tycoon 发表于 2008-3-18 10:24:04

T L F论坛FTP107#(高清)


2008-03-17 21:50:35.906 正在连接 tlfs107.3322.org:21
2008-03-17 21:50:38.203 正在连接
2008-03-17 21:50:38.218 Socket已连接,等待欢迎信息
2008-03-17 21:50:38.750 220 (vsFTPd 2.0.5)
2008-03-17 21:50:38.750 USER down
2008-03-17 21:50:39.093 331 Please specify the password.
2008-03-17 21:50:39.156 PASS ********
2008-03-17 21:50:39.484 230 Login successful.
2008-03-17 21:50:39.484 登录成功
2008-03-17 21:50:39.484 PWD
2008-03-17 21:50:42.250 257 \"/\"
2008-03-17 21:50:42.250 PASV
2008-03-17 21:50:42.515 227 Entering Passive Mode (61,132,222,170,241,99)
2008-03-17 21:50:42.781 LIST -la
2008-03-17 21:50:43.062 150 Here comes the directory listing.
2008-03-17 21:50:43.328 226 Directory send OK.
2008-03-17 21:50:43.328 线程完成在 243
页: [1]
查看完整版本: T L F论坛FTP107#(高清)