刚刚谈过“低腰裤”的种种表达,有网友随即询问,如何表达秋冬季节备受女士青睐的“长统靴”?碰巧在“美国偶像”的新闻中“捡”到了“thigh-high boots”,以此为话题,我们今天谈谈“长统靴”。先看外电相关报道:Jordin Sparks, a teenager with a big voice and big dreams, was crowned Wednesday as the newest and youngest \"American Idol.\"
Past \"Idol\" winners and this season's contestants got a hefty share of attention, starting with first-season winner Kelly Clarkson. She performed her new single \"Never Again,\" with the gritty rock song matched by her black dress and thigh-high boots.
报道说,“偶像”前辈凯丽·克拉森助阵本季《美国偶像》决赛,她当晚身着黑裙足登长靴,并献唱了其最新摇滚单曲“Never again”(点击收听)。
报道所指的“thigh-high boots”指的是“(过膝长至大腿的)超级长靴”,有时也可写作“thigh-length boots”或“kinky boots”(见电影“Kinky boots” )。
比“thigh-high boots”短长及膝盖的长靴,一般称作“knee-high boots”(见图 )或者go-go boots。上世纪60年代,舞鞋“go-go boots”(鞋跟较低,见图 )因为一种名为“Go-go dancing”的舞蹈应运而生。不过,现代意义上,“Go-go boots”可用来形容各种各样的时尚女靴。
以此类推,长及小腿的半高统靴可写作“calf-length boots ”。
其实呀,如果想省事,“长靴”也可简简单单写作“long boots”