The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language
dfbb 老师说的是Rodney Huddleston等编的这本吧,一会去借来,两本对着看。不过是2002年版的。刚看了一下目录,前面有一段关于descriptivist 和prescriptivist之争的论述,很有趣。
我选2006年的这本书是看 Michael McCarthy 这位先生的名头,他在语料库话语分析方面做得很不错, 相信2006年的这本 Cambridge grammar of English : a comprehensive guide : spoken and written English grammar and usage / Ronald Carter, Michael McCarthy.(也就是我做笔记的这一本),比The Cambridge grammar of the English language / Rodney Huddleston, Geoffrey K. Pullum in collaboration with Laurie Bauer ... 也就是dfbb老师推荐的这一本更加通俗和接近日常语言事实,而dfbb老师推荐的这本,应该更加规范。
大家可以根据各自不同的目的,来选择语法书。如果是为了写文章,还是要看dfbb老师推荐这本。如果为了日常生活对话中让自己说得更地道,那么就看我推荐的这本吧。 引用第8楼louselice^_^于2007-10-03 17:17发表的 :
“受词”就是中国大陆一般所说的“宾语”吧。 引用第2楼hpudqx于2007-10-03 13:12发表的 :
“bought me a CD for mine”,这个“for mine”感觉很累赘。
“I gave my sister a sweater for her birthday and she bought me a CD for mine.”这句有对照的意思吧, “bought me a CD for mine”=“bought me a CD for my birthday”.如果去掉就未必有那个CD是生日礼物的意思。 Michael McCarthy 应该是位女士。
louselice^_^ 兄地处宝地,竟有这么多原版书可借,羡慕中…… 引用第23楼dfbb于2007-10-07 08:27发表的 :
Michael McCarthy 应该是位女士。
louselice^_^ 兄地处宝地,竟有这么多原版书可借,羡慕中……
另外发现这里 http://www.cavesbooks.com.tw/e_magazine/e_magazine_article.aspx?sn=219&language1=0 有篇台湾学者对他的访谈,谈到单词教学和语料库在语言教学中的作用等等,感兴趣的可以浏览一下。
然后上个帖子所谓“正宗”不“正宗”,趁这里也再提一下。因为前此提到descriptive和presciptive(我习惯叫normative)的差别,虽未深入,已经比普通说的“正宗”与否进了一层,而兄在其后标榜“正宗”与否,必有不同于普通的理由,希望dfbb兄再多介绍介绍。 多谢parivraj贴图。小孩和老人很难从相貌看性别。当然你这个照片看得出来是男性无疑了。多谢!只怪我只凭经验判断,没有勤于求证,罪过,一下子让别人作变性手术。
至于我说的“正宗”,是指学术质量而言。一定程度上讲,该书可算是A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language (Quirk et al, 1985)和Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English之后的一大学术巨制。参与学者之广,用力之勤,篇幅之大,乃近年同类著作之佼佼者。 引用第24楼parivraj于2007-10-07 10:09发表的 :
List of contributors
Notational conventions
Tree diagrams
1 Preliminaries / Geoffrey K. Pullum, Rodney Huddleston 1
2 Syntactic overview / Rodney Huddleston 43
3 The verb / Rodney Huddleston 71
4 The clause: complements / Rodney Huddleston 213
5 Nouns and noun phrases / John Payne, Rodney Huddleston 323
6 Adjectives and adverbs / Geoffrey K. Pullum, Rodney Huddleston 525
7 Prepositions and preposition phrases / Geoffrey K. Pullum, Rodney Huddleston 597
8 The clause: adjuncts / Anita Mittwoch, Rodney Huddleston, Peter Collins 663
9 Negation / Geoffrey K. Pullum, Rodney Huddleston 785
10 Clause type and illocutionary force / Rodney Huddleston 851
11 Content clauses and reported speech / Rodney Huddleston 947
12 Relative constructions and unbounded dependencies / Rodney Huddleston, Geoffrey K. Pullum, Peter Peterson 1031
13 Comparative constructions / Rodney Huddleston 1097
14 Non-finite and verbless clauses / Rodney Huddleston 1171
15 Coordination and supplementation / Rodney Huddleston, John Payne, Peter Peterson 1273
16 Information packaging / Gregory Ward, Betty Birner, Rodney Huddleston 1363
17 Deixis and anaphora / Lesley Stirling, Rodney Huddleston 1449
18 Inflectional morphology and related matters / Frank Palmer, Rodney Huddleston, Geoffrey K. Pullum 1565
19 Lexical word-formation / Laurie Bauer, Rodney Huddleston 1621
20 Punctuation / Geoffrey Nunberg, Ted Briscoe, Rodney Huddleston 1723
Further reading 1765
Index 1779
Lexical index 1780
Conceptual index 1813 过来跟车车学习,自己口语交流中老犯错误,听得老外总是一愣一愣的 1.
b. Do not split an infinitive.
