ganggs 发表于 2007-5-28 17:50:02

Mary has my full confidence.


  名词confidence有两个主要的意思:对自己的信心,自信(A feeling of assurance, especially of self-assurance.);对别人的信心,信任(Trust or faith in a person or thing.)。这句中使用的是后一种含义。

  再如,I have every confidence in your ability to succeed.

ganggs 发表于 2007-5-28 17:50:45

He is just a whipping boy in this accident.


  whipping boy最初指的是,封建时代,为王子或贵族伴读的男孩,因为王子或贵族做错了事而代为受鞭打。如今,大多只使用它的比喻意:充当替罪羊的人或物,代人受过。这个短语在实际生活中用的很多。

  We're very much a whipping boy in the academic community.

ganggs 发表于 2007-5-30 23:11:15

Justice has long arms.


  名词arm有两种比较常用的含义:手臂;武器或武装。这个句子中,使用的是第一种含义的引申意思,英文的解释是“power or authority”(权力或权威)。中文中也有类似的表达,当我们说一个人“胳膊长”的时候,意思是这个人管的多。句子的字面意思是,正义的手臂很长,就是说,作奸犯科的人最终是逃不掉的,相当于“天网恢恢”的意境。

ganggs 发表于 2007-5-30 23:12:06

He was afflicted with cancer.


torture,agonize,rack等等。他们的核心意思都是“to bring great harm or suffering to someone”。其中,afflict加上介词with,再加上某种疾病,就成为“患某种疾病”的婉转的说法。

  再如,He is afflicted with rheumatism. 他有风湿病。
     She was afflicted with conscience. 她受良心的谴责。

heathy 发表于 2007-5-31 18:50:28

A good education gives a man a great pull.

这句话中的pull有着其特殊的用法。Pull通常情况下都做动词,有拖、拉、牵的意思;但是这里的pull是名词用法,它的意思是influence, informal special influence that gives you some advantage(有利条件,影响力)。这句话说明了一个人的成才除了会受到先天的影响,后天的良好教育也是必不可少的。

momo520 发表于 2007-6-2 00:18:47

I'm running late. I really need to hit the road.

“running late”是快迟到了的意思。“Hit the road”的“hit”有“去”的意思。好比某人每周去健身房三次,你就可以说“He hits the gym three times a week.”“I really need to hit the road.”还可以用说成“I really need to get going.”

heathy 发表于 2007-6-2 00:30:12

A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams (J. Barrymore)
as long as是经常用的连接词,有两个意思。第一种表示既然、由于,同since接近,比如As long as you've offered this sports car, I'll accept it.既然你要给我这辆跑车,我就接受了。第二种意思表示只要,引导条件状语从句,这种意思较第一种常见,也就是格言中的用法。
例如,I'll let her go as long as you give me ten thousand pounds.只要你给我一万英镑,我就放了她。这时,往往可以用provided that替换。I'll let her go provided that you give me ten thousand pounds.但显然,provided that要正式些。
这句话中还有一个词组:take the place of,它的意思是代替,这里的the一定不能省略。例如:The computer is taking the place of TV in our lives.再例如: The word "replace" could take the place of "take the place of" in the above example.是不是有点糊涂了?在上面的例句中,take the place of也可以用replace代替。

ganggs 发表于 2007-6-4 00:25:56

My father means what he says.


  动词mean,“意欲,打算”,mean what one says,表示是认真说的,并不是言浮于事、说说就算的,而是真的会去做。口语中还经常用到另一句话,也和这个动词有关:You don't mean to say so! (你不是这个意思吧! 真的吗?)

ganggs 发表于 2007-6-4 00:27:36

Is it a bit over the top?


  俚语over the top,表示超过了某个限度,有些让人不可接受。英文的解释是“surpassing a goal or quota”。电影的情节是,电视里英国首相布莱尔发表演说,赞颂去世的黛安娜王妃,使用一些很大的词汇,比如“人民的王妃”,“英国人民爱戴她”之类。这时候,一个在电视机前的普通观众问出这句话:A bit over the top, don't you think? (有点过了,你不觉得?)

heathy 发表于 2007-6-4 00:54:34

A penny saved is a penny earned.
据说这是Ben Franklin 的引语。照字面意义是:能存一分钱,就是赚了一分钱。后来有人改口说: Take care of your pennies(=pence)and the pounds (=dollars)will take care of themselves. 说白些,就是: If you save small amount of money, you will eventually have a large sum of money. 就是中国人所谓「积少成多,集腋成裘」。(这句话也可指小事谨慎,大事自成。)

ganggs 发表于 2007-6-6 16:54:42

He has changed his tune.


