涂于德 发表于 2008-5-18 23:42:44

点睛评  Drop by drop the oceans are filled(滴水汇大海,垒石筑高墙).

点睛评Drop by drop the oceans are filled; stone by stone the walls are built(滴水汇大海,垒石筑高墙)!


      Drop by drop the oceans are filled; stone by stone the walls are built(滴水汇大海,垒石筑高墙). 2008 is an unusual year for China, which sees too many challenges for China and its great people: snow disaster, extreme religious power at Xinjiang and Tibet Autonomous Religion, earthquakes of Wenchuan. However, none of these disasters overthrow the Great Wall. Facing great difficulties, the Yangtse River and the Huanghe River still wind their glorious ways forward. Each day brings its own bread. We are sure China’s tomorrow will be better!    

benchren 发表于 2008-5-19 22:10:28

your english is pretty good.but could you explain this sentence for me?
Each day brings its own bread.

brianleeeee 发表于 2008-5-19 22:38:56

涂于德 does write (maybe also speak) very good English.

harrybond 发表于 2008-5-20 08:57:40

引用第1楼benchren于2008-05-19 22:10发表的 :
Each day brings its own bread.
It means everyday is a new day.
We could make our way to get through the disaster.

涂于德 发表于 2008-5-20 17:32:06

It means everyday is a new day.
We could make our way to get through the disaster.
Thank harrybond!

but could you explain this sentence for me?
Each day brings its own bread.

We often use "Each day brings its own bread" to express the meaning "天无绝人之路".
Welcome joining in the discussion.

benchren 发表于 2008-5-20 21:59:41

so "Each day brings its own bread."means "We could make our way to get through the disaster."right?

白马西北驰 发表于 2008-5-21 13:06:00


引用第0楼涂于德于2008-05-18 23:42发表的 点睛评 Drop by drop the oceans are filled(滴水汇大海,垒石筑高墙). :

Drop by drop the oceans are filled; stone by stone the walls are built(滴水汇大海,垒石筑高墙). 2008 is an unusual year for China, which sees too many challenges for China and its [her] great people: snow disaster, extreme religious power at Xinjiang and Tibet Autonomous Religion [Region], [and] earthquakes of Wenchuan. However, none of these disasters overthrow the Great Wall. Facing great difficulties, the Yangtse River [For concordance with the following name, here the name Chang Jiang may be better] and the Huanghe River [Huang He] still wind their glorious ways forward. Each day brings its own bread. We are sure China’s tomorrow will be better!

曼迪 发表于 2008-5-21 13:49:18

Many a little makes a mickle. 积少成多

benchren 发表于 2008-5-21 20:22:18

引用第6楼白马西北驰于2008-05-21 13:06发表的 :


1.snow disaster, 2.extreme religious power at Xinjiang and Tibet Autonomous Religion, 3.earthquakes of Wenchuan.三者并列,前两者之间用逗号,后两者之间应用and连接.

Tibet Autonomous Religion , 既然把Religion 换成Region,是不是Autonomous 也可以去掉?或者干脆只保留Tibet ,道理同:For concordance with the following name.

虽然汉语中的"江""河"等同于英语中的River,那是不是说Chang Jiang 和Huang He后面就不能加River呢?当然Yangtse应该改为Chang Jiang .


白马西北驰 发表于 2008-5-21 20:34:35

引用第8楼benchren于2008-05-21 20:22发表的 :


1.snow disaster, 2.extreme religious power at Xinjiang and Tibet Autonomous Religion, 3.earthquakes of Wenchuan.三者并列,前两者之间用逗号,后两者之间应用and连接.




Autonomous Region是自治区,这个很可能是笔误。




benchren 发表于 2008-5-21 21:47:47

引用第9楼白马西北驰于2008-05-21 20:34发表的 :


yellow river 是通用的英译,按照这样的惯例,长江岂不是要译成long river?我没听过,好像没有人这样译过(语言也要约定俗成啊),于是我想会不会跟Qinghai Lake一样把长江的拼音作为名字再加上river?所以提出来让您解答.

白马西北驰 发表于 2008-5-21 22:06:17

引用第10楼benchren于2008-05-21 21:47发表的 :

yellow river 是通用的英译,按照这样的惯例,长江岂不是要译成long river?我没听过,好像没有人这样译过(语言也要约定俗成啊),于是我想会不会跟Qinghai Lake一样把长江的拼音作为名字再加上river?所以提出来让您解答.



benchren 发表于 2008-5-22 18:03:08

引用第11楼白马西北驰于2008-05-21 22:06发表的 :


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