(e.g. Do not say I expect to shortly welcome him here;
say I expect to welcome him here shortly)
犯了也不要紧的,只要你“觉得”犯的通顺 ,以下是英国权威网站上的见解:
What is a split infinitive, and why should I avoid using one?
This is a split infinitive: To boldly go where no man has gone before!
The infinitive is to go, and it has been 'split' by the adverb boldly. Split infinitives have been the cause of much controversy among teachers and grammarians, but the notion that they are ungrammatical is simply a myth: in his famous book Modern English Usage, Henry Fowler listed them among 'superstitions'!
Split infinitives are frequently poor style, but they are not strictly bad grammar. In the example above, to avoid the split infinitive would result either in weakness (to go boldly) or over-formality (boldly to go): either would ruin the rhythmic force and rhetorical pattern of the original. It is probably good practice to avoid split infinitives in formal writing, but clumsy attempts to avoid them simply by shuffling adverbs about can create far worse sentences.
(see http://www.askoxford.com/asktheexperts/faq/aboutgrammar/splitinfinitives?view=uk)
"In a few years, we will be able to fully demonstrate how powerful these new technologies are."
(see http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/09/25/europe/EU-MED-Personalized-Cancer-Treatment.php)
所以 split infinitives 究竟可不可以用至少还存在很大的争议
Above 通常不与数词连用,多用over.
Above is not normally used with numbers. Over is normally preferred:
You can only buy alcoholic drinks here if you are over 18.
(You can only buy alcoholic drinks here if you are above 18.)
It’ll cost over a thousand pounds to repair.
下面是 Merriam-Webster 词典中 above (prep.) 的定义(尖括号中是示例)
1 a : in or to a higher place than : OVER
b : upriver of
2 a : superior to (as in rank, quality, or degree)
b : out of reach of <above suspicion>
c : in preference to
d : too proud or honorable to stoop to <not above taking undue credit>
3 : exceeding in number, quantity, or size : more than
<men above 50 years old>
4 : as distinct from and in addition to
<heard the whistle above the roar of the crowd>
PS: 1。也注意到 LZ 20楼所说的,因此上面并不是为打消积极性的 ,只供你参考。事实上我相信没有哪一本书是完美无缺的,因此剩下的就是好好学习手中的书,想问一下LZ 的书有多少页,我也想借一本来看
2。dfbb 兄提到的两本书我也有注意到,A comprehensive grammar of the English language 图书馆有,The Cambridge grammar of the English language 我一直在找,不知道有没有电子版 想问一下LZ 的书有多少页,我也想借一本来看
我看这本书,是洗脑式的死读,所以其他字典我就不再考虑了,本文中说的“错”,也许是真的“错”,也许是不符合本书中总结的语言规则,因为语言是在变化的,哪怕只经过几年,就像我们现在打招呼不再说“同志”,还有“有”字开始进入普通话,比如楼上兄台话中“dfbb 兄提到的两本书我也有注意到”(关于“有”字进入普通话的现象已有文章论述)。
昨晚锻炼,遇上两名传教士,我告诉他们我是共产党员,不想跟他们讨论这方面的问题,就聊了聊其他话题,诸如美食类,聊得很开心,临走其中一人问我英语是在哪里学的,我告诉他Cambridge Grammar of English(因为这张光盘不仅有语法讲解,还有例句,关键是有真人发音,我的中式英语就是这样慢慢纠正的,呵呵,高兴高兴)。
不说废话了,下面继续写笔记。 Another example of differences between spoken and written use involves voice (the choice of active or passive). Voice is more subtle and varied in the grammar of everyday conversation than is indicated in grammar books that focus only on written examples. There is, naturally, a focus on the core be-passive in contrast to the active voice, but when we look at a large amount of conversational data, we see that the get-passive form is much more frequent in spoken data than in comparable amounts of written data. At the same time it adds a further layer of choice, reflecting speakers’ perceptions of good or bad fortune, or of the degree of involvement of the subject. For example:
