Smiley's People汉译11难译句子汇集1
有些句子觉得很难处理,汇集起来,以后集中处理On one of these August days—the fourth, and at twelve o’clock exactly, for a church clock was chiming and a factory bell had just preceded it—in a quartier once celebrated for its large population of the poorer Russian émigrés, a stocky woman of about fifty, carrying a shopping bag, emerged from the darkness of an old warehouse and set off, full of her usual energy and purpose, along the pavement to the bus-stop.
说明:主要难译之处在“full of her usual energy and purpose”,感觉大致意思就是她走路时的精力,精神和往常一样,所谓purpose,大概指她和往常一样,目标明确,就是要走到公交车站去。但中文如何表达,不是太满意,暂时先这么译着,将来再考虑如何改善。
Her cracked shoes, which in walking tended outwards at the points, set a stern tattoo rattling between the shuttered houses.
说明:施译为“她穿一双破皮鞋,走起路来脚趾都快要露出来了”虽然好懂,但感觉不太忠实。李译“脚上那双走起路来向外翻斜的鞋子”又有点不知所云。现在这样译,感觉又不是说得太明白。stern tatton rattling也不好处理,从保留文化信息(异化)考虑,暂时这样译。