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外语学习 今日: 0|主题: 26432|排名: 52 

版主: brianleeeee
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预览 [[资源推荐]] Decentralization and Local Governance in China's Economic Transition golden21c 2007-4-27 1601 golden21c 2007-4-27 20:30
预览 [[求助与讨论]] Under-the-Radar Vacation Spots whiteman 2007-4-27 0462 whiteman 2007-4-27 19:43
预览 [[求助与讨论]] The Cost of Peace of Mind whiteman 2007-4-27 0470 whiteman 2007-4-27 19:39
预览 [[资源推荐]] TEF考试技巧 xliley 2007-4-27 0492 xliley 2007-4-27 19:32
预览 [[求助与讨论]] 法语聊天的常用语 xliley 2007-4-27 0435 xliley 2007-4-27 19:28
预览 [[求助与讨论]] Save the World Air, Inc. Expands Business in Vietnam, Indonesia and the U.S. kiyuwwb 2007-4-27 0504 kiyuwwb 2007-4-27 17:51
预览 [[求助与讨论]] 美国概况文本 曾燕环 2007-4-27 0697 曾燕环 2007-4-27 17:10
预览 [[求助与讨论]] 我对学习英语的一点想法(转贴) 曾燕环 2007-4-27 0482 曾燕环 2007-4-27 16:59
预览 [[资源推荐]] 昂立口译考试词汇必备词汇手册 herrmayor 2007-4-27 0525 herrmayor 2007-4-27 16:42
预览 [[求助与讨论]] 求教下面技术指标如何翻译? golden21c 2007-4-27 0496 golden21c 2007-4-27 16:11
预览 [[求助与讨论]] How to install love wonuvy 2007-4-27 0481 wonuvy 2007-4-27 15:50
预览 [[学习策略]] 谁能提供一些关于AHD音标的资料? skyglaive 2007-4-26 31493 skyglaive 2007-4-27 15:27
预览 [[资源推荐]] Reader's Digest dioder 2007-4-27 2602 redstarshu 2007-4-27 14:51
预览 [[求助与讨论]] A piece of soap "or" A bar of soap hy2007 2007-4-27 0478 hy2007 2007-4-27 14:29
预览 [[求助与讨论]] 跳楼价=跳水价? hy2007 2007-4-27 0407 hy2007 2007-4-27 14:27
预览 [[求助与讨论]] 工作中的闲聊 wscwxx 2007-4-27 0560 wscwxx 2007-4-27 13:14
预览 [[求助与讨论]] 接见客户的对话 wscwxx 2007-4-27 0468 wscwxx 2007-4-27 13:11
预览 [[求助与讨论]] 趣谈“去睡觉” pm1980 2007-4-27 0504 pm1980 2007-4-27 12:45
预览 [[求助与讨论]] Barrymore is People's 'most beautiful' pm1980 2007-4-27 0475 pm1980 2007-4-27 12:44
预览 [[求助与讨论]] 法语冠词与形容词 oksjping 2007-4-27 0469 oksjping 2007-4-27 11:25
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