游白马寺感受佛教传输的力量Visiting White Horse Temple and Experiencing the Power of Buddhist Transmission
Henan is an ideal tourist destination.It has many places of historic interest and scenic beauty.
There is an idiom “The culture of the Central Plains is in Henan.” The culture there is such an important and splendid portrayal of China’s five thousand year civilization.With thick and heavy colours, the origin of Henan culture should surely come from the White Horse Temple.
The White Horse Temple is located twelve kilometers to the east of the new city of Luoyang, the original name is the Diamond Cliff Temple.It is said that China's first temple is the White Horse Temple. According to records in history books, the White Horse Temple was the first official temple built after the introduction of Buddhism to China.
它建于东汉明帝永平11年(公元 68年),距今已有1900多年的历史。相传,汉明帝刘庄“夜梦金人,身有曰光, 飞行殿前,欣然悦之。明日,传问群臣,此为何神”?有臣答曰,此神即“佛”。
It was built in the eleventh year of the Yongping era of the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD 68), so it has a history of 1,945 years to date. According to legend, one night Emperor Ming of Han (Liu Zhuang) had a dream that he met a golden figure who could fly, whose face was full of delight and whole body could emit sunlight.The next morning, the emperor asked his ministers the question: “Who was this figure?” “Emperor, I think it is a Buddha, a kind of God,” a minister answered.
明帝即派遣大臣蔡愔、秦景出使天竺(今印度)寻佛取经。蔡愔、秦景取回了佛经佛像,并与天竺高僧摄摩腾、竺法兰东回洛阳,藏经于鸿胪寺,并进行翻译工作。次年建寺,名白马寺,寺址在汉魏洛阳故城雍门西1. 5公里处。白马寺, 在我国佛教史上占有重要地位,被尊为“释源”和“祖庭”,享有独特的地位。
“Where is the Buddha?” the emperor asked.“In the west,” the minister answered again.So the emperor sent Secretary Cai Yin, and Qin Jing on a mission to seek the Buddha in Tianzhu (today's India).It was about twenty years before Cai Yin and Qin Jing returned with Buddhist statues and scriptures, and also two Indian monks.The two monks were named SheMoteng and the ZhuFalan.They settled and stored the scriptures in Honglu Temple, which was located to the east of Luoyang.Soon then they began translating the work and the emperor gave them money to build a new temple.The next year a new temple was built, and the emperor named it the White Horse Temple.It was 1. 5 km from the temple to the site of the old city of Luoyang.The White Horse Temple occupies an important position in the history of Chinese Buddhism.It has been honored as the “Source” and “Ancestral Court.”
The ancient classic novel Journey to the West is based on the story and on the prototype materials that Cai Yin and Qin Jing went on a pilgrimage for, but the author depicted it happening in the Tang Dynasty two hundred years later.
Facing the south,the White Horse Temple was built with a rectangular courtyard,with an area of about 40,000 square meters.
In front of the temple gate you will see there are two stone horses standing opposite each other that look quite gentle and docile. Their sizes are similar to real horses.
After entering the temple gate you will find there stand five main halls, built in a straight line.The five main haUs are named Heavenly King Hall, Big Buddha Hall, Great Buddha Hall, Code Hall and Pilu Hall.Besides the main halls, there are many pavilion buildings, amounting to more than 100.
When I visited the White Horse Temple, what impressed me deeply was the powerfulness of Buddhism's spread.
从汉朝派人到天竺取经开始, 佛教就由此传输到了中国,到东晋末年,广泛流行的佛教终于被梁武帝定为国教。
The spread of Buddhism in China began in the Han Dynasty after the two monks arrived from Tianzhu.In the later years of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, finally established it as the state religion.
In the Northern Wei Dynasty, since Emperor Shi Le and his son believed in the Buddha, Buddhism became popular. Although later there was a short period when Buddhism was eradicated, eventually the emperor of Northern Wei built the magnificent Yungang Grottoes for the religion.
The Tang Dynasty was Buddhism’s heyday and a time when it was transmitted from China to Japan, to the Korean Peninsula and to other surrounding countries.
Now most Asian people believe in Buddhism.
Why is the Buddhism rooted the most in Asian countries?In some Asian countries it is even the state religion.Why did Catholicism not become a major or state religion here?
佛教,经卷浩繁,相对《圣经》和《可兰经》而言,佛教的经卷多而且比较难懂,不仅仅因为是由梵文写的,其博大精深,让人耗尽毕生也难以全部弄懂, 但是她的基本常识如“向善”“因果报应论”“生命轮回论”等易于以农耕为主的人们接受。
I have found that Buddhist scriptures are so much more voluminous, while The Bible and The Koran are just one book.Buddhist scriptures are difficult for ordinary readers to understand, not only because they were originally written in Sanskrit, but also because they are so broad and profound, even if you spent a whole lifetime studying you would not fully comprehend them.But its basic knowledge such as goodness, karma, and the circle of life were easy for farming people to accept.
The Eastern Han Dynasty emperor invited Buddhism into China, so of course it smoothly became the dominant religion.
