Shenzhen Taikong Gift Co., Ltd
This is a jointly-ventured comprehensive economic entity, and which is the first domestic enterprise which specializes in producing and dealing with different kinds of high grade and intermediate choice gifts and souvenirs , tourist souvenirs and serial appliances for guestrooms in hotels. The company is broad in scale, and is equipped with solid technical forces. Machines and raw materials are imported, while products are designed and produced by local forces. The company provides satisfying gifts and souvenirs in appropriate prices. The company will whole-heartedly provide high quality products and services. Our symbols will guarantee the quality and our prestige.
Add: B15/F, International Trade Center, Shenzhen
Tel: 64528118, 67598443
Cable: 3229
Fax: 64028484 没人愿意赚币币吗? 至少划红线、红色字体显示的部分有问题:
comprehensive economic entity
来自merriam webster的解释:
1 marked by the unified control of all aspects of production from raw materials through distribution of finished products
2 技术实力雄厚,是不是直接翻译更好
has a strong technical force
appropriate price,没有attractive price更恰当,感觉。
prestige,更侧重于威望;credibility,会更合适,感觉。 Shenzhen Taikong Gift Co., Ltd. is a joint venture, the first ever in mainland China, specializing in designing, producing and selling various sorts of high-end and mid-range gifts, souvenirs, and hotel guestroom-series consumables. The enterprise is behemoth, strong in technology, handling imports of mechanical equipment and raw materials. The company has been dedicating its self-designed, low-priced, and well-made Taikong gifts to providing high-quality products and services for customers. Taikong logo guarantees both its quality and its credit. 泪之梦和coolfool两位仁兄都提出了很好的意见跟建议。广大书友继续加油啊! 顶顶顶顶。。。 个人觉得那个翻译不太纯正,贴一个,欢迎大家斧正,
The company is a Sino-foreign owned joint venture company that manufactures and distributes all assortment of high-grade presents, boutique commodities, tourism souvenirs and hotel consumables . Large in scale, technically advanced, the company designs all the products by itself with the materials and equipments imported from abroad. Its presents, trademarked as “outer space”, are cheap relative to their quality. The company is fully committed to providing you with topnotch products and services. Please bear in mind the trademark of “outer space”, an emblem of high quality and goodwill.
The company, a comprehensive joint venture by domestic and foreign investors, is the first in the country that specializes in various high-rate presents, boutique commodities, travel souvenirs and hotel supplies. With mammoth scale and strong technology, the company thrives itself on designing products and services using the materials and equipments from abroad. The company is devoted to serving customers with tiptop products and services. Please note the registered trademark of “outer space” is a representative of our premier quality and cachet.
再贴上一个,供大家讨论 个人一点浅见:
比如: 旅游纪念品,标准说法其实就是tourism souvenirs, 公司主营什么业务.....一般就用specialize in 最地道。物美价廉,有人可能觉得可以用tawdry这类词,但是这种词本意是“价廉物不美”,对英文词语的精微之处要把握好,否则,外国人虽然能看懂,但是觉得很语言很违拗。 引用第4楼泪之梦于2014-10-02 13:10发表的 感谢makeeoe兄参与,抱歉的很,论坛提示:“评分超时,你不能对此帖进行评分!”
到时再想办法奖励兄了! 感谢指正,够专业。
引用第11楼makeeoe于2014-10-07 20:01发表的 :
企业信誉一般用goodwill,用通俗的reputation 也可以,prestige是指人的威信