今天查一本书时搜索到了读书园地,可惜囊中羞涩,赶忙到茶园看看有无开粥棚的,又来到外语学习打算挣两小钱,看到 agldacheng 版主出手阔绰,而且命题也能让我瞎扯两句,于是东搬西凑地拽了两句洋文。谁知流年不利,没赶上末班车,只好发成新帖挣两块大洋作罢。^_^Everyone who has read the story “a foul cross the river” felt like taking a image that: if he or she who encountered a quite difficult trouble, he or she doesn’t has the fortune that there is a ‘mama’ to get a right answer from. In some worse occasion, you were asked to make a decision right now, It is worst that a specific order were given to you to make a so-called “choice” . Many times, it seems it is not without a sense of irony that I think I am in control of my life.