忸妞视频FTP[首发] 9:50:00.468 正在连接
2007-05-16 9:50:00.484 Socket已连接,等待欢迎信息
2007-05-16 9:50:00.843 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd ----------
2007-05-16 9:50:00.843 220-You are user number 268 of 6000 allowed.
2007-05-16 9:50:00.843 220-Local time is now 09:06. Server port: 21.
2007-05-16 9:50:00.843 220 You will be disconnected after 60 seconds of inactivity.
2007-05-16 9:50:00.843 USER anonymous
2007-05-16 9:50:01.015 331 Any password will work
2007-05-16 9:50:01.031 PASS ********
2007-05-16 9:50:01.203 230 Any password will work
2007-05-16 9:50:01.218 登录成功
2007-05-16 9:50:01.218 PWD
2007-05-16 9:50:01.390 257 \"/\" is your current location
2007-05-16 9:50:01.406 CWD /ttq/autopatch/resource/movie
2007-05-16 9:50:01.593 250 OK. Current directory is /ttq/autopatch/resource/movie
2007-05-16 9:50:01.593 PWD
2007-05-16 9:50:01.781 257 \"/ttq/autopatch/resource/movie\" is your current location
2007-05-16 9:50:01.796 PASV
2007-05-16 9:50:01.984 227 Entering Passive Mode (210,51,35,150,159,14)
2007-05-16 9:50:02.000 正在连接
2007-05-16 9:50:02.187 LIST
2007-05-16 9:50:02.359 150 Accepted data connection
2007-05-16 9:50:02.640 226-Options: -l
2007-05-16 9:50:02.640 226 17 matches total
2007-05-16 9:50:02.656 线程完成在 1156
2007-05-16 9:51:02.656 PASV
2007-05-16 9:51:02.656 远程主机强迫关闭了一个现有的连接。
2007-05-16 9:51:02.671 等待 10 秒后重试
2007-05-16 9:51:12.687 正在连接
2007-05-16 9:51:12.703 Socket已连接,等待欢迎信息
2007-05-16 9:51:16.031 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd ----------
2007-05-16 9:51:16.046 220-You are user number 273 of 6000 allowed.
2007-05-16 9:51:16.062 220-Local time is now 09:07. Server port: 21.
2007-05-16 9:51:16.078 220 You will be disconnected after 60 seconds of inactivity.
2007-05-16 9:51:16.093 USER anonymous
2007-05-16 9:51:22.296 331 Any password will work
2007-05-16 9:51:22.312 PASS ********
2007-05-16 9:51:22.500 230 Any password will work
2007-05-16 9:51:22.515 登录成功
2007-05-16 9:51:22.515 PASV
2007-05-16 9:51:22.703 227 Entering Passive Mode (210,51,35,150,160,171)
2007-05-16 9:51:22.718 正在连接
2007-05-16 9:51:22.953 LIST
2007-05-16 9:51:26.671 150 Accepted data connection
2007-05-16 9:51:27.031 226-Options: -l
2007-05-16 9:51:27.031 226 12 matches total
2007-05-16 9:51:27.031 线程完成在 867