几次收到过这样奇怪的信件.这次的第一封我删了.写了个简短的复信,质疑对方为什么发信给我,结果又收到了对方的回信如下:My dear friend
Thanks so much for your understanding towards my previous email I sent you and I am very happy the way you responded to it. During my search for a reputable and relaible friend whom I should trust with this transaction I found your email through springlink-journal article, though I read your article.
Honestly speaking I do appreciate your kind response in this transaction, which is for our mutual benefit. As you rightly said in your email that you need more information about the transaction. I am Mr. Simon Peter Kunte The director of internal control unit of my bank here in Cotonou-Benin Republic of West Africa who happens to be the account advicer to this our late deceased Ronald Lake and his wife Joyce who on the 1st of June 2001 were involved in a bomb shelling by the Rebels during the civil war in the Northern part of Cote D'Ivoire, BOUAKE. Since then I have made several enquiries to locate any of their extended relatives but this proved abortive.
Since it is not compulsory that the Next-of-Kin must be a blood relation to the deceased, hence I contacted you to present you to our bank here where the deceased our customer had a deposit before his death, be informed that a Next-of-Kin could be anybody, Friends, Church, School or Organization etc.
Be rest assured that this business that I am introducing to you is 100% risk free which will be concluded under a legitimate condition that will not break the law of anybody抯 country neither you nor mine because most of the documents that we will be needing in backing up this transaction are in my position as a solicitor.
My dear friend Chen feel free and communicate to me with the required details to enable me make application in your name so that I will send it to you and you shall return it to my bank where our late customer made the deposit of (USD$10,750,000.00) and to the appropriate authorities concern to enable us move this fund out of this country to your nominated bank account for our mutual benefit as I rightly indicated in my previous email.
Please you can forward to me any identification of yours such as: Driver抯 license or international passport photocopy to enable me know who I am dealing with.
Please get in touch with me as soon as possible with the below details immediately you acknowledge the good receipt of this message.Here are the required information抯:
Full Name:
Full Address:
Tel No.:
Fax No.:
Mobile No.:
Private Email:
Country of Origin:
Marital Status:
Your urgent attention is highly needed.
Simon peter K.
Dear friend,Although I can write some papers in English, it is difficult for me to read your letter. I am not interested in the money. Maybe you should look for other men who are very familiar with the finance and are very good in English to help you.
I am very sorry that I can not give more cooperation with you.
Sincerely yours,
回了这个的短信后,我想知道,那信究竟是东方人写的还是西方人写的?能否从语言习惯上判断出来? 哇,撞大运啦。有这么多的美元要汇给你呢,如果你有权继承的话。
不过千万别上当。 引用第2楼lucy12345678于2008-03-01 22:46发表的 :
是啊。我想不明白,他究竟要我什么呢?除了几篇歪文章外,我一无所有! 其实他不要你什么,他要的就是有人能接受这笔钱,让他能堂而皇之得把这笔钱转移到国外。That's all.
另外,如果你想回信拒绝,你也没必要解说一番什么英语水平之类的废话,直截了当的会绝就是了。 原来如此!明白了。 scammer
这些邮件都是群发的 就看谁傻会上当
你根本不需要回 垃圾邮件啦 看文风,肯定是中国人写的啦,
老外不会写的这么啰嗦的。 spam?scam? 晕老外还不罗嗦,够罗嗦的了.我几本书,网上评价.罗嗦. 引用第9楼killl于2008-03-02 19:50发表的 :
bug! 好多钱啊 有点洗钱的味道! 总之,大家千万别信! scam 诡计
就是骗局了 垃圾邮件,如果你感兴趣,可以搞个新帐号,回一封信件也无妨!! 带有明显的洗钱倾向,骗傻子的 In my e-mail ,I touched it everyday!!