广州:外籍人员需 “申报个税”
广州:外籍人员需 “申报个税”[ 2007-11-01 10:07 ]
广州从即日起要求所有在广州工作的外籍人员均需向主管地税部门报送有关个税税务资料, 那么“申报个税”怎么说呢?
Foreigners and overseas Chinese in Guangzhou will have to declare their personal income for tax purposes from today.
According to a new regulation on income tax, all foreign workers will be asked to declare their earnings regardless of the length of time they have spent working in the city. Overseas Chinese and people from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan will also be required to make declarations.
For those working for a local company, the responsibility to declare earnings will be with the employer. Those working on a self-employed or freelance basis will be required to make their own tax declarations.
申报个人所得税简称申报个税,为“declare personal income for tax purposes”或“declare tax”,“declare earnings/incomes”或“ make tax declaration”;
逃税可以说“tax evasion”。