想的就是你 发表于 2016-3-6 12:02:53

跨越鬼门关 —— 人类探索自然和精神世界的里程碑

跨越鬼门关 —— 人类探索自然和精神世界的里程碑
Crossing the Gate of Hell — A Milestone for the Human to Explore the Nature and the Spirit World

I am upstream along the Yangtze River by the Gongga Mountain ship.It takes me five hours to go from Fengjie to Fengdu. Fengdu is known as the “Ghost Town”.

三峡大坝建成蓄水后,原酆都县城已被迁走, 这里只剩下175米以上为数不多的居民,他们靠旅游业为生。“鬼城”便是他们赖以生存的“饭碗”。
Before the Three Gorges Dam began to impound the land, all the people of the original Fengdu were moved.Only residents living above 175 metres could stay. The source of life for them now is tourism; the Ghost Town the “rice bowl” for the few local residents to live on.

The Ghost Town is located in a mountain forest, where the trees' canopy crowns are dense enough to conceal the sunlight.Besides the perennial wet climate, the Ghost Town is spooky of itself.It impresses me with its mysterious and oppressive atmosphere.

After buying a ticket, I trek up the steps to the top of the hillside.You have to cross many gates, which were built in ancient times, and numerous \"ghost statues''.Each of them looks fierce and makes the visitors shiver all over even if they are not cold.

“There is no difference between the old and the young on the road of death.” Here there is no pecking order, everyone is equal. The only tiny difference is that someone can return through reincarnation. If having done multiple evils, that bad man must go to hell and must be tortured and punished by a variety of methods. The torture must be very, very cruel and frightening.

The first gate is the Nai River Bridge.According to legend, in the waters of the Nai River there are many monsters.If someone has done many evils he will fall into the river, becoming the meal for the ^serpent of bronze and the iron dogs. With no way out, he will be caught permanently in the river.”

再过“鬼门关”,这座“幽冥地府鬼门关”十分威严, 阴风飒飒,跨越过去,“便与阳间永隔”。
After the bridge there is the “Gate of Heir”, and it looks very majestic. You will feel the cold wind sighing.When you cross the gate it means that you will “be separated from the world forever” and enter the “Hall of Hell”.

The “Ten Hades from different generations” are in charge of all trials for everyone who goes into there. For example, murderers, after their trial will be beaten into “the lowest layer of hell”.There are a variety of cruel punishments for those who do evil in the world, letting them suffer the bitterness of flesh and soul, and having them suffer the agony of torture.

Corrupt officials would suffer from punishment by grinding and be axed into pieces.Traitors would be sawed.Drunkards and alcoholics would have their tongues cut oft'.Those who had murdered for money would be forced to climb a hill of knives.Lotharios would be thrown into a fire.Misers would have their hearts and intestines cut out.Those who had abused their parents or elderly persons would have their eyes gouged.Human enslavers would be fed to tigers and ferocious beasts.The countless evils committed by men and women suffer a different penalty.In cases of miscarriages of justice, there is a judge or magistrate named Cui Jue from the nether world who is in charge of the retrials.His assistants, with heads of cattle and faces of horses, are in charge of escorting the criminals.The tools they use are ropes, or perhaps wooden flails, or perhaps chains.

What I really believe is that crossing the gate of hell is a milepost for a human, allowing an exploration of nature and the spirit world.

Every nation and country has ghost stories and hell myths, as ghosts and hell are unknown areas of the world and humans need to explore constantly.

Of course, in the past, because of the limitation of science, people were not able to explain ghosts and the legend of heIl.This is why the unexplained and some religions are closely linked.Some religious have managed to exaggerate ghosts and hell, rendering them in mysterious colours.

Fengdu Ghost Town, a combination of Taoism and Buddhism, is an embodiment of karma. It is also an extension of the “circle of life”.

In ancient China there was a book called Seventy-two Divisions, which in detail describes Hades, various ghosts, as well as various punishments for criminals and terrorists.

Karma and the “circle of life” originated from Tianzhu (today’s India).Emperor Hanyuan sent his officers on a pilgrimage for Buddhist scriptures, and they brought back Buddhism and its theories to China.Karmic theory claims that there is justice in this world: ''Goodness rewards with goodness, and evil rewards with evil.Not always in this time, but when the time comes, you must be rewarded with either good or evil.”

