点睛评:to save his own skin
点睛评: to save his own skin点睛评:When the danger comes, he choose to save his own skin by taking advantage of a good luck. Let him think someday when he is trapped or in danger, no one else would save him
只顾保全自己 Let him think someday when he is trapped or in danger, no one else would save him
Haha, we have seen these situations in movies for many times! The first scene appear in my mind is a archaeological team went to somewhere to find precious deposits, of course that place is very dangerous, and the story began……Everybody value his or her life, but it does not mean that it should take other people' lives as price, if someone do that, firstly his or her conscience will torture himself/herself, and he believe everybody just like him. Then, the result just like what we saw in the ending of movie.