still leaning english from news and tv-series. I have no problem at reading and listening at all, the only problem left is the speaking. My goal is to speak english as well as Chinese, and I am working for this.

Ok, back to CET as a summary: grammar+words+efficiency+persistance. If you could achieve these, you will find that CET is really a piece of cake. I wish everyone a good success!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-1-3 02:22:26 | 显示全部楼层





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发表于 2007-1-3 06:35:56 | 显示全部楼层








听力那可真是没什么太多取巧的学习方法,不过我也有个推荐的方法供大家参考。我没背过课文(被老师批评过),也没背过新概念,但是我背过听力。。。我们当时是Step By Step的教程,每次我练习,都是把听力内容先背个半熟不熟(这花不了太多时间,花时间的事儿我不爱做),然后就反复的听,这么十几,二十个单元下来,不太费力就能听得很不错了。相比很多人一个录音在不明内容的情况下或者不熟悉内容的情况下听好多遍,又省事又省脑,效果也不差。


顺便问问,要是这个不能给5威,翻成英文够不够 ?

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-1-3 10:02:25 | 显示全部楼层















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发表于 2007-1-3 16:02:02 | 显示全部楼层



重新认识英语, 重新认识计算机, 创造一个良好的英语学习环境

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-1-3 16:36:55 | 显示全部楼层
My view on CET4 & CET6
   Three years ago, I passed CET4 & CET6 . I attended CET4 twice and passed it at second time. Fortunately, I attended CET6 only once and passed it successfully.

   For college students, CET4 and CET6 should be passed. CET4 and CET6 is a test that can evaluate student’s English ability generally. To pass it, students must train themself strictly. Except for learning college English textbook, they should do more.

   At college, I am not a good a student because I like to play more than to study. So, on the  first CET4, I failed. After this frustration, I was so painful and decided to introspect myself. I concluded that if I can not pass CET4, I would be a pity failurer; if I was a failurer, I could not survive in this society in not far future. So, I made up my mind to pass CET4.

    “A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed.” The first thing I must do is to improve my listening. Every morning, after I got up, I took half an hour to practise English-listening. Same did I before I went to bed at night. The material of listening came from the past CET4 listening exercise and from other resourse such as New Concept English, special English of VOA, Around USA, and so on. The second thing was to recite words. Perhaps, it was a short cut to memorize English words. So, like other studens, I bought a dictionary to recite words. Every day, I must spent 1 to 2 hours to recite. It was difficult to insist. Especially in winter or at busy time, I want to halt. Several times, I did halt actually. But I persisted at the end. After a year, the ability of listening had been improved and the number of words increased.

    Then, it came to reading. The problem was that the speed of reading was not quickly enough and reading comprehension was weak. But I found my way. That is, I readed articles loudly day after day. Those aticles which were easy to be understood were selected from textbook. Gradually, I had much more percption to English article. As for writting, I did not spend much time on it because I knew English writting ability can not be improved in a short time. I just wrote one article a week.

   At the end, I did and reviewed the past CET4 exercise two month before CET4 test. Then, I passed it. After passed CET4, I passed CET6 at one fling.

   Looking back the experience, I do not think it can make me comprehension on English cuture. In other words, It can not enrich my English knowledge actually. It is just a way to deel with examination. To reach a more higher level, I have a long way to go.

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发表于 2007-1-3 18:52:00 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2007-1-3 23:35:24 | 显示全部楼层





我不太想在这里讲自己学习英语以及过四、六级的经验,免得有误人子弟的嫌疑。我的英语水平在有些人眼中也许还不错,过了四、六级,虽然分数不高。但我还是认为自己的英语学习太差劲,学了十几年,家里的课本、课外读物、辞典、小说阿什么的一大堆,到头来还是不能说出口,听也听不懂,一看到英文文章就头晕,觉得是异物,写一个短篇的英语文章要憋半天还是chinese english。我觉得学习好一门语言的标准就是能够自然而然的用这门语言流利的表达自己的想法。能够流畅的听、说、读、写,就像母语一样。这样才是理想的。可是现在我们的状况呢?唉!不说了!




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发表于 2007-1-4 09:46:59 | 显示全部楼层
Though I passed CET4 with high score several years ago, the details about how I prepared for it became vague. But I want to tell something about it in my point now. I have been out of school several years. At first, I didn’t care English so much for there was no any communication in English in our company. The only places we can touch it were the equipments and technical documents. So I became so unfamiliar with it. At the moment, I find my bad English especial spoken English became a handicap in my daily work. I hope I can pick it up again just as some years ago.
I don’t know the CET4 test at the moment for there are many changes from several years ago. But I really think the way we learn English is the same. There’s no short cut. Take listening for example, many people learn English just as a dummy special in China. They don’t speak a word in English and that will make them so unfamiliar with the tone. So when the listening starts, they can’t make a quick response to what they have heard from the tape. When I first talked with the foreigners, I was always afraid of my bad spoken English. But in fact, they don’t care how we made the sentence. They just want to catch my meanings. So give you your courage, speak it out loudly and talk in English as more as possible, you can make great progress in both your listening and spoken English.
They other parts of the CET4 need your long time on exercises, I think. Just like we meet a stranger in our daily life, the first meet without any others’ introduce, you may can’t cognize him next time. The more you meet him, the more familiar you can get with him. The same in study English, the more time you meet the vocabularies, the familiar you get with them. Because you meet them in different environments, you also know how to use them in different ways. So make more practice.
The “reading and understanding” part needs your reading and thinking. This part is really very simple if we put it in English. The questions are just like the one we meet in primary schools. But the biggest problem in CET4 is that we can’t translate it into English properly in such short time. So the only thing we can do is more practice and more thinking. Some time we get nothing after our reading for we haven’t do any thinking during the reading process. So we should get accustomed to this kind of reading. We should give ourselves five minutes to think what the articles want to tell us after every reading. We should tell us there are any special or anything we haven’t understood in this reading. The more we reading, the quicker response we can do after our reading, and then that’ll save your time during your test.
The more familiar you get with English, the less pity you have after your test. I don’t think there’s any difficulty in our English study. We’re just lack of your interest and endeavor if we have bad English just like I have now.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-1-4 11:33:47 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2007-1-5 01:30:59 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2007-1-5 10:17:43 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-5 12:04:07 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2007-1-7 00:50:11 | 显示全部楼层

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seagirl 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-11-1 13:44:10 | 显示全部楼层
引用第4楼ooooo于2006-12-29 23:45发表的 :

像很多人一样,对于四级,我曾经也是很苦恼,考了3次,全部差了一大截!今年我总结了我失败的原因,并在今年暑假前的那次考试把它给搞定了,521分。之下我简单谈下我的过四级之路,也许对像我这样基础并不是很好的同学有那么点帮助。以前我总是按部就班别人的所谓绝招什么的,单词也是背下核心高频什么的,而且是 越少的越好那种,可是到头来等待我的却是一次次面对四级不及格的“悲剧”。今年我觉得改头换面,我下定决心来踏踏实实学习英语。我找了本四级的词汇(不是核心高频的那种,几乎包括了四级大纲上所要求 的单词),坚持每天15个单词。而且在网上下了些经典句子什么的,每天背5句。听力我就是听历年的真题听力,每天都听,偶尔看下21世纪报,其他的我什么都没干。

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发表于 2007-11-1 15:06:58 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-1-19 16:11:08 | 显示全部楼层

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