最新口译训练资料:It's bamboo basket's era again!
最新口译训练资料:It's bamboo basket's era again!背景:中国国务院办公厅日前向各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构下发《关于限制生产销售使用塑料购物袋的通知》。通知指出,鉴于购物袋已成为“白色污染”的主要来源,今后各地人民政府、部委等应禁止生产、销售、使用超薄塑料购物袋、并将实行塑料购物袋有偿使用制度。自2008年6月1日起,在所有超市、商场、集贸市场等商品零售场所实行塑料购物袋有偿使用制度,一律不得免费提供塑料购物袋。
http://news.xinhuanet.com/politics/2008-01/16/content_7431128.htm 中国准备重回\"菜篮子\"时代 挥别塑料袋几多难?
http://news.sina.com.cn/c/2008-01-12/012214723378.shtml 发改委:限制超薄塑料袋不影响正常生活
训练篇章(两篇原文引自:chinadaily)(CRI报道)2008-01-15 10:19
The bamboo basket, which had almost disappeared from sight in recent years, will return to housewives' hands once again.
Its revival stems from China's upcoming strict regulations against \"white pollution.\"
Starting June 1, all supermarkets, department stores and shops will be banned from handing out free plastic bags. Instead, they must clearly mark the prices of plastic shopping bags. The production, sale and use of ultra-thin plastic bags are also to be banned.
Chinese people have hardly used bamboo baskets since the plastic bag gained popularity.
A fine balance between convenience and the environment
Updated: 2008-01-11 17:44
Imagine going back to the 1980's when Chinese people shopped using cloth bags or baskets? Those past scenes may come back again due to an official ban on the handing out of free plastic bags.
The State Council, China's cabinet, issued a notice on Tuesday requiring all supermarkets, grocery stores and food stalls to stop providing free plastic bags from June 1, and called for people to use baskets or cloth bags for shopping in the latest move to protect the environment.
\"It is very interesting that, after over 20 years, we will use baskets again,\" observed an elderly retired woman surnamed Wang. \"It is a good policy, and we should all support it and do our bit towards environmental conservation.\"
\"I plan to sew some cloth bags for my family and remind them to use them when they go shopping,\" she said.
Some netizens also voiced support for the new policy. \"Charging people to use plastic bags may be a way to wake up people's consciousness about the environmental hazard caused by those bags that won't decompose. It is very important for us to realize the need to protect the environment,\" said a netizen named Asgard_Thor on tianya.com.
However, some people raised the issue of convenience. \"Plastic bags are convenient, and I am not accustomed to buying things without them,\" admitted a 35-year-old taxi driver surnamed Ding,
\"I am not an environmentalist, and I do not want to pay extra money for plastic bags.\"
A woman shopping for fish in a Beijing market echoed the same remark. \"How can we carry wet stuff without plastic bags?\"
Others cast doubt on the effectiveness of the policy. \"Can a fee of 0.3 yuan ($0.041) or 0.5 yuan ($0.069) for each plastic bag really effectively eliminate polluting the environment? Rich people do not care about such a small amount of money!\" said a netizen named lengnibaitai.
There were also suggestions on enforcing the ban.
\"The government should design effective mechanisms to monitor how this ban is carried out in all the supermarkets, grocery stores and especially the food stalls,\" said a civil servant surnamed Chen.
\"Because of the wide use of plastic bags, the new policy may be not easily enforceable.\"
The 34-year-old also urged the government to come up with possible alternatives in order to strike a balance between convenience and environmental protection.