由于引发众怒的“原子弹言论风波”,日本防卫大臣久间章生已于7月3日宣布辞职。当天,日本首相安倍晋三任命日本史上首位女防卫大臣、日本美女版“赖斯”小池百合子任职。Japan's newly appointed Defence Minister Yuriko Koike reviews an honour guard at the Defence Ministry in Tokyo July 4, 2007. Japan's first-ever female defence minister, former TV presenter Koike, was appointed after her predecessor Fumio Kyuma, was forced to quit over remarks at the weekend that appeared to accept the 1945 US atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
由 新闻可知,“仪仗队”相应的英文表达为“an honor guard”,有时也可写作“a guard of honor”。
一般情况下,“an honor guard”常和动词“review”搭配,review在此指“阅(兵),检阅”。
此外,我们常说的“护旗队”可表达为“color guard”。