How to become a true Ph.Doctor
**** Hidden Message ***** 搂主用英语写东西倒是一个锻炼英语的好方法,这些天小r也在琢磨如何将自己的英语水平提高,搂主的方法也不失为一个好办法。 谢谢楼主支持,但是请楼主注意没有特殊情况不要加密 How to become a true Ph.Doctor请在baidu搜一下就知道满天飞了,说真的,我也不知此文谁是第一作者。 给与楼主1点威望是希望楼主能给大家带个好头,多用英语写点文章,锻炼和提高大家的英文水平为出发点的,想必楼主已经收到了我的咨询是否原创的短信。请楼主速速修改文章并注明出处,一并谢谢lenin的支持。 it must hurt me when some say it's not original.
i am innocent. and what can i explain?to whom? and how?
such thing happen again and again. someone said my thread 你凭什么埋怨这个社会?at is a copy.
it's not fair.
all that i can say is, dear moderator, the future history will test all 希望你在园地过的愉快,呵呵,以后还是用英文吧,看得很舒服~~~哈哈。 我看了一下,网上该文很多,但是大多数发的网名都与楼主差不多,或许冤枉楼主了。这样,请楼主提供你第一次发此帖的网址,若查证该文确实没有比更前的时间,自然是原创的,我愿意向楼主道歉。 1 why such problem arise?
Currently, my most favorite Chinese BBS sites where database passwords perhaps are available are as follows.
3.5网上读书园地论坛 185254search
3.5零点花园 32633search
3.5代理中国论坛 183804search
3.3中国生命科学论坛 326384search
3.3小木虫 190369search
3.3博研联盟 16902search
3.3丁香园 500323search
Most often the Chinese BBS sites where I send my threads limit to those listed in the table, but I can’t guaranty because too many excellent sits exist and will emerge, and some, as we know, washed out.
2 is it reasonable?
That a same thread is sent in not very many different BBS sites at a time, I think, is fair and reasonable. To prove it, I put forward three things as below.
(1) Every BBS site is different to one another in term of management thinking, but the goal why a member sends a given thread is the same. Take my thread for example, I hope that all Ph.Doctor candidates around china or even in the whole world will be successful. But not all of them know of the forum readfree, many of member reading for a Ph.Doctor degree like me fail to access the thread because of low right. So it’s fair and reasonable, and to some degree, is necessary.
(2) that how to evaluate a same thread varies very much from one moderator to another, but nearly all members (I’m not an exception) are eager to be encouraged for more right in a given forum, by the moderator as well as the other members. As a matter of fact, there exist so many uncertainties in various forums that it’s hard for us members to forecast what will be the return, which make it possible to send a same thread in several forums. The example mentioned above is one in point. The moderator gave me a prestige (sorry I don’t know how to say weiwang exactly) as encouragement. However, most other forums let me down. Some Stat. results for today are listed below.
How to become a true Ph.Doctor
How to become a true Ph.Doctor
作者:liangduoqiang浏览:5回复:0→2006-4-1 9:38:00
How to become a true Ph.Doctor
0721/4/2006, 08:47
(3) One’s life is limit, no exception to members in the forums, esp. the excellent forum like readfree. Take me for example; I must study 14 hrs or more everyday, no entertainment, no woman, and no cry. No, nothing. Though it’s not very honest to send a same thread in several different forums, in other words, it seems that I fouled the word original. But whether or no, the fact is the thread is created by my many years’ thinking and send by me first, and my goal is help for us Ph.Doctor candidate as well as other learners. What’s not original, what’s a copy? The thread as a copy, to my viewpoint, is like those listed as below.
[楼 主] | Posted: 2006-04-02 15:54
[楼 主] | Posted:2006-04-01 11:16|
Posted: 2006-04-02 15:54
Those threads are the same to but a little later than mine ( Posted: 2006-04-01 09:40).
3 my statements
Three statements I should make are as below.
(1)I must be great grateful to those copied my thread just because of they think well of it
(2)I should respect them for their sharp sigh and good English
(3)To set up a better process flow for evaluating threads or moderator is greatly recommendable, though it requires continuous effort.
4 supplement
(1)There are many errors in translated thread since my English needs improvement. For example,
Army soldier-------army sergeant
Such thing mention above will never happen ------- such thing mentioned above will never happen
(2) The original idea of the thread is as follows.
e)所有客观的都是有规律的。每一件事都有规律,所以你做每一件事都应该有个次序,不断完善的流程让你不断趋于完美,要知道,有突出优点又无短板的人生是多么的灿烂。 to be frankly, it took me great effort to preparethe thread sent above because i take it very important and think it seriously. as we know, such high level of the management as Robertchrs,长歌-废墟,lenin have viewed it. 我今天去别的网站证实了一下,确实是楼主原创发的,在这里我向楼主道歉,欢迎楼主继续支持读书区,希望你在这玩的愉快 偶也发帖欢迎兄台到来~~~~希望您在这里过得愉快~~~顺便也代表野人版欢迎一下。