重剑阿加特 发表于 2008-4-17 11:29:03

【04月17日】shawn.3322.org new


[右] 正在连接到 shawn.3322.org_1 -> DNS=shawn.3322.org IP= PORT=2121
[右] 已连接到 shawn.3322.org_1
[右] 220-Welcome to Shawn's personal FTP!
[右] 220- ***********************************************************
[右] 220-   Welcome to Shawn's Personal FTP
[右] 220- ***********************************************************
[右] 220- Server stats:
[右] 220- current Date      : Wednesday 16 April, 2008
[右] 220- current Time      : 23:28:01
[右] 220- Users logged in(total) : 16
[右] 220- Current users      : 3
[右] 220- KB downloaded(KB)    : 144084
[右] 220- KB uploaded(KB)   : 0
[右] 220- Files downloaded    : 9
[右] 220- Files uploaded   : 0
[右] 220- Average througput(KB/s) : 24.592
[右] 220- Current througput(KB/s) : 81.500
[右] 220- Server has been running : 0 Day 1 Hours 37 Mins 39 secs
[右] 220- Max login allowed    : 100
[右] 220- Your IP Address   : *
[右] 220- Disk C's free space is : 2514.22 (MB)
[右] 220- You are the 3 th login
[右] 220- ***********************************************************
[右] 220- All of the following domain is available for this site. :)
[右] 220- shawn.2mydns.com
[右] 220- shawn.3322.org
[右] 220- shawn.my03.com
[右] 220- shawn8888.my03.com
[右] 220- shawn.myFTP.info
[右] 220***********************************************************
[右] USER status
[右] 331 User name okay, need password.
[右] PASS (隐藏)
[右] 230 User logged in, proceed.
[右] SYST
[右] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[右] FEAT
[右] 211-Extension supported
[右] CLNT
[右] MDTM
[右] SIZE
[右] XCRC filename;start;end
[右] MODE Z
[右] MLST Type*;Size*;Create;Modify*;Win32.ea*;
[右] 211 End
[右] CLNT FlashFXP
[右] 200 Noted.
[右] PWD
[右] 257 \"/\" is current directory.
[右] TYPE A
[右] 200 Type set to A.
[右] MODE Z
[右] 200 MODE Z ok.
[右] PASV
[右] 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,195,82,137,40,4)
[右] 正在打开数据连接 IP: 端口: 10244
[右] LIST -al
[右] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
[右] 226 Transfer complete.
[右] 列表完成: 3 KB 于 3.53 秒 (1.1 KB/秒)
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 【04月17日】shawn.3322.org new