在读证明 (Certificate of Schooling)毕业证明 (Certificate of Graduation)
学位证明 (Certificate of Academic Degree)
成绩单 (School Report)
个人简历 (Curriculum Vitae)
学习计划 (Study Plan)
个人陈述 (Personal Statement)
推荐信 (Letter of Recommendation)
雅思成绩单(IELTS Score Report)
学校申请表(Application Form of Admission)
申请费缴费单据(Receipt of Application Fee)
护照 (Passport)
在读证明 (Certificate of Schooling)
学位证 (Certificate of Degree)
录取通知书 (Letter of Admission)
缴纳学费收据 (Tuition Payment Receipt)
亲戚关系证明 (Certificate of Family Relation)
无犯罪记录证明 (Certificate of Non-criminal Record)
担保书 (Letter of Guarantee)
收入证明 (Income Certificate)
银行存款证明(Certificate of Deposit)
个人陈述 (Personal Statement)
签证申请表 (Visa Application Form)