(首发:新概念英语仿写实例) A perfect painter
都说仿写是练习写作的好方法。曾经仿写过新概念英语,以下为其中一篇,供大家参考,也请高手指点。至于仿写的是哪一篇,熟悉新概念的应该都知道吧。Tom is a regular loser in his English class, but now he has grown more confident to be a winner someday. He knows presently that English words and expressions, just like those of Chinese, can also be used to pick up things and objects in the real world, and he has decide to apply this discovery to his English learning. Yesterday, he learned more than 50 new words by heart. During the process, he was amazed to find that it was far more effective to paint than to translate. Up to now, he has changed many English words into mental pictures, images full of colors, smells, sounds and actions. In this way, he has made himself a perfect “painter”, able to paint in English while keeping Chinese characters out of mind when needed.