  词组change one's tune,意思是“改变观点,改变立场,改变态度”。其实,如果使用tune的原意“曲调,调子”把这个句子直译成“他改变腔调了”也是可以的,甚至更生活化、口语化。
  例句:Why are you changing your tune? 你为什么要改变立场?

ganggs 发表于 2007-6-6 16:57:11

She is soundly asleep.


  最重要的是理解副词soundly在这个句子中的意思。sound作为名词,最为我们熟悉的是“声音”的意思;但作为形容词,还有许多其他的含义。在这个句子中,sound的意思是,完全彻底的,充分的,不被打扰的。英文的解释是“deep and unbroken; undisturbed”。由于asleep是形容词,所以在句子中使用sound的副词形式soundly。

  Sleep tight! 睡个好觉!(是预祝性的,在对方睡之前说)(参考4月25日每日一句)
  She is soundly asleep. 她睡得很香。(是同时性的,描述睡觉的状态)
  She slept well. 她睡得很好。(是回顾性的,是睡醒之后评价她的睡觉质量的)

heathy 发表于 2007-6-6 23:28:47

Better to complete a small task well, than do much imperfectly.---- Plato
   task means a piece of (esp. hard or unpleasant ) work that has to be done.必须做的工作(尤指困难的或讨厌的)任务。例如:Perform the gruesome task of identifying the dead bodies.执行辨认尸体这可怕的任务。Becoming fluent in a foreign language is no easy task, i.e. is difficult.熟练地掌握一门外语是一项艰苦的工作。
  task somebody with something means give something to somebody as a task,将某事作为任务交与某人。
  task force means a group of people and resource specially organized for a particular ( esp. military ) task,特派组,特遣部队。
  taskmaster means a person who is strict in making others work hard.监工

ganggs 发表于 2007-6-8 16:48:56

He decided to bring a suit against his boss.


  第一,名词suit一个比较重要的意思,就是“起诉,诉讼,控告”(a court proceeding to recover a right or claim);
  第二,固定表达bring a suit against sb,意思就是“控告某人”。还有一个经常用到suit这个意思的词组be at suit,就是泛泛地说“打官司”或“官司缠身”。

ganggs 发表于 2007-6-8 16:50:25

I had to sit up all night writing the report.


  动词词组sit up除了本意“坐起来”以外,还有一个比较常用的意思“熬夜”,英文的解释是“To stay up later than the customary bedtime”。
  例句:Do you always sit up all night playing online games? 你经常熬夜玩网游吗?

heathy 发表于 2007-6-8 19:18:41

A light heart lives long. ----- Shakespeare
a light heart是指豁达的意思。
  关于a light,还有其他的短语,例如:a light hand,熟练的手艺;a light purse,贫困。我们再来看一下一些相关的句子。
  A heavy purse makes a light heart.  袋里有钱,心里不慌。
  A light purse is a heavy curse.    为人无钱处处难。
  A light purse makes a heavy heart. 为人无钱心事重。

ganggs 发表于 2007-6-10 11:22:05

Packaging has a close bearing on sales.


  名词bearing,在这句中的意思是“关系,影响,意义”(relevant relationship or interconnection),来源于动词bear的一个含义“有关系”。表示与某事、某物有关系,需要使用介词on。

ganggs 发表于 2007-6-10 11:22:56

Don't be so upset, look at the positive side.


  一句劝解人的话。形容词positive,积极的,正面的。形容词upset来源于动词upset的含义:打翻,弄糟,使沮丧;英文的解释是“Having been overturned”;“In a state of emotional or mental distress”。

juju123 发表于 2007-6-10 13:26:12

He got the wooden spoon in the competition.


Wooden spoon从字面意思来看,非常简单,就是“木质的勺子”,但是人们往往用它的引申义—-“末等奖”。这个引申义的来历可以追溯到19世纪早期英国剑桥大学的奖励制度。
  Bob got a wooden spoon in the most beautiful Garden Competition.(鲍勃在评选“最美花园竞赛”中获最差奖。)
  The person who finishes last in this competition will be granted a wooden spoon. (在此项比赛中最后一名的人将被授予最差奖。)

juju123 发表于 2007-6-10 13:28:15

The new leader is a force to be reckoned with.


“force”的意思是“力量”,也可以指一个团体、事物或个人;“reckon”在这里的意思为“认定”。“a force to be reckoned with”是形容“有成功的条件而值得注意的人物、团体”。来看一个例句:
The new company will be a force to be reckoned with in the future.
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