“近视”种种时间: 2007年04月27日 23:47作者:来源:中国日报网站其实,若让说“近视”的英文表达,似乎难不倒大家——“near-sightedness!” 不过,前阵子在医院里,我被一位医生给问住了,她问 —— 什么是“myopia”。看下面这段外电报道,但愿您别像我一样,只知道“near-sightedness”,而不知何谓“myopia”。
Chinese children have grown taller and heavier in recent years but their health is getting worse.
Obese schoolchildren are increasing in numbers swiftly, and the percentage of myopia remains high … China now has the world's second highest myopia rate among schoolchildren, blamed in part on too much study, and obesity among the young has become a major health concern.
显然,报道中的“myopia”指的就是“近视”,是医学用语。俗语中,我们常用“nearsightedness”或“short sight”表达“近视”。
此外,“myopia”也可引申指“目光短浅”,如:political myopia(政治上的短视)、spiritual myopia(精神上缺乏远见)。