Ban pig farms in Dongguan?
THE government of Dongguan city, Guangdong Province announced last week that the city will ban pig farming within the city starting in 2009.Pig farms have become a major source of pollution in the city, according to Dongguan officials. They claim that the pig farming industry is relatively small and the ban wouldn't impact too many people.
News of this decision quickly gave rise to criticism and debate in the national media. Many argued that the government's reason is not valid. After all, in heavily industrialized Guangdong, farming pollution is far smaller an environmental problem than industrial pollution. The real reason behind the government's decision, some critics claim, is to use the land for more profitable industrial projects which produce more pollution.
Others agree with the government that pig farms are not the most efficient use of land in Dongguan. They say that small, badly managed pig farms do produce lots of pollution.
What is your opinion? Do you think the Dongguan government is right to ban pig farming? I shall say 顶