2007-5-20 0:18:40.624 正在连接 ftp.pdaonline.com.cn:21
2007-5-20 0:18:40.624 正在连接
2007-5-20 0:18:40.640 Socket已连接,等待欢迎信息
2007-5-20 0:18:41.890 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd ----------
2007-5-20 0:18:41.890 220-You are user number 89 of 501 allowed.
2007-5-20 0:18:41.905 220-Local time is now 00:25. Server port: 21.
2007-5-20 0:18:41.905 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
2007-5-20 0:18:41.905 220 You will be disconnected after 60 seconds of inactivity.
2007-5-20 0:18:41.905 USER pdadown
2007-5-20 0:18:42.312 331 User pdadown OK. Password required
2007-5-20 0:18:42.312 PASS ********
2007-5-20 0:18:42.749 230-Your bandwidth usage is restricted
2007-5-20 0:18:42.749 230-User pdadown has group access to: guest
2007-5-20 0:18:42.749 230-This server supports FXP transfers
2007-5-20 0:18:42.749 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
2007-5-20 0:18:42.749 登录成功
2007-5-20 0:18:42.749 PWD
2007-5-20 0:18:43.171 257 \"/\" is your current location
2007-5-20 0:18:43.187 PASV
2007-5-20 0:18:46.077 227 Entering Passive Mode (61,152,188,215,177,214)
2007-5-20 0:18:46.077 正在连接
2007-5-20 0:18:46.499 LIST
2007-5-20 0:18:46.968 150 Accepted data connection
2007-5-20 0:18:49.968 226-Options: -l
2007-5-20 0:18:49.968 226 6 matches total
2007-5-20 0:18:49.968 线程完成在 377
2007-5-20 0:19:49.968 PASV
2007-5-20 0:20:49.843 超时
2007-5-20 0:20:49.937 等待 10 秒后重试
2007-5-20 0:20:59.952 正在连接
2007-5-20 0:20:59.984 Socket已连接,等待欢迎信息
2007-5-20 0:21:07.499 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd ----------
2007-5-20 0:21:07.515 220-You are user number 84 of 501 allowed.
2007-5-20 0:21:07.530 220-Local time is now 00:28. Server port: 21.
2007-5-20 0:21:07.546 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
2007-5-20 0:21:07.546 220 You will be disconnected after 60 seconds of inactivity.
2007-5-20 0:21:07.562 USER pdadown
2007-5-20 0:21:07.999 331 User pdadown OK. Password required
2007-5-20 0:21:08.046 PASS ********
2007-5-20 0:21:08.624 230-Your bandwidth usage is restricted
2007-5-20 0:21:08.640 230-User pdadown has group access to: guest
2007-5-20 0:21:08.640 230-This server supports FXP transfers
2007-5-20 0:21:08.640 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
2007-5-20 0:21:08.640 登录成功
2007-5-20 0:21:08.655 PASV
2007-5-20 0:21:13.218 227 Entering Passive Mode (61,152,188,215,86,166)
2007-5-20 0:21:13.234 正在连接
2007-5-20 0:21:13.702 LIST
2007-5-20 0:21:14.265 150 Accepted data connection
2007-5-20 0:21:14.796 226-Options: -l
2007-5-20 0:21:14.843 226 6 matches total
2007-5-20 0:21:14.843 线程完成在 377
2007-5-20 0:22:14.484 PASV
2007-5-20 0:22:14.484 远程主机强迫关闭了一个现有的连接。
2007-5-20 0:22:14.484 等待 10 秒后重试
2007-5-20 0:22:24.484 正在连接
2007-5-20 0:22:24.484 Socket已连接,等待欢迎信息
2007-5-20 0:22:26.593 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd ----------
2007-5-20 0:22:26.593 220-You are user number 84 of 501 allowed.
2007-5-20 0:22:26.593 220-Local time is now 00:29. Server port: 21.
2007-5-20 0:22:26.593 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
2007-5-20 0:22:26.593 220 You will be disconnected after 60 seconds of inactivity.
