lao2lao2 发表于 2008-2-25 16:43:15


Patterns: A Video Game, an M.R.I. and What Men’s Brains Do

Why does it often seem that men enjoy playing video games more than women? Perhaps because they do.

A new study finds that when men play the games, a part of the brain involved in feelings of reward and addiction becomes much more activated than it does in women.

This may explain why men are more likely to report feeling addicted to video games than women are, the researchers say in an online article in The Journal of Psychiatric Research. The lead author is Fumiko Hoeft of the Stanford University School of Medicine.

For the study, the researchers took a group of 22 young volunteers — half men, half women — and had them play a game as an M.R.I. machine looked at what was happening in their brains. The study found that in the men, there was much more activity in the mesocorticolimbic system.

Given the abundance in video games of violence and other themes near and dear to many men, there may be a natural explanation for why their brains light up more. But the senior author of the study, Dr. Allan L. Reiss, said the researchers made a point of steering the game they used in a more neutral direction.

The volunteers played a simple game in which they were told only to click the images of balls they saw, with no mention of a goal.

The players soon figured out that if they kept the balls from advancing too close to a wall, they gained ground. Both the men and the women did well — but the men did a lot better and appeared more motivated to acquire terrain.

边缘系统limbic system 高等脊椎动物中枢神经系统中由古皮层、旧皮层演化成的大脑组织以及和这些组织有密切联系的神经结构和核团的总称 。边缘系统所包括的大脑部位相当广泛 ,如梨状皮层、内嗅区、眶回、扣带回、胼胝体下回、海马回、脑岛、颞极、杏仁核群、隔区、视前区、下丘脑、海马以及乳头体都属于边缘系统。边缘系统的主要部分环绕大脑两半球内侧形成一个闭合的环,故此得名。边缘系统内部互相连接与神经系统其他部分也有广泛的联系。它参与感觉、内脏活动的调节并与情绪、行为、学习和记忆等心理活动密切相关。 边缘系统的功能主要有:①边缘系统与内脏活动。边缘系统具有调节内脏活动的功能。如刺激哺乳动物边缘系统环路的后眶回、扣带回、岛叶、颞极梨状皮层、后海马皮层等部都可以出现呼吸、心血管和其他内脏活动的变化。边缘系统的许多部位,还接受内脏神经传入的冲动。在正常情况下,这种传入冲动对于边缘系统调节内脏活动具有重要意义。边缘系统内的一些神经元,本身就是敏感的感受器。这些感受装置对于调节动物的体温、消化液的分泌以及进食活动都有作用。②边缘系统与感觉功能。电刺激外周神经,可以引起边缘系统相应部位电活动变化。高等哺乳动物边缘系统许多部位都接受外周及内脏的传入冲动。这些传入冲动可能对海马结构等边缘系统部分的神经元产生调制性影响,从而影响情绪变化和学习与记忆功能。刺激边缘系统某些部位可以影响痛阈,甚至可以阻断感觉信息在中枢神经系统内的传递。③边缘系统与情绪。在整个边缘系统中,下丘脑有些部位的活动与情绪反应关系较为密切。在情绪发生的过程中,下丘脑的活动具有重要意义,但必须有大脑皮层参与。④边缘系统与睡眠。边缘系统中的后眶回、副嗅皮层、视前区以及下丘脑前部统称基底前脑区。很早就发现当使用电流刺激这一区域时,动物出现睡眠反应。如果损毁基底前脑区,会导致睡眠失调
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