申请加威:分子模拟工具软件之Discovery Studio 2.0 Visualizer(55M),foxmail中转站
Discovery Studio(DS) Visualizer是商业软件级别的分子模拟图形界面。DS Visualizer为您分析和分享关于分子的信息以及分子模拟的结果、制作高质量的图像提供了统一的、符合工业标准的工具。DS Visualizer可用于Windows 2000、Windows XP、Red Hat Enterprise Linux(version3.0和4.0)等操作系统。Free Life Science Visualizer
Commercial-grade graphics visualization is available for free to all academic, government and commercial researchers through Discovery Studio (DS) Visualizer. With DS Visualizer, you can visualize and share molecular information in a clear and consistent way, and in a wide variety of industry-standard formats. You can also create high quality graphics. DS Visualizer runs on Windows 2000, XP and Vista, Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions 3, 4 & 5 and SUSE Enterprise Linux 10.
Included with DS Visualizer, the DS Visualizer ActiveX Control is a molecular viewer that provides interactive 3D visualization. Insert the ActiveX Control into Microsoft PowerPoint and Internet Explorer for impressive interactive graphical presentation of your molecular structures.
申请加威望. 好东西啊 能不能画三维化学结构图?? 呵呵,自己摸索一下吧,功能很多,我也不是非常熟练。 连接已失效,能否重传一次?