Thus the poor and the civilian welcomed the theory, for they were eager to find justice and fairness. The theory became sustenance for the poor because they finally found Hades, who could do justice and could punish evils.

While the “circle of life” is enriched in specific form—goodness rewards goodness, though reincarnation we are reborn.

Tyrannical rulers and evil men abuse, bully and oppress the poor, but after death justice will punish them.

In this sense, Fengdu Ghost Town lets the poor and oppressed vent and set up hope for a better life, whether in their own life time or in the afterlife.

This is the reason why ghost culture can be preserved and is the social soil foundation for the theory.

Today, the toiling masses already take leadership, but the traditional culture of Fengdu Ghost Town still has a positive effect and has become a tourist resort.

The famous Italian poet Dante, in his book Divine Comedy said, that there are nine layers of hell, and nine layers of limbo, as well as nine layers of heaven.

The deeper down into the nine layers of hell you go, the more torture and plight evil men suffer from.Those who commit many huge sins must suffer a variety of very severe punishments.

Many corrupt officials, pontiffs, missionaries, monks and traitors were arranged in the eighth and ninth layers of hell.

It is obvious that all the good people, wherever in western or eastern countries hate corrupt officials the same way.

唯有让其在地狱的最底层受到最严厉的惩罚,才解人们的心头之恨。但丁描绘的净界是罪恶较轻的人的修炼所在,那里住有犯贪色、贪食、贪财、惰、怒、妒、 骄七种罪行的人。
Only putting them at the bottom of hell and letting them suffer the most severe punishment can comfort the minds of the people.

Dante's depiction of limbo, a clean world for less evil persons to practice and do labor.There live prisoners, and men of gluttony, greed, lust, anger, laziness,jealousy,pride—the seven kinds of crimes.These sinners must be punished.For instance, a thread of wire would stitch together the eyes of the jealous person, the gluttonous person would suffer from thirst and hunger.

If they pass the burning net of fire, if they can cut off the roots of sin, they can pass into heaven.

On top of limbo, is the pure world, heaven, ln the paradise of heaven everyone is happy.

Beyond the paradise there is god, who is very solemn and full of glory, happiness and love.

Dante divided heaven upto the highest human spiritual realm.

Dante's Divine Comedy is widespread, therefore Westem and eastern people know of its depiction of heaven and hell. The book is a classic.The Chinese legend of hell and the gate of hell is also very attractive to Westem people.I find that many western tourists visit Fengdu Ghost Town.

和我同船来旅游的来自美国、澳大利亚、加拿大、 挪威、西班牙等国家的金发碧眼的游客们,津津有味地欣赏酆都鬼城的鬼文化, 并和表情不一的鬼怪雕塑合影留念。
With blonde hair and blue eyes they are from the United States, Australia, Canada, Norway, Spain and other countries.With a good appetite, they appreciate Fengdu Ghost Culture, and snap pictures showing the different expression of the ghost sculptures.

对于贪官污吏的刑罚,他们也拍手叫好, 对于色鬼、酒鬼、贪鬼的鞭笞,他们也颇为认同。
They also clap over the punishment to corrupt officials, the goat, the alcoholic, and the greedy ghosts. They also quite agree with karma.

扬善惩恶,是世界性的主题, 人们的情感是相同的。
To punish evil is a worldwide topic, so all people's attitude to it is the same.

There are no limits in the exploration of nature and the human spiritual world.

In Western ghost culture, there is the theory of \"the end of the world\", while in Chinese ghost culture there is no such a claim.So these foreign tourists often ask me why there is no apocalyptic vision at Fengdu Ghost Town.

In fact, in the west, the prediction system of the highly renowned prophet Nostradamus, criticized the ending of the world, saying that what will really vanish is humans themselves, that there is no end of the world.

The boundless forest sheds its leaves shower by shower, as the endless river rolls before my eyes.Crossing through the gates of hell, humanity will go forward, constantly exploring the natural and spiritual world.

Only by continuously forging ahead to conquer all that is natural and spiritual, will we make great progress.New heights are always new starting points for human beings.

abao25001 发表于 2016-3-6 21:22:06

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