而向善、因果报应、生命轮回等常识对于当时的人们来说, 解开了他们对宇宙观的谜团,比中国古老的多神宗教更科学、更系统、更宏大, 所以佛教替代了本土的宗教。
Good, karma, reincarnation, and the rest of the common sense of Buddhism, for the people at that time, unlocked their doubts about the mysteries of the universe.The farming people found that Buddhism was more scientific, more systematic, and more ambitious than the ancient Chinese polytheistic religion.Buddhism replaced this native religion.
况且,佛教并不讲究人生来平等,甚至认为人生来就是不平等的,这是和他的前因有关,这对于统治者和百姓来说,皆大欢喜, 各得其所。
Buddhism does not pay attention to equality, and even says that everyone’s life is not equal, for it is related to that of your ancestors.All the rulers and the people became satisfied with the explanation of life and played their proper role.
The good doctrine of Buddhism especially works well to promote social stability with positive effect.
尽管佛教在中国因皇帝的推动而广泛传播(汉朝、晋、魏、唐朝、宋朝等许多皇帝都推崇佛教),但是,细分析,佛教没有像西方国家那样——天主教、 基督教等形成政治势力,并成为统治国家的机器。
Thanks to promotion by the emperors (in the Han, Wei, Jin, Tang, and Song dynasties many emperors respected Buddha), Buddhism widely spread through China.If analyzed finely however, you will find that it is not the same as Catholic and Christian formations in western countries.Buddhism has never turned become a political force, and has never become the official state machine in China.
I would like to say that this is the greatness of Buddhism.
In Western history medieval religious rule was a dark chapter, for example, even the great scientist Galileo was tortured to death.
Because religion was the state machine, there were many wars in the name of it to eradicate paganism.
On the contrary, Buddhism has never become a ruling tool and there has never been so much as one war launched by Buddhism.
In contrast, Buddhism has promoted peace and strongly opposed wars.It is against killing.Asian farming people desired peace, so Buddhism was welcomed.
In Buddhism, no matter emperor or civilian, as long as you are good, you will receive the rewards of good, otherwise you will not receive rewards for virtuous deeds, but will receive evil for evil.
Usually rulers were overbearing and tended toward evil, and the disadvantaged people had to endure their bullying.
Buddhism was not the sharp tool for these rulers to use to subject their people.In contrast, people would be comforted from the Buddhism and they would consider Buddha justice god, and pray to him.To judge whether rulers were good or not depended on whether the mlers could benefit the people.Buddhism became the scale people used for evaluation.
Therefore, Buddhism became more popular and welcome.The speed of Buddhism's transmission was faster than other religions.
In addition, Buddhism does not exclude other beliefs or paganism.
佛教对任何人都无条件地敞开大门,上至皇帝、达官显贵, 下至百姓、乞丐,甚至罪恶满盈的人,只要“放下屠刀”,从此向善,都可逐渐“修成正果”,或积荫后代。
Not only have no wars in history initiated from Buddhism, but Buddhism’s door has been kept open to everyone without condition, from the emperor, to dignitaries, to ordinary people, even beggars and impoverished men.Even someone who is full of sin, as long as he “puts down the butcher’s knife”,then does good,can gradually “accumulate karma to become immortal”,or can do so to benefit his offspring.
Buddhism does not shelter the rich or officials more than impoverished people.
这种平等和宽容的态度,也使佛教易于为百姓接受, 易于与其他宗教和平共处。
The equal and tolerant attitude of Buddhism is easy for people to accept.And it is easy to integrate with other religions peacefully.
Buddhism, relative to Catholicism and Islam in the farming Asian communities has had a profound impact, because the farming people are tied to the land and strongly desire peace and stability, unlike nomadic people who are of richer spirit of adventure and conquest.
Buddhism meets the farming nationalities need.In addition, the main routes of Buddhism's transmission were on the Asian continent, but the Central Asian deserts and Eurasian junction uplift of mountains stopped Buddhism's westbound route.
In the Westem countries most people in the past were nomadic and full of conquering spirit.Therefore, Catholicism, Christianity, Islam and other religions were more suitable for them to accept.
In the White Horse Temple main hall people worship Buddha, Pharmacists and Maitreya.In the splits there are eighteen Arhats, made in the Yuan Dynasty with a dried paint process.
You will see many people come to the White Horse temple to eliminate disease and misfortune.
In the past all monks had to study three major subjects, Buddhism, philosophy and medicine as compulsory education.
As a result, all monks had the ability to cure certain illnesses with science.They offered free medicine and food for impoverished people.
Poor people soon warmly welcomed Buddhism.In the White Horse Temple,visitors’ psychological problems subsided, physical and mental diseases could be alleviated and eliminated, so Buddhism held a very important position in people's hearts.It indeed helped Buddhism to become popular and transmit quickly and widely.
游览白马寺,在最里面一层的大殿门口的牌匾和对联给我印象十分深刻, 甚至是一种震撼。
When I visited the White Horse Temple I found the innermost layer of the plaque and poetic couplet door impressed me most.I was so impressed I was shocked.
“General salvation is difficult for the rootless grass to cross,while the boundless Dharma cannot bless the outlaw”.
I think it contains the essence of Buddhism—doing evil will be punished, while good will be rewarded with good.
向善的人多了, 社会就多一份和谐,世界就多一份和平和美好。
The more people are inclined to goodness and charity, the more harmonious, peaceful and beautiful the world will be. 向善的人多了,社会更和谐,世界更美好。 还是中英双语的
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