美文妙译 “一任轻柔”
于是,暮色中匆匆的人群里,总有我赶路的身影,雨里,雾里,雪里,只盼着早些回家,洗去一身的疲劳,泡上一杯清茶,点上一柱檀香,打开半卷的书卷,一任轻柔的旋律把我带进一个美丽的境界……所有的喧嚣和烦恼都被抛在朔风冷雨里,因为我已经到家了。Thus the gathering dark often finds me hastening home in a hurrying crowd. Whether it rains or snows, windy or foggy, it is the longing to be home that quickens my steps. To be home means to end a day’s fatigue and enjoy myself in a world of my own. With a nice cup of tea and a burning sandalwood stick by my side, I can either resume my suspended reading, or listen leisurely to a soft melody and let myself be carried away to a fairyland of beauty … All the urban noises and disturbances are shut out, thrown to the winds and rain, for I am safe at home.