Sleep Disorders: Diagnosis and TherapeuticsAuthors:S.r. Pandi-perumal, Joris Verster, Jaime MontiSalom
Publisher: Informa HealthCare
Number of Pages: 718
Published: 2008-08-27
List price: $397.95
ISBN-10: 0415438187
ISBN-13: 9780415438186
This first such volume in this field, Sleep Disorders: Diagnosis and Therapeutics explores sleep pharmacology and therapeutics. This text is an introduction for clinicians and researchers who are new to sleep pharmacology and outlines the wider range of therapeutic options currently available to them. Leading researchers in the area of experimental and clinical and psychopharmacology critically assess the progress in their specialist fields.
For seasoned clinicians, the book assists in selecting the most appropriate methodologies and treatment options designed to circumvent the problems in combating sleep disorders. The use of this knowledge is essential for the development of skills and techniques in sleep disorders and their treatment and diagnosis.
Sleep Disorders: Diagnosis and Therapeutics not only informs, but also stimulates research in this area and is a must-have text for psychiatrists, psychopharmacologists, and experimental and clinical pharmacologists, psychologists, and neuroscientists. This resource is also appropriate for physicians and scientists from academic centers, commercial and clinical laboratories, and those who are involved in research and development of sleep pharmaceuticals.
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