2007-5-20 0:22:26.593 USER pdadown
2007-5-20 0:22:27.452 331 User pdadown OK. Password required
2007-5-20 0:22:27.452 PASS ********
2007-5-20 0:22:28.374 230-Your bandwidth usage is restricted
2007-5-20 0:22:28.374 230-User pdadown has group access to: guest
2007-5-20 0:22:28.374 230-This server supports FXP transfers
2007-5-20 0:22:28.374 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
2007-5-20 0:22:28.390 登录成功
2007-5-20 0:22:28.390 CWD /Wallpaper
2007-5-20 0:22:30.609 250 OK. Current directory is /Wallpaper
2007-5-20 0:22:30.609 PWD
2007-5-20 0:23:30.609 超时
2007-5-20 0:23:30.609 等待 10 秒后重试
2007-5-20 0:23:40.609 正在连接
2007-5-20 0:23:40.609 Socket已连接,等待欢迎信息
2007-5-20 0:23:42.343 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd ----------
2007-5-20 0:23:42.343 220-You are user number 89 of 501 allowed.
2007-5-20 0:23:42.343 220-Local time is now 00:30. Server port: 21.
2007-5-20 0:23:42.343 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
2007-5-20 0:23:42.343 220 You will be disconnected after 60 seconds of inactivity.
2007-5-20 0:23:42.343 USER pdadown
2007-5-20 0:23:44.530 331 User pdadown OK. Password required
2007-5-20 0:23:44.546 PASS ********
2007-5-20 0:23:45.984 230-Your bandwidth usage is restricted
2007-5-20 0:23:45.984 230-User pdadown has group access to: guest
2007-5-20 0:23:45.984 230-This server supports FXP transfers
2007-5-20 0:23:45.984 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
2007-5-20 0:23:45.999 登录成功
2007-5-20 0:23:45.999 CWD /Wallpaper
2007-5-20 0:23:48.280 250 OK. Current directory is /Wallpaper
2007-5-20 0:23:48.280 PWD
2007-5-20 0:23:49.452 257 \"/Wallpaper\" is your current location
2007-5-20 0:23:49.484 PASV
2007-5-20 0:23:50.452 227 Entering Passive Mode (61,152,188,215,99,76)
2007-5-20 0:23:50.452 正在连接
2007-5-20 0:23:52.187 LIST
2007-5-20 0:23:53.921 150 Accepted data connection
2007-5-20 0:23:55.640 226-Options: -l
2007-5-20 0:23:55.640 226 9 matches total
2007-5-20 0:23:55.640 线程完成在 583
2007-5-20 0:24:54.624 PASV
2007-5-20 0:25:54.655 超时
2007-5-20 0:25:54.765 等待 10 秒后重试
2007-5-20 0:26:04.765 正在连接
2007-5-20 0:26:04.780 Socket已连接,等待欢迎信息
2007-5-20 0:26:25.749 远程主机强迫关闭了一个现有的连接。
2007-5-20 0:26:25.749 等待 10 秒后重试
2007-5-20 0:26:35.749 正在连接
2007-5-20 0:26:35.765 Socket已连接,等待欢迎信息
2007-5-20 0:26:40.312 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd ----------
2007-5-20 0:26:40.312 220-You are user number 89 of 501 allowed.
2007-5-20 0:26:40.343 220-Local time is now 00:33. Server port: 21.
2007-5-20 0:26:40.343 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
2007-5-20 0:26:40.359 220 You will be disconnected after 60 seconds of inactivity.
