想的就是你 发表于 2016-3-10 20:32:59


Campus Belle, Pearl, Publicity Team Captain

“If only one didn’t have to grow up!” Many people have had such a sigh, especially those who are nearly at the end of their childhood, those who are involved in emotional troubles, or those who are in the middle of their journey in life.

When they look back at the past, they like to give out such a deep breath.

“If only one didn’t have to grow up!” This was the last sentence that a beautiful girl wrote in a letter to me.

She was the school campus belle, a pearl in the eyes of all the teachers and students, and the school publicity team captain.

“人要是不长大该多好! ”这也是我读了她给我最后一封信后的由衷感慨。
“If only one didn’t have to grow up!” When I finished reading her letter, I uttered the sentence with sincere emotion.

The beautiful girl, named Liu Yan (a pseudonym), lived in the same street as me; she was a neighbor of mine.

她长得像洋娃娃,长长的睫毛,弯弯的眉毛,大大的眼睛,圆圆的脸盘, 聪明伶俐,能歌善舞,是个人见人爱的“芭比娃娃”。
She looked like a beautiful “Bobbi doll”,slim with long eyelashes, long hair, a pair of big blue eyes, and a vivid angelic face.She was clever and sensible, good at singing and dancing.

Anyone who saw her loved her at once, therefore, in primary school, she soon became the campus belle, class cadre, and backbone of ensembles.

I remember that I read in primary school for second grade, the school could not do the normal classes or activities.Liu Yan, who was two grades older than me, was encouraged by the teacher to organize a Thought Propaganda Team.

She became the captain and began selecting a range of actors and actresses from the school.

In those years I looked lovely and was good at singing with my loud smart voice.It was a great honor that she picked me.

Under her command we had a rehearsal.

In the team there were twenty teammates,twelve girls, and eight boys.

排练的节目有男女声大合唱、 女声小合唱、男生小合唱、男女二重唱、男女四重唱、男生独唱、女声独唱、 舞蹈、快板、双簧、乐器独奏等等,其中压轴的节目是歌舞《长征》,我们穿着红军服装,背着木制的大刀和枪支,表现红军爬雪山、过草地、强渡大渡河的情景。舞蹈难度系数很高,女生在结束时要大劈叉,即两条腿要平直地在地上摆成前后一百八十度造型,上身挺直,一只手向前伸直,另-只手向上高举,表现女战士勇往直前的大无畏革命气概。男生叠成罗汉,最上面的男生举着红旗, 那造型,有一种气壮山河的气势。
In the rehearsals, we prepared many programs, including a cantata, a girls chorus, a boys chorus,a girl and boy duet,a terzetto, a quarter,four boys and girls chorus,solo boy, solo girl, dance, allegro, oboe, double string, trio, suite and so on.The final and most important program was the dance the “Long March”,in which all of us, wearing the uniform of the Red Army, carrying wooden swords and guns, performed as Red Army soldiers climbing the Snow Mountain, crossing the wet grassland, and fighting with the white army.The dance was very complicated and the difficulty coefficient was quite high.The girls in the end scene needed to do a big split, with their two legs flat on the ground and placed at a one hundred and eighty degrees angle, but their upper bodies kept upright, one hand stretching forward, the other hand rising up high.The pose represented female warriors marching forward courageously, their dauntless revolutionary spirit.The boys needed to be stacked into one hill, with the top a boy carrying a red flag with both hands.The dance and modeling looked a magnificent at momentum.

Liu Yan, after consulting the teacher from the Children's Art Club, created all the programs.

She was not only the dance designer, but also the lead dancer and lead singer, and not to mention the team’s spiritual pillar.

After the publicity team was established, all the teachers and students waited for the first performance.After several rehearsals, we made our opening.To our great surprise, we earned unprecedented success.Schoolteachers and students clapped hands, giving us a warm welcome and praise.