I’m afraid his car window got broken. (an unfortunate outcome)
She got herself invited to the official opening.(she is seen as partly instrumental in being invited)
和汉语比较:汉语被动式早期多见于遭受不幸的用法(被动式产生之前,文献中的“被”是动词,不是如今的介词“被”),随着发展,好坏均可。不过上文中的第二句似乎直译成汉语“她让/使她自己被邀请.....”就不太顺了,可是,如果译为“她被邀请.....”就丢失了原文“她努力使自己被邀请”的意思,看来翻译的时候只能多加句话了。一个小小的get,就要牵出个句子,翻译做到“信、达、雅”,可真是不是个轻松活。 verycd上有光盘下载,但那个镜像没有把加密信息做进去,所以别忘了还要下个补丁,借不到的朋友们不妨下到电脑上看,大约300兆 转贴一个有意思的小文
日期:2007年06月26日 关注人次:220次
您还别说,这回他说的几个字我还真听清楚了:“BestofBritish”就是“英国最好”的意思。而“Cheers”更简单了,不就是酒桌上祝酒干杯时用的词吗?。可是在这个场合,把这几个词放在一起是什么意思呢?请教了有识之士才明白,“BestofBritish”乃是 “BestofBritishluck”的意思,luck(运气)这个词省略掉了,祝愿“走英国好运”。至于“Cheers”这个词,原来英国人不光在饭桌上说“Cheers”,告别的时候也说“Cheers”,表示感谢的意思时候也可以说“Cheers”。所以出租车司机当时冲着我说: “Cheers”,是连“谢谢”带“再见”的意思都有了,一“句”两得。
我发现英国人很会化繁为简,图省事。五英镑的钞票(Fivepoundnote)简化为字典上找不到的Fiver。同理,十英镑就称为 Tenner。再比如,著名的牛津(Oxford)和剑桥(Cambridge)两所最高学府,英国人常把二者合起来说Oxbridge,听起来好象中国人说“清华北大”一般。顺便说一句,在英国期间我还专门去剑桥朝拜了一次,想感染一点文化气息。我发现剑桥周围的许多民房,都挂出“Tolet”的牌子,简简单单五个字母,就表达了此房出租的意思。一些调皮的学生,偏偏在“To”和“let”中间加一个字母“i”。“Tolet”就变成了“Toilet” (厕所)。虽然在英国听英语费神,但至少有一句话我绝对听得很明白,那就是“Allright”(很好,一切都好)。我发现这句“Allright”是英国人使用频率最高的句子之一。与朋友见面打招呼是“Allright?”,意思是说“怎么样,一切都好吧?”按理说,人家问你是不是 “Allright”,你出于礼貌一定要回答“Allright”,然后也要反问对方是不是“Allright”。但是连续说两遍“Allright”未免有点罗嗦。所以英国人回答“Allright?”的问题时,往往反问“Allright?”同时表示“我很好,你怎么样?”两层意思。记得离开英国那天,在机场犯下了平生最大的错误:因为内急没有看清楚厕所门上画的是淑女而不是绅士,不幸迈进了女厕所。迎面正好一位女士走出来,我方才恍然大悟,赶紧喊着“Excuseme”、(原谅我)“Sorry”(对不起)转身狼狈离去。此时身后传来那位女士的声音,您猜她说了句什么?“Allright”!
不是吹,一趟英国之行不过一个星期,自我感觉上又多懂了一国英语。不过,自比“约翰牛”的英国人决不会像华人那样会把牛皮都吹破的。根据刚学会的英国英语,要表达类似的意思,英国人喜欢说“Pigsmightfly”,直译就是“猪都快飞起来了”。 回忆一下 Allright 英国人确实说得很多 正在下载,很慢的,希望能快点下完,能够快点拜读此书!!!
新出的官腔辞典: Dictionary will explain what the politicians are really sayi
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=504353&in_page_id=1770“英国《每日邮报》报道,由智库“政策研究中心”汇编的二零零八年Lexicon辞典,列举了一百多个字、名词以及翻译,帮助民众了解部会首长与国会议员所使用令人感到混淆的语言。 ”
看到这则新闻,我马上google到了一份,还是 EMBARGOED UNTIL 0001 HRS FRIDAY 28 DECEMBER 呢,热乎乎地传上来给大家看,里面列出了政府道貌岸然的官方语言,还有例子,挺讽刺的。
Good local school/hospital: reason why ordinary people (qv) should not have any choice. 不错的当地学校/医院: 普通人不能选择的原因。
Guidance"指导": government interference.政府干预
Ambitious: the setting of unachievable targets (qv). “What we need to do, both as a country and as the EU is set an example, in terms of setting out an ambitious target. This is because we need to show not just the US but also India and China in particular, that we are serious about climate change as a whole and therefore that's why we do support the setting out by the EU of ambitious
targets, as long as the ambitious target takes into account the individual circumstances in each country.” Prime Minister’s Spokesman, DowningStreetSays.com, 2 March 2007.
大家自己慢慢看吧 引用第31楼kunlun于2007-11-11 22:42发表的 :
ed2k://|file|Cambridge.Grammar.of.English.2006.No.CD.Patch..Crack.zip|230148|9F1BC21A4DD0C5ECD021693C56B4A2F9|h=WLB5OMNNRW5WBVLICYCDEL5PCY4ZV5RE|/ 补丁文件
Want my two cents?
I'm afraid where the grammar can't help, the usage does.
God bless you.