brianleeeee 发表于 2008-1-5 23:36:43


「青」也是中国五色之一;一般提到「青」总认为是「蓝」的同义字。不错,「青」色常指「蓝」色,如蔚蓝的天空称之为「青天」,也就是「蓝天」;蓝色牛仔裤叫做\"blue jeans \";有一种天然染料叫做「靛青」,又称为「蓝靛」(indigo)。
然而,「青」还指其他的颜色。第一,「青」常用来形容「绿」色。在我们日常生活里,有不少字汇是用「青」来形容「绿」色的,如:青草、青果、青葱、青菜等;其「青」字,其实是指「绿」色的;「青青」也就是指绿油油的草色,如「青青河畔草」(古诗句)。接着,「青」有时也指「黑」色而言。比如在京剧里饰演贞淑妇女的旦角多穿黑衫出场,称其为「青衣」;又用「青绿」来形容「浓绿」或「深绿」(dark green );指青绿的样子为「青虚虚」;称青黑色马为「青骊」;同时也把妇女乌黑的头发(dark hair)称为「青丝」等等。
It's a fine day today, and the sky is blue.
She wears a light blue dress and looks extremely attractive.
Mr. Brown painted his living room blue.
若干英文词句里,原来是因其\"blue\"的颜色得名而后演变成为含有特殊意义者,如blue-pencil, blue-collar worker, blue print等。
\"blue-pencil \"原指新闻、杂志等的编辑们,用蓝色笔来修改稿子,后来演变为「编辑,修订,改稿,或删除」(editor censor)之意:
Essays written by high school students need to be blue-penciled.
The censor examined a book and blue-penciled some improper remarks in it.
The editor-in-chief blue-penciled the article written by his reporter.
工厂的工作服或制服常用「蓝色」布料制成;因此,后来就称工厂的工人或技工人员为\"blue-collar worker \";相对的,称坐在办公室的人员为\"white-collar worker \",其工作为 \"white-collar job\":
The owner of the factory gave a big new year's party for all the blue-collar workers, including the mechanics.
All the blue-collar workers who worked on the construction site went on strike.
The City Government officials presented to the City Council their blue print for the development of a recreational area in New York.

\"blue print\" 又可以拼在一起写成“blueprint”而可以用做名词,也可以用做形容词:
The construction of a music hall is still on the blueprint stage.
When she saw a car rushing toward her, her face turned blue with fear.
High on the mountain, their hands became blue with cold.
打伤而发紫又可用\"black and blue\",如,The boy riding on the bicycle hit a big tree and was all black and blue.
When her son took off his shirt, she discovered that his arms were black and blue.
He looks blue today because he failed the examination.
Do you feel blue when it rains?
I don't know why but I'm feeling rather blue today.
His girl friend was blue about not being invited to the dance party yesterday.
Things are looking bluer than ever for us.
英美国家一周工作五天;星期六及星期天休息。因此,在英美(或许还有其他国家)星期五晚上就算周末。不管休息两天或一天半,大家总是利用周末参加休闲活动以舒展身心。喜欢健行或郊游的人就一家老少开车去爬山郊游,中途常常遇到交通阻塞,在公路上也常耽误许多时间,游完回家后,已经是疲惫不堪。一想到星期一要上班就觉得痛苦万分,于是许多人称星期一为\"blue Monday\"(忧郁的星期一):
It really is blue Monday after a wonderful weekend.
还有一词-\"blue funk\",也是表示令人沮丧或泄气的意思:
Nearly every time he reads the newspaper or watches television about the sad state of the economy he gets into a blue funk.
If you remain in a blue funk too long, it can make you ill.
That professor likes to tell blue jokes.
They were caught showing blue films in the theater and were arrested by the police.
\"blue\"还指「有学问的;对于文学、诗歌有强烈兴趣的」妇女,称其为\"blue stocking\":
Mrs. Blue is a blue stocking; she likes to show off her knowledge of modern art, and never misses an art show.
I know a blue stocking who spends most of her leisure time reading novels and attending plays.
此外,\"blue\"也有「严格的」之意,像用在\"blue law\"一词里的\"blue\"。\"blue law\"原来是美国殖民时期的清教徒所订的法律,禁止在星期天跳舞、喝酒等,以后转用为有关个人行为的严格规定,如禁止公务员涉足酒家、舞厅、夜总会、或不该接受款宴等等:
We have a blue law that government employees are prohibited from dancing and drinking in the night clubs, dancing halls, etc.
\"blue\"还用来指「高贵的,贵族后裔的」之义,如\"blue blood\"。
The lady speaks, acts and walks as a blue blood.
在梁朝以前,「青」曾经也有过代表高贵之意,如「青楼」古时则指显贵之家;只是梁朝以后才降格而指妓院了。我们说人忠诚可靠时也说:\"He is true blue\"也就是等于\"he is very loyal \"的意思了。
青色,天蓝色(blue color),如light blue(淡蓝色),dark blue(深蓝色)
青天,蓝天(the blue sky)
穿着青[蓝]色衣服的人,如a charming lady dressed in blue(穿着蓝色衣服的迷人妇人)
如果加定冠词\"the\"—\"the blue\"—则用在文学作品及诗歌里来表示「天空」(the sky),「海洋」(the sea),「虚无」(the unknown)等意。假如\"blue\"取复数形—\"the blues\"—的话,就指源自美国南部黑人表现其哀怨情感的一种速度缓慢的哀歌及其演变出来的爵士乐,以及所谓「蓝调」乐曲与舞蹈;\"the blues\"又有「忧郁,沮丧,闷闷不乐的状态」之谓而用于\"give the blue, have the blue, sing the blue \"等的惯用词句(也等于\"be blue\"或\"feel blue\"):
I have the blues sometimes when the weather is bad, particularly when it is raining and humid.
She sings the blues all the times, whether the day is sunny or coludy.
\"bolt from the blue\"-与中文的「青天霹雳」或「晴天霹雳」完全吻合,是指「意料不到」或「突如其来」的意思:
His decision to resign from such a good job was a bolt from the blue to his friends.
\"out of the blue\"也是表示「突然」或「出其不意地」等意,也就是说\"out of a clear sky\"或\"out of a clear blue sky \"等,如:
\"When she walked alone in a narrow alley, suddenly out of the blue she found several young men around her. \"
\"once in a blue moon\"指「几乎很少」的意思,如:
\"Once in a blue moon, you will find a valuable book in the secondhand book stores. \"
\"Since our parents live so far away, in recent year we get to see them once in a blue moon. \"
n. Any of various plants of the genus indigofera, some of which yield a blue dye stuff...; a blue dye obtained from indigo or other plants or produced synthetically.
A dark blue to gayish purplish blue(American Heritage Dictiorary)
「青出于蓝」是源自荀子劝学篇-「青取自于蓝,青于蓝」;这一句如果按照上述第二义则成为\"blue is bluer than dark blue ...\"而显然是不妥的;因而应从第一义翻译较为妥当:\"Blue is extracted from indigo plant but is bluer than it. \"现在我们用的「青出于蓝,青于蓝」的喻意则是\"A pupil excels his teacher. \"

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