The Dazu Rock Carvings 大足石刻
大足石刻是中国石窟艺术宝库中的一颗璀璨明珠,与云岗、龙门鼎足而三,齐名敦煌,是中国晚期石窟艺术的优秀代表。她集中国石窟艺术之大成,把中国石窟艺术推上了一个新的高峰:她是一件伟大的艺术杰作,对中国石窟艺术的创新发展有重要贡献,是石窟艺术生活化的典范,为中国佛教密宗史增添了新的一页,并且生动地反映了中国民间宗教信仰的重大发展变化。正因如此,1999年12月1日大足石刻被联合国教科文组织做为文化遗产列入《世界遗产名录》。Dazu the steep cliff on the preservation of a unique series of stone, the time span from the ninth century AD to the 13th century. These stone with high quality art, the subject matter varied and rich famous, from secular to religious, a clear reflection of this period China's day-to-day social life, and ample proof of this period of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism in harmony situation.
As a college student, this is the first time I travel. But this trip to DAZU, I feel benefited very much. It is not a simple trip, but perhaps I can benefit from the cultural life of baptism. There profound cultural inertia of a deeply attracted me, thousands of stone is a heavy historical ah. Dalliance in a statue indistinguishable from the original front of the statue, the sculptor who savor how great; Meanwhile feel is, how insignificant.
If you have the time, I strongly recommend you to Dazu to experience a profound culture. I think no matter what kind of job you engaged in, you will certainly not Losing.