golden21c 发表于 2007-6-17 10:11:55

Concentricity and Synergy for Increased Innovation, Accelerated Growth and En

Concentricity and Synergy for Increased Innovation, Accelerated Growth and Enhanced Competitiveness of Canadian SMEs / KBEs in the Global Economy

How the principles of business clusters, business networks, and business incubators can be
combined for concentration, synergy and acceleration of innovation by and growth of Canadian enterprises, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) / high technology knowledge-based enterprises (KBEs), which are the real engines of economic and employment growth in the rapidly expanding global economy.Philippe Roy, CMC, is a member of the Canadian Association of Management Consultants (CAMC). He is expressing his own private professional and personal opinions in this private paper originally published May 1998 and which is in the public domain.
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