the word come from the book of introduction to medincal chemistryhere is :Therapeutics is the pouring of a drug of which one knows nothing into a patient of whom
one known less 这种治疗方法是将一种不为人知的药提供给不为人知的病人试用.
这种治疗方法是将一种不为人知的药秘密地提供给病人试用. 偶一看还真的不是很懂,有几个生词 Voltaire said "Doctors pour drugs of which they know little, into patients of whom they know less, for diseases of which they know nothing".伏尔泰说:“医生开药为人治病,往往是对药物所知不多,对病人了解更少,对疾病一无所知。”