经 meridians十二正经 the twelve meridians
奇经八脉 the eight extra merdians
十二经别 the twelve divergent meridians
络 collaterals
十五别络 the fifteen divergent collaterals
浮络 the superficial collaterals
孙络 the tertiary collaterals.
十二经筋 the twelve musculature zones.
十二皮部 the twelve skin zones
起源 start
交接 connection
分布 distribution
表里关系 exterior-interior relationships
走行规律 flowing order
终止 terminate
奇经八脉 the eight extra meridians--- 意译法 音译法
督脉 Governor Vessel (GV.) Du meridians
任脉 Conception Vessel (CV.) Ren meridians
冲脉 Thoroughfare Vessel (TV.) Chong meridians
带脉 Belt Vessel (BV.) Dai meridians
阳维脉 Yin Heel Vessel (Yin HV.) Yangwei meridians
阴维脉 Yang Heel Vessel (Yang HV.) Yinwei meridians
阳蹻脉 Yin Link Vessel (Yin LV.) Yangqiao meridians
阴蹻脉 Yang Link Vessel (Yang LV.) Yinqiao meridians
十五别络 The Fifteen Divergent Collaterals
十二正经之别络 The divergent collaterals originate from the twelve meridians
督脉之别络 The divergent collateral originate from Du meridians
任脉之别络 The divergent collateral originate from Ren meridians
脾之大络 The large splenic collateral
腧穴 Acupoint
井穴 Jing-Well acupoint
荧穴 Ying-Spring acupoint
输穴 Shu-Stream acupoint
经穴 Jing-River acupoint
合穴 He-Sea acupoint
原穴 the Yuan-Source acupoint
络穴 the Luo-Connecting acupoint
郗穴 the Xi-Cleft acupoint
奇穴 the Extra acuoint
八脉交会穴 the Eight Confluent acupoint
交会穴 the Crossing acupoint
八会穴 the Eight Influential acupoint
下合穴 the Lower He Sea acupoint
募穴 Front-mu acupoint
背腧穴 Back-shu acupoint
刺灸 Acupunture and Moxibustion
针 needle
针刺手法 needling techniques
针刺补泻 reinforcing and reducing techniques for needling
行针 manipulating the needle
提 lifting
插 thrusting
捻 swirling
转 rotating
皮内针 intradermal needle
头针 scalp-acupuncture
水针 hydro-acupuncture
耳针 ear-acupuncture
针感 needling sensation
针刺麻醉 acupuncture anesthesia
灸法 moxibustion
艾绒 moxa woool
化脓灸 blistering moxibustion
瘢痕灸 scarring moxibustion
艾炷灸 moxibustion with moxa cone
灯火灸 lamp moxibustion
温针灸 warm needling method