凯旋门the Arch of Triumph情感的表达 articulation of feelings
自己命运的创造者 the artificer of one's own fortune
牛皮大王 a bullshit artist
大骗子 a short-change artist
会话技巧 the art of conversation
整理思绪 the arrangement of mind
有巴黎风情的城市 a city with the aroma of Paris
假使没记错 if I remember alright
天网恢恢,疏尔不漏Justice has long arms.
袖手旁观 look on with folded arms
纸上谈兵的将军 an armchair general
接二连三的挫折 an armada of frustrations
错误的政治估计 faulty political arithmatic
自然美 artless beauty
微不足道 be as nothing
按以前的状况 as was
优势地位 have the ascendant position
归咎于 ascribe sth to sth
超然独立的文明观点 an aseptic view of civilization
旧事重提 rake over the old ashes
(头发)银白色 ash blond
玩笑归玩笑 joking aside
自讨苦吃 ask for trouble
玩忽职守 asleep at a switch
脸色吓人 a frightening aspect
争取当教授的人 an aspirant professor
色厉内荏 an ass in a lion's skin
暖暖身子 warm one's ass
拍马屁 kiss ass
突击作业 assault homework
收集统计数字 assemble statistics
前刘海 bangs
弥天大谎 a banging lie
手镯 bangle
抑制心头怒火 bank one's furies
倾家荡产 break the bank
四排键打字机 a four-bank typewriter
道德沦丧 moral bankruptcy; depravity
宴会厅 banquet room
轻型汽车 a bantam car
战火洗礼 baptism of fire
唱片专柜 a record bar
几小节音乐 a few bars of music
不准外国侨民担任机要职务 bar aliens from sensitive positions
没有例外的 bar none
剪成平头 be barbered in a crew cut
条形码扫描器 bar-code scanner
极小的可能 a bare possibility
最低限度 the barest minimum
故事梗概 the bare bones of a story
一言为定 It's a bargain!
大拍卖 a bargain sale
以原则作交易 bargain away principles
协议就是协议。 A bargain's a bargain.
自由交换物品(或思想)的地方 bargain counter
消耗战 a war of attrition
政治上见风使舵的人 a political acrobat
生活现实 the actualities of life
拍卖台 auction block
觐见国王 have an audience with the king
给我个支点,我就能撑起地球。 Give me somewhere to stand, and I will
move the earth.
气氛的三种说法: atmosophere, air, aura
盖章,签名的几种说法: annex one's signature, append one's signature
惯犯 hardened criminals
保释后逃之夭夭 jump bail
政界 the political bailwick
一打加一(为免遭顾客短斤缺两之责售出一打附带奉送一个) baker's dozen
发酵粉 baking powder
与销售额保持平衡的存货 have inventories in balance with sales
全球力量均势 the global balance of forces
对...起缓冲 act a balance to sb
在国际上执牛耳 hold the balance among nations
不偏不倚的观点 a balanced point of view
劳逸结合 duties and pleasures balanced each other in one's life
与...相抵绰绰有余 more than balance sth
总的说来 on balance
正常的神态 balance of mind
起决定性作用 tip the balance
调节作用 balance wheel
赤裸裸的谎言 a bald lie
一大包棉花 a bale of cotton
希望落空,生闷气 be balked into angry silence