Creep v. intr.
To move with the body close to the ground, as on hands and knees. 爬,四肢触地,蟑螂是这样的,偷地雷的鬼子也是这样的。
Loiter v. intr.
To stand idly about; linger aimlessly. 闲逛,女人、盲流都是这样的。
March v. intr./ v. tr.
To walk steadily and rhythmically forward in step with others. “伟大的中国人民解放军,迈着整齐的步伐,走过了主席台,接受了国家领导人的检阅。”
Meander v. intr./ n.
To follow a winding and turning course. (Streams tend to meander through level land.) 《桃花源记》中弯弯绕,《小石潭记》中绕弯弯。
To move aimlessly and idly without fixed direction. (vagabonds meandering through life.)
Pace v. tr./ v. intr.
To walk or stride back and forth across. (paced the floor nervously.) 平时怎么走,正常地走就可以了。
Patrol v.tr./ v.intr.
To engage in a patrol (of).警察叔叔工作忙,天天巡逻不休息
Plod v.intr./ v.tr.
To move or walk heavily or laboriously; trudge. 负重走。苦不苦,想想人家萨达姆。累不累,想想屁股下面的小毛驴。
(donkeys that plodded wearily in a circle round a gin? “绕着轧棉机缓缓走动的驴子”)
Prowl v.tr./ v.intr.
To roam through stealthily, as in search of prey or plunder: (prowled the alleys of the city after dark.) 打、砸、抢的专业人士,都是走这样的标准化步子。
Ramble v.intr.
To move about aimlessly;To walk about casually or for pleasure. 闲逛,要么是贤人,要么是闲人
Roam v.intr./ v.tr.
To move about without purpose or plan; wander. 类似于上
Saunter v.intr.
To walk at a leisurely pace; stroll. 人们都很闲,所有关于闲的词也特别的多。
Shuffle v.tr./ v.intr.
To slide (the feet) along the floor or ground while walking. 铁拐李的招牌动作,严禁模仿。
Stagger v.intr./ v.tr.
To move or stand unsteadily, as if under a great weight; totter. 蹒跚。
Stalk v.intr./ v.tr.
To walk with a stiff, haughty, or angry gait. (stalked off in a huff.) 傲慢地,使我想到了苦难的中国近代史,打倒日本帝国主义!!!
Step v.intr./ v.tr.
To put or press the foot. (step on the gas.)我不说,你也知道
Stride v.intr./ v.tr.
To walk with long steps, especially in a hasty or vigorous way. 披云戴彩,大步流星
Strut v.intr./ v.tr.
To walk with pompous bearing; swagger. 大摇大摆地走,这些喝人民的血,吃人民的肉的地主老财。
Stroll v.intr./ v.tr./ n.
To go for a leisurely walk. (stroll in the park.) 又是一个闲人,又在闲逛。
Toddle v.intr.
To walk with short, unsteady steps. 小儿学步
Tramp v.intr./ v.tr./
To walk with a firm, heavy step; trudge. 脚步坚实
Tread v.tr./ v.intr.
To walk on, over, or along. 该怎么走,还得怎么走
Trudge v.intr.
To walk in a laborious, heavy-footed way; plod. 和上面那个是同义词拉
Walk v.intr./ v.tr. /n. 要是不认识这个单词,算你狠
Sidle v.intr./ v.tr.
To move sideways. (sidled through the narrow doorway.) 侧身而行,见过螃蟹的人,应该都会。
Prance v.intr./ v.tr.
To spring forward on the hind legs. Used of a horse. 马后腿腾跃
Lounge v.intr./ v.tr.
To move or act in a lazy, relaxed way; loll. (lounging on the sofa; lounged around in pajamas.) 中国人贤,外国人闲。 |