接着,我们就到附近的机关、学校、 工厂、车间、街道给叔叔阿姨们演出。
Then we went to the units, schools, factories, workshops, and streets to perform for the uncles and aunts and other audiences.

Wherever we went, the audiences gave us a warm welcome.

Although the team consisted of very young boys and girls we had a good reputation, and as a result a lot of distant units, factories, schools, streets and even rural production teams would invite us, even beg us to perform for them.

One day a military force invited us to visit their base to perform for the soldiers.We felt very proud as they collected us with a huge military truck and after the perfonnance presented us with a banner, the biggest, very daring.Hanging on the school classroom wall, it looked very stylish.

The school also devoted a big hall to our display and awards, including banners, sculptures, red books, certificates and other souvenirs.

These achievements could not be viewed as separate from Liu Yan.

Our school was in the vicinity of the Summer Palace, so the team often received political tasks of dancing and singing for national leaders and guests.In front of the gate of the Summer Palace we lined up along both sides of the street to welcome the party and national leader, as well as foreign presidents or important guests by dancing and singing.

Liu Yan naturally became the lead dancer, and the girl who presented the bunch of flowers to the party and state leaders and foreign guests.

新闻纪录电影制片厂和中央电视台在拍摄领导人和外国元首游览颐和园的时候,也把我们的欢迎仪式拍摄下来,不过我们在里边只是全景,一晃而过, 但是刘燕却有大特写,或是她领舞优美的姿态,或是她向首长和外宾献花的特写,长达好几秒。
Newsreel, documentary film studios and CCTV would record the scene, national leaders and foreign guests visiting the Summer Palace as a part of the welcome ceremony, and our dancing and singing would be shot too.Of course, all of the team members in the film were in a panoramic frame, however Liu Yan had close-ups when she was either dancing with a beautiful gesture or presenting flowers and her close ups could last for several seconds.

我记得她曾向我国党和国家领导人以及外国元首如铁托、齐奥赛斯库、菲律宾总统马科斯夫人等献过花并致少先队队礼,罗马尼亚、朝鲜、 阿尔巴尼亚等代表团还主动与她合过影。
I remember that she, as the deputy of the young pioneers, presented flowers and saluted national leaders and foreign country’s leaders such as President Tito, President Ceausescu, President Marcos of the Philippines, and guests from Romania, North Korea, Albania, Vietnam and other delegations. Photographic reporters snapped many pictures about the ceremonies and about her.

因此,刘燕早早就成为了明星、明珠, 学校的骄傲,北京市少年的优秀典型。
The young Miss Liu Yan became a star, a pearl, a flower, a special outstanding student of Beijing.

Miss Liu Yan, in our hearts, was a goddess.

She treated me very well, even though she taught me in a very strict way.

In the beginning of the dance rehearsals, I always looked around through lack of focus.

She would kick me, screw up my ears, or even grab my collar to get me to concentrate.

Hand in hand she taught me how to pose, how to keep the beat, until I completely mastered the essentials.

I respected her, but also loved her too much.

还记得有一次,她为保护我, 与地痞流氓搏斗。
I remember that once she protected me, making sure I avoided being insulted by local ruffians in a fight.

那是一次有最高指示下来,我们宣传队敲锣打鼓去宣传喜讯, 可是半路上遇到了几个流氓地痞,冲击我们的队伍,特别是发现队伍中只有几个男生,而且还都是小毛孩,因此,他们就把我围住了,打我。
That day the highest instruction was passed on and the team had to communicate the instruction to the public, by beating gongs and sounding drums to preach the good news.But on the way we encountered several local rogue ruffians, and they came down upon us when they found the team had only a few young little boys.They stopped us, beat the boys, and hil me.

At this time, Liu Yan led a few girls and rushed into the center of the circle, managing to protect me.She hid me behind her and raged against the bad guys, warning them if they continued to make trouble, she would call for the police.

These bad guys could not be reconciled, they wanted to gain an advantage.