2007-5-20 0:26:40.374 USER pdadown
2007-5-20 0:26:41.280 331 User pdadown OK. Password required
2007-5-20 0:26:41.280 PASS ********
2007-5-20 0:26:41.780 230-Your bandwidth usage is restricted
2007-5-20 0:26:41.780 230-User pdadown has group access to: guest
2007-5-20 0:26:41.780 230-This server supports FXP transfers
2007-5-20 0:26:41.780 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
2007-5-20 0:26:41.780 登录成功
2007-5-20 0:26:41.796 PASV
2007-5-20 0:26:42.249 227 Entering Passive Mode (61,152,188,215,80,153)
2007-5-20 0:26:42.265 正在连接
2007-5-20 0:26:42.718 LIST
2007-5-20 0:26:44.484 150 Accepted data connection
2007-5-20 0:26:44.484 226-Options: -l
2007-5-20 0:26:44.499 226 6 matches total
2007-5-20 0:26:44.593 线程完成在 377
2007-5-20 0:26:46.640 CWD /ebook
2007-5-20 0:26:48.562 250 OK. Current directory is /ebook
2007-5-20 0:26:48.593 PWD
2007-5-20 0:26:49.687 257 \"/ebook\" is your current location
2007-5-20 0:26:49.749 PASV
2007-5-20 0:26:51.468 227 Entering Passive Mode (61,152,188,215,52,127)
2007-5-20 0:26:51.484 正在连接
2007-5-20 0:26:52.265 LIST
2007-5-20 0:26:52.718 150 Accepted data connection
2007-5-20 0:26:53.249 226-Options: -l
2007-5-20 0:26:53.249 226 14 matches total
2007-5-20 0:26:53.265 线程完成在 871
2007-5-20 0:27:01.515 CWD /ebook/ztxs
2007-5-20 0:27:02.734 250 OK. Current directory is /ebook/ztxs
2007-5-20 0:27:02.749 PWD
2007-5-20 0:27:03.155 257 \"/ebook/ztxs\" is your current location
2007-5-20 0:27:03.187 PASV
2007-5-20 0:27:03.593 227 Entering Passive Mode (61,152,188,215,88,23)
2007-5-20 0:27:03.624 正在连接
2007-5-20 0:27:04.046 LIST
2007-5-20 0:27:04.827 150 Accepted data connection
2007-5-20 0:27:05.452 226-Options: -l
2007-5-20 0:27:05.452 226 31 matches total
2007-5-20 0:27:05.484 线程完成在 2039
2007-5-20 0:27:09.921 CWD /ebook/crqxs
2007-5-20 0:27:10.765 250 OK. Current directory is /ebook/crqxs
2007-5-20 0:27:10.780 PWD
2007-5-20 0:27:11.390 257 \"/ebook/crqxs\" is your current location
2007-5-20 0:27:11.734 PASV
2007-5-20 0:27:12.390 227 Entering Passive Mode (61,152,188,215,82,112)
2007-5-20 0:27:12.405 正在连接
2007-5-20 0:27:13.155 LIST
2007-5-20 0:27:13.749 150 Accepted data connection
2007-5-20 0:27:15.593 226-Options: -l
2007-5-20 0:27:15.593 226 11 matches total
2007-5-20 0:27:15.687 线程完成在 770
2007-5-20 0:27:30.499 CWD /video
2007-5-20 0:27:32.530 250 OK. Current directory is /video
2007-5-20 0:27:32.577 PWD
2007-5-20 0:27:33.327 257 \"/video\" is your current location
2007-5-20 0:27:33.359 PASV
2007-5-20 0:27:34.234 227 Entering Passive Mode (61,152,188,215,213,72)
2007-5-20 0:27:34.249 正在连接
2007-5-20 0:27:35.327 LIST
2007-5-20 0:27:36.452 150 Accepted data connection
2007-5-20 0:27:37.327 226-Options: -l
2007-5-20 0:27:37.327 226 8 matches total
2007-5-20 0:27:37.359 线程完成在 501
2007-5-20 0:27:40.859 CWD /video/donghua
2007-5-20 0:27:44.499 250 OK. Current directory is /video/donghua
2007-5-20 0:27:44.515 PWD
2007-5-20 0:27:46.687 257 \"/video/donghua\" is your current location
2007-5-20 0:27:46.718 PASV
2007-5-20 0:27:47.405 227 Entering Passive Mode (61,152,188,215,234,190)
2007-5-20 0:27:47.437 正在连接
2007-5-20 0:27:47.937 LIST
2007-5-20 0:27:48.421 150 Accepted data connection
2007-5-20 0:27:49.030 226-Options: -l
2007-5-20 0:27:49.030 226 20 matches total
2007-5-20 0:27:49.077 线程完成在 1378
2007-5-20 0:28:49.093 PASV
2007-5-20 0:28:49.093 远程主机强迫关闭了一个现有的连接。
2007-5-20 0:28:49.109 等待 10 秒后重试
2007-5-20 0:28:59.124 正在连接
2007-5-20 0:28:59.124 Socket已连接,等待欢迎信息
2007-5-20 0:29:00.655 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd ----------
2007-5-20 0:29:00.671 220-You are user number 89 of 501 allowed.
