这也就行了,翻这书序言的初衷正是借机学习英语(我只念过70年代末期省编初中英语课本第一册,共100余个单词),而不是为了成为一个翻译家。你能够提出这些意见,我是很感谢的。我这几天很忙,忙完后再回头检查一下,或许你说的很对,或许更准确的译文还要我们去发拙。还有一些章节的前言部分,如果把原书的引言部分都弄得很准确,读书会容易一些。物理的逻辑,主要是数学方程。我对波动方程的精确解部分非常熟悉,有个打算,就是把理论物理家们认为没有精确解而实际上有精确解的解求出来。谢你给予很大的帮助。 很多理论物理学家其实就是数学家,也没必要分那么清的
像 Roger Penrose 就是数学的出身,照样和霍金打得火热
**** Hidden Message ***** 引用第43楼resonance于2007-05-18 11:47发表的 :
像 Roger Penrose 就是数学的出身,照样和霍金打得火热
谢谢蜜蜂兄弟提供这么多信息。 引用第25楼resonance于2007-05-15 01:19发表的 :
另外:scalar and magnetic fields应该是标量磁场吧 。可以用磁标势描述磁场阿
“subject”的直译的确是“主题”,但当它用于说明某个章节写了什么的时候,我当时的想法是译作“内容”好象更符合我们的习惯。“scalar and magnetic fields”应该是标量磁场。
Chapter 10 finally provides a consistent framework for dealing with the negative energies in a many-particle formalism. We describe the “second quantized” Dirac theory in an (unquantized ) strong external field. The Hilbert space of this system is the Fock space which contains states consisting of an arbitrary and variable number of particles and antiparticles. Nevertheless, the dynamics in the Fock space is essentially described by implementing the unitary time evolution according to the Dirac equation. We investigate the implementation of unitary and self-adjoint operators, the consequeces for particle creation and annihilation and the connection with such topics as vacuum charge, index theory, and spontaneous pair creation.For additional information on the topics presented here the reader should consult the literature cited in the notes at the end of the book. The notes describe the sources and contain some references to physical applications as well as to further mathematical developments.
This book grew out of several lectures I gave at the Freie Universit鋞 Berlin and at the Karl-Franzens Universit鋞 Graz in 1986-1988. Parts of the manuscript have been read carefully by several people and I have received many valuable comments. In particular I am indebted to W. Beiglb6ck, W. Bulla, V. Enss, F. Gesztesy, H. Grosse, B. Helffer, M. Klaus, E. Lieb, L. Pittner, S. N.M. Ruijsenaars, W. Schweiger, S. Thaller, K. Unterkofler, and R. Wrist, all of whom offered valuable suggestions and pointed out several mistakes in the manuscript.
I dedicate this book to my wife Sigrid and to my ten-year-old son Wolfgang, who helped me to write the computer program producing Fig. 7.1.
Graz, October 1991
本书产生于1986-1988年期间我在柏林Freie大学和格拉茨Karl-Franzens大学几个讲义。原稿的部分章节已经由几位同行认真阅读并且我已经收到一些有价值的注释。我尤其感激W. Beiglb6ck, W. Bulla, V. Enss, F. Gesztesy, H. Grosse, B. Helffer, M. Klaus, E. Lieb, L. Pittner, S. N.M. Ruijsenaars, W. Schweiger, S. Thaller, K. Unterkofler, and R. Wrist,他们提出有价值的建议并指出了原稿中的几处错误。
Bernd Thaller
根据几位书友的批评指正,修改了连载译文《狄拉克方程》序言中的若干错误。当然还有其它需要改正的地方,也请大家不吝指正。全部序言合并在下一贴中。http://www.readfree.net/bbs/read-htm-tid-4460235.html 老先生的贴,顶一回。 http://www.readfree.net/bbs/read-htm-tid-4460235-fpage-2.html