游五台山感受福祉Visiting Mount Wutai
Mount Wutai, located at the northern end of the Taihang Mountains in Shanxi Province is one of China's most famous Buddhist scenic spots.
平均海拔1000米以上, 最高点北台叶门峰海拔3058米,被称为“华北屋脊”。
The average elevation here is 1,000 metres above sea level, with the highest point being Yemen Peak at 3,058 metres.
五台山方圆300公里, 因五峰如五根擎天大柱,拔地而起,巍然矗立,峰顶平坦如台,故名五台。
Known as the “Roof of North China”,Mount Wutai has a radius of 300 kilometres, its five peaks like huge pillars magnificently erected upon the earth.But because on the top of each peak the land is flat, the area was named Mount Wutai meaning “five platforms”.
The climate on the mountain is cold.Even if in summer you cannot feel the warm, so it is also known as a cool mountain.
Mount Wutai, as one of most famous Buddhist resorts, is well known for having the largest Manjusri Bodhisattva.
Among the four sacred Buddhist Mountains (Mount Emei, Mount Putuo, Mout Hua, Mount Wutai) in China, Mount Wutai is the most majestic one.
It is also called “Gold Five Platforms” for its long and grand history with Buddhist temples.Han Dynasty Emperor Ming built the first temple on Mount Wutai.
By the Tang Dynasty most people believed in Manjusri so Mount Wutai became very prosperous, with 360 temples.But after so many years of damage from fire and war, only about 100 temples are left.
I visited Mount Wutai curiously with two questions.Why was Mount Wutai the birthplace for two powerful dynasties?One the Tang and the other contemporary China.At the end of the Sui Dynasty, Li Yuan and his son, Li Shimin, led a revolt from here and established Tang, the first large economy in the world.
So, I will explore how Mount Wutai is a place of good luck, refuge and blessings for heroes and their teams leading them to conquer, build and rule the country prosperously with a thousand wounds.
Reportedly, Li Yuan led Tang soldiers to conquer many cities and regarded Mount Wutai as a “Haven Blessed Spot”.
When Li Yuan and his son began their anti-Sui campaign, they made great vows to Buddha, promising that if Li could be emperor, Li would popularize Buddhism.
武德二年 (公元619年)李渊便在京师聚集高僧,立十大德,管理僧尼事务。
In AD 619, the second year Li Yuan had been on the throne, he gathered many monks in the capital and promoted ten of them to positions in charge of management of Buddhist affairs for the entire country.
During their accession, Tang Taizong advocated for the people to believe in Buddhism and built many temples on the old battlefields.
In AD 635 Tang Taizong issued an order saying: “Manjusri should be housed at Mount Wutai with the other gods who live there and we must worship them!” As a result,in that year,ten temples were built on Mount Wutai and hundreds of monks worked there,1.From then on Buddhist monks came forth in large numbers and Mount Wutai became prosperous and famous domestically and abroad.
Along with an increase to the number of temples, the number of monks at Mount Wutai also increased. At one point there were ten thousand monks.
据记载,随着唐朝的鼎盛和国际交往的扩大,五台山又受到了印度、日本、 朝鲜和斯里兰卡等国佛教徒的景仰,朝礼五台山和到五台山求取佛经佛法的外国僧侣很多。
According to records, during the flourishing Tang Dynasty and the expansion of international affairs, Buddhists from India, Japan, North Korea and Sri Lanka worshiped Mount Wutai.Many foreign monks went to Mount Wutai for pilgrimage and learnt Buddhist dharma from here.
At present, the existing temples in Mount Wutai are preserved and in good condition.The ancient buildings, after over one thousand years, still stand toweringly, showing the Chinese ancestors superb construction and art to the world.
我随着络绎不绝的游人走进五台山现存的寺院,只见旺盛的香火在各个殿堂氤氲缭绕着, 香气扑鼻,而人们排着队在佛像前顶礼膜拜,祈求福荫。
Along with a continuous line of visitors I enter Mount Wutai and enjoy the aroma ofthe exuberant incense contained in each hall.I see many people kneeling down in adoration before Buddhist images, praying for blessings.
The Buddha at Mount Wutai is said to be efficacious.Since ancient times the bricks paving the ground have been worn and tom by the countless stream of visitors.Every day there are workers changing the bricks.
My mind goes back to the end of the Sui Dynasty.Li Yuan and his sons might have worshiped here, have burnt incense to the Buddha and kowtowed here.
Then at some point they made up their minds to rise in rebellion against the Sui.
The military genius of Li Shimin created numerous military miracles.
The Li family members got inspiration from the Buddha here: “he who gets the popular vote will conquer the land”,so they paid attention to the public feelings.
如赞扬瓦岗军反隋昏暗统治是英明之举,约以共同灭隋。同时还派人和关中儿支农民起义军联系,因而得以顺利渡过黄河,在短时间内收拢了起义军9万人,大大加强了军事力量, 迅速攻打下首都长安。
They set up a union with the Wagang Farm Army to rebel and fight against the Sui, meanwhile sending several teams to contact other peasant uprising armies. Thus Li was able to smoothly cross the Yellow River and in a short period of time assembled a rebellion force of 90,000 men.With the military force greatly strengthened, Li’s troop quickly conquered the capital Chang'an.
称帝后,以减租减息等一系列政策继续收买人心,于是得到扩充实力,打败了与之抗衡的窦建德、王世充等地主割据势力的武装集团, 还打畋了侵犯内地的突厥,统一了全国,开始了一个新的封建王朝。
Later Li became emperor and made reductions to rent, to interest, and introduced a series of policies to meet popular opinion.Next Li's army defeated rivals such as Jian-de Dou, Wang Shichong, and the invasion of Turks.He eventually unified the country and began a new feudal dynasty.
Buddhism advocates that you love your people just like you love your sons.After Li Yuan's death, his son Li Shimin instituted the Zhenguan Reform as he had learnt the lesson from the Sui failure.
Li Shimin thought that the farmers had risen because of onerous taxes,govemment officials' corruption, hunger and cold.So only by saving expenses, cutting taxes and clarifying the administration of officials could the people live a good life and the nation become stable.
他告诫:“水能载舟,亦能覆舟。”把君主比喻为船,把百姓比喻为水,这和佛教“向善” “慈悲”的精髓十分接近。
He warned: “Water can carry a boat, and can also overturn it.^ He viewed the monarch as the boat and the people as the water.His ideology was close to the Buddhist essence of “good” and “mercy”.
He took Wei Zheng’s advice and adopted a soft policy to control minorities, and reformed the official promotion system.As a result, capable men who were bom into poor families could be promoted, while corrupt officials were punished.
He would listen to remonstrations, particularly to what Wei Zheng dared to utter: “Copper as a mirror can correct your dress, history as a mirror can be used to see rises and falls, a person as a mirror can know gains and losses.
所以,贞观之治把唐朝推向了兴盛,“海内升平,路不拾遗, 外户不闭,商旅业宿”;“米斗不过四五钱” “民物藩息”“号称太平”。
^ Therefore, during the Zhenguan Reform the Tang Dynasty became prosperous.A “domestically peaceful and prosperous time, people did not need to close their outer door, no one picked up or pocketed anything lost on the road, and prices were lower than before”,“A bucket of rice only cost four or five pennies”,“the people felt pleased.” It was known as a time of peace.
The sun sets in the west, and Mount Wutai bathes in the golden rays.The temples look more beautiful.
Singing, the monks pray for peace to reign over the land, for national prosperity, and for the safety and health of the people.
Sweet songs and melodies echo through the peaks and valleys, and that is Mount Wutai‘s Buddhist welfare blessing the land and moving heaven.