tycoon 发表于 2007-12-28 17:18:35


  1. 避免专门术语或行话(jargon)
  ameliorate—improve commerce—begin
  components—parts endeavor—try
  exit—leave facilitate—help
  indicator—sign input—advice
  finalize—finish utilize—use
  prior to—before peruse—read
  2. 避免委婉语(euphemism)
  有些作者选用华丽的辞藻来代替听起来刺耳的表达,以增加语言的诗性和美感。但是,这些装饰往往有华而不实、矫揉造作之感, 有时还可能因意义模糊而干扰读者的理解。例如:
  When our progenitors reach their silver-haired and golden years, we send them to Old Homes.
  在这个句子中,“progenitors”(先辈)实际上是指父母,“reach their silver-haired and golden ages”即“进入银发黄金时代”,事实上指人已进入老年的严酷现实。作者意欲回避这一事实,表现出对老年人的尊重,但作者使用过于美化的表达,而事实又是“把他们送进养老院”。这样的语境中,语言过分华丽反而显得浮夸,缺乏真诚。上述句子可修改为直白性陈述:
  When our parents become old, we send them to Old Homes.
  日常英语中有不少委婉语被用于口语中以避免尴尬或不敬,如:preowned automobile指used car, selected out 指 fired, negative savings指debts, economically deprived 指poor, chemical dependency 指drug addiction, strategic withdrawal 指defeat, revenue enhancers 指 taxes, adult entertainment 指 pornography, welfared class 指unemployed people。
  3. 避免俚语(slang)
  俚语属于非正式、非标准用语。如美国俚语来源于美国社会各亚文化群、赌徒等社会阶层的某些专用语和与性事有关的市井杂语,在异域他乡甚至在美国听起来甚感不雅, 有的被视为禁忌,只有个别俚语被认可成为标准语,如jazz一词,一种流行乐,常常即席演奏,表达感情,源于19世纪晚期南部黑人,20世纪早期爵士音乐界用语,但现在仍作为一种美国和世界风格在发展。俚语因多元、勤变、求新、务奇、趋俗的特点而受青少年青睐。据统计,近30年来,青少年分别使用fresh, awesome, wicked, neat, groovy, cool来表达感觉良好,平均几年就有意义相似的俚语取代前面的,可谓日新月异。因此,我们在写作时要注意避免使用俚语。
  4. 避免方言(dialect)
  方言是区域性语言,像俚语一样,属于非标准语,只通行于某个地理区域,有一定的局限性,故在大部分写作中不适合使用。如:美国南方人所熟知的“Let’s talk with the bark off”在许多人听来都难以理解,但是写成 “Let’s speak frankly”则一目了然。有些方言中语法规则的使用较随便,如过去式与过去分词不加区分,人称代词混乱。因此,英语学习者从开始就要学习地道的、规范的、标准的语言。
  5. 避免性别歧视语言(sexist language)
  性别歧视语言,尤其是针对女性的歧视语反映出有意的女性歧视,或体现出潜意识中对女性的偏见。如:提到护士、招待时往往用women, 而提到医生、官员、律师时往往用men。用传统的he和his及him来指代两性,亦有性别歧视之嫌,请看例句:
  (1) After the nursing student graduates, she must face a difficult state board examination.
  (2) If you are a senior government official, your wife is required to report any gifts she receives that are valued at more than &100.
  A journalist is stimulated by his deadline.
  (1) After the nursing student graduates, he or she must face a difficult state board examination.
  (2) If you are a senior government official, your spouse is required to report any gifts he or she receives.
  (3)A journalist is stimulated by his or her deadline. 或 Journalists are stimulated by their deadlines.
  chairman chairperson, moderator, chair, head
  clergyman member of the clergy, minis-ter, pastor
  congressman member of the Congress, re-pre-sentative, legislator
  fireman firefighter
  foreman supervisor
  mailman mail carrier, postal worker, letter carrier
  mankind people, humans
  manpower personnel
  policeman police officer
  salesman salesperson, sales associate, salesclerk
  to man to operate, to staff
  weatherman weather forecaster,
  workman worker, laborer
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