not-one-more-word 怎么翻译呢?
“Michael!”it was her not-one-more-word voice, and mikey subsided, gloweringnot-one-more-word 怎么翻译呢? not-one-more-word 没有一句多余的话,惜口如金。。。
好像找不到合适的中文来与之对应。 前后 语境没有 不会翻译!! 惜口如金已经不错了,翻译得典雅化了 'Not one more word' is an angry warning to say nothing more, to stop disagreeing, for instance. She is warning Michael to shut up immediately. Are you clear now? 喊了一声后再也不说话 四楼正解
她下了最后通牒 不想再说了?