很牛的英文学习资料——中英文混合阅读这也是学英语的一个好方法,现推荐给大家,如果认为好请支持一下。 杨家有daughter初长成,养在deep闺人未识。 有意思 thank you so mcuh 谢谢楼主分享,顶一下 thank you a lot thanks 谢谢。。。 看的很费劲啊 This is really a way. But it should never be taken seriously. Anyway, English should be learned in the English way of thinking, that is why our teachers always told us to forget Chinese in the way of learning. What you learned should be used spontaneously, it shall never be a code transmitting. 就培养英语思维方式的角度来讲, 此书不好 绝对是垃圾