2007-5-20 0:29:00.687 220-Local time is now 00:36. Server port: 21.
2007-5-20 0:29:00.687 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
2007-5-20 0:29:00.702 220 You will be disconnected after 60 seconds of inactivity.
2007-5-20 0:29:00.780 USER pdadown
2007-5-20 0:29:02.015 331 User pdadown OK. Password required
2007-5-20 0:29:02.030 PASS ********
2007-5-20 0:29:03.984 230-Your bandwidth usage is restricted
2007-5-20 0:29:03.984 230-User pdadown has group access to: guest
2007-5-20 0:29:03.984 230-This server supports FXP transfers
2007-5-20 0:29:03.999 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
2007-5-20 0:29:04.015 登录成功
2007-5-20 0:29:04.046 PASV
2007-5-20 0:29:06.015 227 Entering Passive Mode (61,152,188,215,34,15)
2007-5-20 0:29:06.093 正在连接
2007-5-20 0:29:06.796 LIST
2007-5-20 0:29:07.265 150 Accepted data connection
2007-5-20 0:29:08.062 226-Options: -l
2007-5-20 0:29:08.062 226 6 matches total
2007-5-20 0:29:08.077 线程完成在 377
2007-5-20 0:30:08.093 PASV
2007-5-20 0:31:07.937 超时
2007-5-20 0:31:07.968 等待 10 秒后重试
2007-5-20 0:31:17.968 正在连接
2007-5-20 0:31:17.999 Socket已连接,等待欢迎信息
2007-5-20 0:31:19.437 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd ----------
2007-5-20 0:31:19.437 220-You are user number 91 of 501 allowed.
2007-5-20 0:31:19.437 220-Local time is now 00:38. Server port: 21.
2007-5-20 0:31:19.437 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
2007-5-20 0:31:19.437 220 You will be disconnected after 60 seconds of inactivity.
2007-5-20 0:31:19.437 USER pdadown
2007-5-20 0:31:20.155 331 User pdadown OK. Password required
2007-5-20 0:31:20.155 PASS ********
2007-5-20 0:31:22.171 230-Your bandwidth usage is restricted
2007-5-20 0:31:22.171 230-User pdadown has group access to: guest
2007-5-20 0:31:22.171 230-This server supports FXP transfers
2007-5-20 0:31:22.187 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
2007-5-20 0:31:22.187 登录成功
2007-5-20 0:31:22.202 PASV
2007-5-20 0:31:24.327 227 Entering Passive Mode (61,152,188,215,130,115)
2007-5-20 0:31:24.327 正在连接
2007-5-20 0:31:26.296 LIST
2007-5-20 0:31:27.530 150 Accepted data connection
2007-5-20 0:31:28.609 226-Options: -l
2007-5-20 0:31:28.609 226 6 matches total
2007-5-20 0:31:28.609 线程完成在 377 无法连接,请楼主重新验证!
另:请注意发帖格式! 无法连接 ftp://pdadown:pdadown@ftp.pdaonline.com.cn/
速度还不错!!!3QQQQQ 一连上 速度还兴