agent124 发表于 2023-10-31 07:13:12

Smiley's People汉译4

She was neither dressed nor built for exertion on a hot day, being in stature very short indeed, and fat, so that she had to roll a little in order to get along.

Her black dress, of ecclesiastical severity, possessed neither a waist nor any other relief except for a dash of white lace at the neck and a large metal cross, well fingered but of no intrinsic value, at the bosom.

Her cracked shoes, which in walking tended outwards at the points, set a stern tattoo rattling between the shuttered houses.

说明:这句话很难译。 tended outwards at the points,施译为“走起路来脚趾都快要露出来了”,是自己想象出来的,李译为“脚上那双走起路来向外翻斜的鞋子”,也是不知所云。更难翻的是后半句,a stern tattoo rattling,查了半天资料才理解,这是作者的一种比喻,tattoo是英国的一种军乐,所以严肃(stern),英国佬看到这句也许是会意一笑,但中国人难以理解,所以这个比喻就抛弃了。between the shuttered houses,怎么放都别扭,不符合汉语习惯。干脆也抛弃了。

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