Miss Liu Yan resisted and shouted in a loud voice calling for all classmates to defend themselves and sent one of them to inform the police.

All of the publicity team, under her leadership desperately resisted.The rogues broke up and fled.

“What about you? Are you okay?” She asked me with concern.

kkAll right.Thank you a lot.

If you had not protected me, I would have lost my life.” I wiped the blood from my nose.


Here, this is my handkerchief, plug it in your nose.” She handed me a clean cotton floral handkerchief.

I knew that a handkerchief was a girl's most favorite thing and she would never easily give it to others.

I quickly said: “No, it’s okay.The bleeding has stopped.Thank you all the same.

” I returned her handkerchief to her,but the handkerchief’s soft texture impressed me deeply and her kindness left me moved.

Later,because of my family’s “bad background” I was forced to settle in a small village in the remote countryside.

I had to leave the team.Before my leaving, she gave me a notebook as a souvenir.

I cherished it as a treasure, and was reluctant to use it.

But due to the lack of materials in the rural area, especially paper, I used every piece I had, including the notebook she gave me.

用她给我的笔记本, 我写出了习作《饲养员彭大爷》发表在《北京少年》杂志上,这是我第一篇变成铅字的稿子。
Fortunately I succeeded in writing some wonderful compositions, one of them published in the Beijing Early Youth magazine with the title of “Raiser Uncle Peng”,which was my first manuscript sent to print by letterpress.

后来,我还和山村几个少年扑灭了一场山火,保护了国家的山林, 事迹被登在《北京日报》上,记得标题是《八少年奋战山火》。
Later on, my story about how some village boys and I had put out a fire, protecting the national forest, was printed in the Beijing Daily.I remembered the title was “Eight Boys Fight Fires”.

Liu Yan read it gladly and she told of my achievement to every one in the school, trying to make all the people in whole world know it.

Four years later, I returned to the city.

刘燕看到我后,非常兴奋,拉着我的手,让我到她家吃饭, 然后在她的闺房中,让我讲在山里所经历的一切。
Miss Liu Yan saw me looking very excited.She took my hand and to her home for dinner.In her boudoir she asked me to tell her everything about the mountains.

I was very excited too, and wanted to know in the four years, what she the goddess, the pearl, had experienced, what unusual things.

Miss Liu Yan had become more beautiful and could be said to have become a peerless beauty, gorgeous, radiant and charming.

We lost track of time, chatting overnight,of course under her mother’s supervision.

她的妈妈几次欲言又止,见我们谈得这么开心, 也陪我们坐了一夜。
Several times her mother was about to stop us, but said nothing after seeing us talking so happily, and as a result her mother also accompanied us in sitting up for whole night.

We talked until I felt hungry, and she and I found that it was already the next morning.

I was deeply immersed in the happy mood, but had to bid farewell to her and her mother.

My family was settled in another area of the city and it was not convenient to contact Miss Liu Yan.She became a high school student, I had to make up classes I stopped for four years, but we kept writing letters to each other.

In the letters, there were no more than a few greetings or some nonsense sentences in the name of revolution.

But one day,I got her last letter.

She wrote in beautiful handwriting: “Now some classmates are very sensitive and when they see me receiving your letters they all say I have fallen in love with a young man, even the teachers look at me with strange eyes.

I can’t stand this pressure.So we won’t communicate with each other any more.

If only one didn’t have to grow up!”

“Yes, if only one didn’t have to grow up!” I sighed too!

For a long time I could not remove the indignation in my heart.

Thus, we cut oft' contact with each other.

即使偶尔走在路上碰上了,只要她身旁有别的同伴, 我们就装作不认识,擦肩而过,连招呼都不打。
Even if we occasionally encounter one another on the street, if I find her with companions I pretend not to know her and pass her without saying hello and her vice versa.

Some years later, I heard she married a handsome naval officer.
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