hy2007 发表于 2007-10-9 14:43:58

鸡腿 鸡排 的英文?

drumstick / chicken leg
That's just the small portion. If you want the whole leg, it's
\"leg and thigh\".

usually the other one is \"chicken breast fillet\"
Fried chicken chop

kfc123 发表于 2007-10-10 06:58:04

雞腿一般用drumstick。但注意美語中 chicken leg有妓女的腿的意思,所以要慎用。

kfc123 发表于 2007-10-10 06:58:37

雞腿一般用drumstick。但注意美語中 chicken leg有妓女的腿的意思,所以要慎用。
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