Getting Started…On The Right Foot
“Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task.”
—William James
1、It always helps to know where your time is going. So, keep track of how you spend your time for two weeks. Sound dull? Boring, maybe? So cut it down to a couple of days. Surprise! Most of your log will show you're investing your time in people or things not really important to you or your goals.
开始 - 从正确的方向开始
- William James
2、Focus, focus, focus on STARTING tasks rather than finishing them. The greatest challenge is taking the first step and getting started. (Ah yes – doesn’t that feel good?)
3、Every day something unexpected is going to happen. Count on it! So, set aside some “Oops time!” Don’t let these emergencies disrupt the rest of your day. Plan for them, act on them and then get back to work.
4、Think on paper. Writing things down minimizes confusion and stress. Write down your goals, to-do lists, and even the problems that you’re working on. You’ll find putting things on paper usually clarifies the situation. Committing things to memory can be a waste of brain power, not to mention a poor storage device as well.
把思考用纸记录下来。把事情写下来可以使你的困惑和压力减小到最小。写下你的目标,待执行清单,甚或你正在解决的问题。你会发现将事情写在纸上将澄清现在的状况。把所有的事情存在脑子里是对大脑的一种浪费,更不要说是一个很糟糕的记忆装置了。 |