Pan Gu,Creator of the UniverseIn the remotest time, the universe, in the shape of an egg,was a big black mass of gases, in which Pan Gu the Creator was conceived and raised.
18 000 years passed before this murky blend underwent any change, but in it Pan Gu was growing to maturity. Finally he woke up and found himself in pitch darkness, which made him fly into a rage.Snatching a huge axe, with a heavy stroke he split the \"Big Egg\" in hafl.
Wild storms rose and swept over the primitive world in all directions. The universe boomed and shook. Everything began to circle, separate,then reform. Light, clear gases floated upwards to mould the heaven, while weightier, impure gases sank condensed to make the earth.
From then on, the sky grew 12 feet higher every day, the earth 12 feet thicker, and Pan Gu,12 feet taller. Thus another 18 000 years elapsed, and Pan Gu turned out to be a giant thousands of miles tall, with his feet on the ground and head propping the sky, so that it would never fall down.
Man's history began henceforth.
一万八千年过去了,宇宙间什么变化也没有发生,可是盘古却在里面长大成人了。终于,他睁开了眼睛,却发现周围是一片漆黑。他怒不可遏,抓起一把大斧头,用力一挥,把这个“大鸡蛋” 劈成了两半。
人类的历史就从此开始了。 1、若为翻译习作,应放外语版。
3、若为读书笔记,看着又不是太像。(我比较菜~莫笑话哈 )