Programming Embedded Systems in C and C++This book introduces embedded systems to C and C++ programmers. Topics include testing memory devices, writing and erasing Flash memory, verifying nonvolatile memory contents, controlling on-chip peripherals, device driver design and implementation, optimizing embedded code for size and speed, and making the most of C++ without a performance penalty.
本书中的技术和范例代码均可直接应用于各种实际的嵌入式系统项目。有过嵌入式系统开发经验的读者,也将从中获益匪浅。 本书内容包括: 快速有效的测试存储器芯片 如何写入和擦除快闪存储器 用循环冗余校验码验证非易失性存储器数据 与芯片的内部外设和外部外设接口 设计和实现设备驱动 优化嵌入式软件 最大限度高性能的应用C++特性 本书适用于嵌入式系统程序员、设计师和项目管理人员 μC/OS-Ⅱ——源码公开的实时嵌入式操作系统
【原书名】 μC/OS-Ⅱ:the Real Time Kernel
μC/OS-Ⅱ是源码公开的实时嵌入式内核,其性能完全可以与商业产品竞争。自1992年以来,全世界成千上万的开发者已经成功地将μC/OS-Ⅱ应用于各种系统。本书由μC/OS-Ⅱ内核的作者撰写,通过大量的源代码,讲述了内核的设计和创建,以及多任务实时系统的原理。 本书适合嵌入系统开发人员阅读,也可作高校计算机相关专业嵌入系统课程的教材。 嵌入式系统的C语言设计
本书适合于从事嵌入式研究的相关技术人员使用。 Programming Microsoft 嵌入式系统构件(原书第2版)
又名: Embedded Systems Building Blocks,Second Edition
本书介绍了构建嵌人式系统的一些通用模块,如键盘扫描器、显示器接口、计量器和输入/输出。大部分代码都是用可移植的C语言编写。与第1版相比,第2版对所有的代码和例子都用作者自己设计的一个实时操作系统μC/OS—II进行了修改,并用Borland C/C++的编译器V 4.51代替V 3.1。 本书适合于计算机专业本科生、研究生、嵌入式程序员以及其他对嵌入式系统感兴趣的技术人员参考。 嵌入式Linux设计与应用
本书是根据编者实践经验而精心编制的一本关于嵌入式Linux的入门、应用开发及提高的参考书,无论是刚入门的新手,还是有丰富编程实践经验的开发人员,都会从本书中得到启示。对于从事嵌入式系统开发与应用的科研人员、高校相关专业师生,本书也是一本具有较高实用价值的自学参考书。 关于实时性的
Real-Time Concepts for Embedded Systems
URL: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect?tag=songstech-20&path=ASIN%2F1578201241
Master the fundamental concepts of real-time embedded system programming and jumpstart your embedded projects with effective design and implementation practices. This book bridges the gap between higher-level abstract modeling concepts and the lower-level programming aspects of embedded systems development. You gain a solid understanding of real-time embedded systems with detailed practical examples and industry wisdom on key concepts, design processes, and the available tools and methods.
Delve into the details of real-time programming so you can develop a working knowledge of the common design patterns and program structures of real-time operating systems (RTOS). The objects and services that are a part of most RTOS kernels are described and real-time system design is explored in detail. You learn how to decompose an application into units and how to combine these units with other objects and services to create standard building blocks. A rich set of ready-to-use, embedded design >building blocks< is also supplied to accelerate your development efforts and increase your productivity.
Experienced developers new to embedded systems and engineering or computer science students will both appreciate the careful balance between theory, illustrations, and practical discussions. Hard-won insights and experiences shed new light on application development, common design problems, and solutions in the embedded space. Technical managers active in software design reviews of real-time embedded systems will find this a valuable reference to the design and implementation phases.
已达附件上限,还剩part10和part11明天再传 嵌入式系统开发----据说很有钱途的行当! 嵌入式资讯网