littlekid 发表于 2006-3-31 21:14:41


Ex Ante/Ex Post

If I had to select only one theoretical tool for a first-year law student to master, it would be the ex post/ex ante distinction. (Of course, this is cheating, because there is a lot packed into the distinction.) The terminology comes from law and economics, and here is the basic idea:

The ex post perspective is backward looking. From the ex post point of view, we ask questions like: Who acted badly and who acted well? Whose rights were violated? Roughly speaking, we associated the ex post perspective with fairness and rights. The ex post perspective in legal theory is also loosely connected with deontological approaches to moral theory. In general jurisprudence, we might associate the ex post perspective with legal formalism.

The ex ante perspective is forward looking. From the ex ante point of view, we ask questions like: What affect will this rule have on the future? Will decision of a case in this way produce good or bad consequences? Again, roughly speaking we associate the ex ante perspective with policy and welfare. The ex ante perspective in legal theory is loosely connected with consequentialist (or utilitarian or welfarist) approaches to moral theory. In general jurisprudence, we might associate the ex ante perspective with legal instrumentalism (or legal realism).

Of course, this very basic introduction to the distinction is oversimplified. For example, a fairness-based theory of torts might consider future consequences in assessing legal rules, and even utilitarian legal theories must use ex ante information when evaluating particular cases.

Why is the distinction between ex ante and ex post so important? Because it marks an important theoretical divide between consequentialist and deontological approaches to legal theory. Consequentialists, we might say, simply don't care about the question whether A has violated the rights of B, for their own sake. Rather, a consequentialist cares about the consequences of attaching liability to those who act like A did. Ex ante, is a strict liability rule or a negligence rule more efficient? Deontologists, on the other hand, care very much about who has acted rightly and wrongly. In tort law, for example, corrective justice theories of tort are associated with the ex post perspective. A should be liable to B, only if A has acted wrongly.

If you are a first-year law student, you might make a habit of asking yourself questions like the following:

Is the rule in the case I've just read, just or fair from an ex post perspective?

Will the rule produce good consequences (as compared to the alternatives) from an ex ante perspective?

sdwzk 发表于 2006-4-4 10:41:15



littlekid 发表于 2006-4-4 13:23:42

引用第1楼sdwzk于2006-04-04 10:41发表的“”:




再多说几句题外话。其实我们可以试着(并无严格学术论证,只是一种可能)解构朱苏力强调的——“波斯纳是引用量最大的学者” 推出 “波斯纳学说很优秀” 这个命题。这一推理错误,理由在于:

其一,波斯纳的很多学说都是悖离一般人的常识(common sense)以及一般的理论上的通识的,正是这种愤世嫉俗,导致了很多学人无法对他的胡说八道保持缄默;其二,波斯纳——作为一个法官——底子里的极端右派倾向,引起很多相反政治立场者的批判;其三,波斯纳把他的经济分析方法应用到所有法学领域(甚至还包括公共生活、文学批评这些领域),那么不管哪个领域的研究者都会遇上这家伙的极端的看法,无法视而不见;其四,学术引用总是选择最极端最典型的言论,波斯纳无疑又是不二人选。


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